3:7 Distractions

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Part Three: The Impossible

Chapter Seven: Distractions

My hearts dropped at the man's words. What did he mean by "take them both."? I glanced down at baby Cauden in my arms, who looked up at me with big curious eyes.

"See, I have a problem with that." My dad spoke up, shifting his weight. "This is a protected planet. You can't just steal children from here."

The man still smiled, running his.tongue along the sharp ridges of his teeth. "We shall take them both. We shall take both Gallifreyan children."

I backed up as far as I could, bumping into a wall. The man's grin didn't waver, and his eyes were freaking me out.

The man stepped into the room, his teeth flashing a bit in the light.

"Hey you! This way!" A voice yelled from the hallway, and the man stumbled forward a bit before he spun and ran.

~Cauden's POV~

I paced the length of the control room in the TARDIS, running my hands through my hair. I wanted, no needed to be out there, keeping Adrian safe. How was I supposed to protect her if I had to stay on the damned ship? I counted my steps as I paced.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Turn. Repeat.

I sighed. "What's taking them so long?"

"Cauden, dude. Calm down. The Doctor is out there too, she's alright." Kourtland grabbed my arm, but I yanked myself away. "You're not the only one worried. Jesse and I have friends out there too."

I sighed again and sat down on the floor. He had a point. But it was different with Adrian and me. I've known her my whole life. I buried my face in my hands, and barely noticed when Kourt sat next to me. I enjoyed the silence with my best friend for a few minutes.

"Oh hell..." he sucked his breath in, and I glanced over to see his phone.

I squinted at it, and could read the message from Calico: thrs a bad guy, we r stuck. Pls come help! He wants Adrian 2!

My hearts both skipped a beat, and I couldn't breathe for a minute. Adrian was in danger. I swallowed the lump in my throat and stood up, pushing my fingers through my hair.

"Aw shit... Cauden! You can't go out there!" Kourtland called at me, but I was already stepping outside. "Cauden, man! Come on, the Doctor won't let him have her! Shit."

His voice was cut off when the door shut, and I stalked down the road towards the hospital. I could see the building from here, so it wasn't hard to find.

I was inside in no time, and it wasn't hard to find the room Adrian and everyone were in; there was a man in the doorway, holding some sort of weapon. And sure enough, when I looked in, Adrian stood against the back wall with a bundle in her arms. Was that me? As a baby... I smiled. But then the man stepped forward, and my hearts thumped against my ribs.

No. He couldn't have her.

I ran forward and pushed him, making him stumble. "Hey you! This way!" I yelled and ran away, glancing back to make sure he followed.

Thankfully he took the bait and began chasing after me through the hallways and away from the others. At first I was able to keep a good distance between us but he seemed to speed up the longer we ran and for a minute I though he was actually going to catch me.

Luckily I found the staircase and burst through the door, sliding down the railing. I almost lost my balance, at first, but I was able to make it to the turn and land to start down the next flight.

I ran hard, finding it easier to run than before I died. I had so much more energy! I jumped down the last few steps and busted out the door, finding myself outside.

I really hoped this worked.

~Adrian's POV~

I blinked when the man ran out, my mind taking a minute to process what had just happened. Dad processed faster, spinning around and setting his hands on my arms.

"Get that child to the TARDIS, now!" He spun back around and went to my mum. "River, go with her. Take Cali and Ronnie. Get her to safety. If you have to leave me here, then do it."

"What, Dad, no!" I went to him, still holding baby Cauden close. "Dad, we can't leave you behind!"

He stayed silent and turned to Mr. and Mrs. Brisby. "We'll make sure your son is safe. And I'm very sorry for what I had to do to end the war."

"Come on, let's get out of here." Mum put her arm around me and gestured for Cali and Ronnie to follow. The nurse, who's name I still didn't know, started after us as well.

We ran back to the TARDIS, and I was never happier to see that beautiful blue box!

~Third POV~

the Doctor gave a pained smile at the couple in the room before racing out to follow the man who wanted his daughter. He held his sonic out in front of him as he ran, the device picking up a trace of the alien.

He rounded corners and sped down the wet streets, his shoes slipping just the slightest. He had to find him! He needed to know who had distracted the alien. He was sure it was someone he knew.

After quite a few blocks, it was apparent he had lost his chance to catch them. "Dammit!" He stopped and bent forward, resting his hands on his knees. He was soaking wet from the rain, and slightly out of breath. He grimaced and turned, straightening up. He ran again, straight to the TARDIS. He smiled a little at seeing it still there, and he opened the doors. Adrian stood directly in front of him, tears on her cheeks and fear in her eyes.

"Cauden's not here, Dad!"

~Thanks to HollyGummybear for helping me! XD

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