1:4 Still Innocent

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Part One: The Dead Rise

Chapter Four: Still Innocent

I followed Kourtland, Cauden and Ronnie closely as they crawled after the wire I had discovered. Kourtland shook his hair out of his eyes for the millionth time and sat back. "Why are we the ones on our knees?"

"Because I'm in a skirt, and I asked you to help me?" I smiled sweetly and crossed my arms. "And you'll be a hero if you help us find the source of that contraption."

"Good point." He grinned as he went back to chasing the wire.

It didn't take long to figure out that it went to a nearby house. The green wire turned gray, and was wired into a satellite dish on the roof. As soon as I spotted that, I spun around to see where my parents were. I spotted my mum walking to the contraption. "Mum! Over here!"

She looked up, shocked, before making her way to us. "Adrian. You-"

"That lever-filled box has a wire that leads to this house." I pointed out what I meant.

"That's weird." Her eyebrows scrunched and she leaned close to the house to see better.

"Isn't it?" I leaned closer as well, trying to think of why that wire would lead here. I heard a giggle and a click, and looked up to see Calico holding up a slim black... thing.

"You two looked so much alike right then, I had to take a picture!" She grinned and held up the other side, which showed a picture of my mother and me, looking like carbon copies minus the hair. Mine was a bit frizzy, but more like waves than curls.

I blinked and looked at my mother, who smirked. "Yeah, she's a real mini-me." I felt my cheeks become warm, and I smiled at her. I might not remember her, but it was clear she was my mother. "Feel better, now?"

I bit my lip and nodded. "Yeah. Especially now that I've got something to solve."

"Fun, isn't it?" I turned to see the Doctor, Amy and Rory standing there. Rory was eying my friends, a scowl on his face.

"Yes! Lots!" I laughed and gestured to my friends. "I had the guys follow the wire on the ground. It's wired into that satellite dish up there." I pointed at the dish.

"Yes. I followed it with my sonic. Strange..." he started circling the house.

"Isn't it?" I repeated and followed him, looking for a place to climbed up.

"Wait, you could have used your... sonic screwdriver to follow it?" Kourtland pouted,and I smirked.

"Guess so. Sorry. Thanks." I grinned and winked at Cali, who was trying not to laugh. I spun, suddenly remembering; "I need to change!" I jogged to the TARDIS, intent on finding a pair of pants. I went in, Calico on my heels, and went straight to the wardrobe. I rummaged around til I found a pair of black jeans, and kicked my boots off to put them on. I kicked my skirt off when the jeans were buttoned, and put my boots back on, tucking the jeans into the tops of them.

"Whoa! There's so many..." Cali spun around, taking in all the clothes, many from different eras and planets.

"Clothes? Yeah. Come on!" I grabbed her wrist and ran back to the house, finding a spot to climb up.

"You found the wardrobe by yourself?" The Doctor glanced at me.

"Oh. I guess I did! I didn't even think about it..." I looked at my jeans before I pulled myself up to the lowest roof, using the Doctor as a ladder. I made it to the roof where the satellite sat, and sat near the dish. I pulled out my sonic and aimed it, pressing the button. "Dad! There's something wrong..."

He was next to me in no time, scanning the satellite with his own sonic. "Yes, this is wrong. The wire... "

I leaned closer to the satellite and squinted. "Yes, the wire..." I tried to lean closer, and lost my balance. "Oh, hell!" I toppled over and slid, hit air, then something that did not feel like the ground.

"What the hell are you doing on my cousin's roof?" The thing I had landed on sounded grumpy, so I quickly rolled off.

"Sorry! Um..." I looked up and grabbed Cauden's hand. He pulled me up and I panicked, hiding my face in his chest.

"Yes, there was a problem with the satellite. I'm John Smith, from the cable company..." I peeked out to see my father flash a piece of paper at the man who had caught me. "And that's my assistant, Adrian Smith. She's shy."

I pushed away from Cauden, my cheeks really warm. "Um, yea, sorry." I avoided gazes, and elbowed Cali in the ribs. She was snickering at me. I started edging away, heading towards the three that were hurrying towards us.

"Adrian! Are you okay?" My mother got to me first, hugging me.

"What were you doing on the roof?" Amy was next, checking me over for injuries.

"What was the Doctor doing, letting you up there?" Rory pulled me away from my mother and looked me over before hugging me.

"Ah, I'm okay... can't breathe..." I pushed him away and took a deep breath. "I climbed up before dad could stop me. Then I fell off. I'm fine." I smiled and turned to find Cauden, Cali and Kourtland behind me. Behind them, Ronnie was staring intently at the man I had landed on. "So who is he?"

Kourtland glanced at the people behind him and stuck his hands in his pockets. "Jesse Cole, I think. He lived here a few years ago, and is probably visiting his cousins. He's 24, and would probably like Ronnie better than you. If you know what I mean." He winked and shook his head, grinning.

I cocked my head to the side and frowned. "No, I don't think I know what you mean."

Kourtland pulled out a slim black... object, a lot like the one Cali had earlier. He messed with it for a minute before holding it up. On it was two men, lips locked. He touched the surface of the device and another picture appeared, one of....I felt my cheeks grow warm yet again as I pushed the device away. "That's what I mean!" He laughed.

Cali smacked him and put her arms around me. "Kourtland! Don't corrupt her, She's still innocent!"

He just laughed harder. "Wha- what I mean is, Jesse likes di-" SMACK! he fell to the ground, still laughing.

"I'd thank you to watch your language, young man!" Amy scowled at the howling boy on the ground, hands on her hips.

~pic is Calico Emerson, courtesy of my dear younger sister

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