4:8 One Last Gift

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Part Four: Birthday Surprises

Chapter Eight: One Last Gift

I sat on the floor in front of Cauden, Cali and Ronnie on either side of me. The day had finally come; my birthday! I was finally eighteen, sort of. According to how long I've been alive, not the year.

"What do you want to open first?" Amy, my grandmother, smirked, raising an eyebrow. "You've got quite a few choices this year."

I tilted my head and pursed my lips, twirling a strand of ginger coloured hair around my finger. I pointed to the smallest package. "I'll start with that one." I decided, smiling. It was a small box, a little card that said 'Happy Birthday! From Kourtland.' attached to it. I ripped open the paper and opened the little box, grinning at the tiny charm inside. "This. Is awesome."

Kourtland rubbed his neck, glancing at Calico. "It's a phone charm. It lights up and everything."

"He designed it himself, sketched it out for the molder." Calico grinned, elbowing him in the side. "He's actually a formidable artist!"

I grinned in thanks and pointed out the next one, another small box. I opened the present and gasped at the silver locket inside. "Gram, this is amazing!" inside was a picture of mum and dad on one side and Gram and Gramps on the other.

"I'm glad you like it!" Amy grinned, looking satisfied.

The next one I opened was from Cauden, wrapped in simple brown paper. It was another jewelry box, containing a silver faux watch encased in a delicate silver covering. I leaned back to look at him, and his eyes were so filled with love...

Another package was placed into my hands abruptly, by Ronnie. He was grinning widely, and winked at me. I opened the paper and my cheeks immediately turned red. It was a Kamasutra book. "Seriously?" I mumbled, avoiding many gazes. He handed me another box, and inside I found a small figurine. "What's this?"

"It learns as you go. It's like a little companion." Ronnie grinned, flipping the box around to show me. The figurine looked like Vidia from Tinker Bell, and I grinned wide.

"Thanks. This is awesome." I nudged him over and he chuckled.

The next package in my hands was from Cali. Inside was a phone case that held a picture of me and her. I grinned, pulling my phone out to put it in. "It will change when you regenerate next. Well, it's supposed to." Cali laughed, leaned into me.
"That's really cool." I put my new charm on the case, setting them all aside. The next gift was from Jesse, and I suppressed my surprise. I didn't think he liked me enough to get me a card let alone a present. Inside the paper was a really nice frame and a picture of the all of us. The picture moved, showing Ronnie slinging an arm around my shoulder while Cali glomped onto me. Kourt was trying to pull Cali off, and Jesse was kissing Ronnie's cheek. Cauden stood behind me kissing my head. "Wow. Jesse, this is so astonishing!" I grinned at him while he blushed bright red.

I opened a katana from my parents and a giant stuffed panda from Gramps. One more package sat on the coffee table, with the address on it and my name. I opened the thick brown paper carefully, reading the note inside. 'Happy birthday! You'll see me soon. Stay strong. -J' I frowned and opened the jewelry box, lifting the delicate silver charm bracelet out. There was a little panda head, and tiny Hershey kiss, a little silver kitten and the letter A.
I studied each trinket, and scowled when the bracelet was snatched by my dad. He pointed his sonic at it and frowned. "It's just a normal bracelet. Who's it from though?"

"Does it matter? Dad, give it back. I like it." I pouted and held my hand out expectantly. I hooked it on my wrist when he finally handed it back (with help from a glare from my mum), reveling in the cool metal against my skin.


Gifts were stacked on a table, all opened, and the cake Amy had made was sitting on the counter in the kitchen, mostly gone. Laughter and chatter floated around, and I took a deep breath, enjoying the sight of my friends and family gathered around. We played video games until late, and eventually Amy and Rory kicked us out so they could sleep. I hugged the two goodnight before heading out the door behind my friends, carrying my new things with me.

We were back on the TARDIS for the night, seeing as there wasn't enough room at the Pond house for everyone. I smiled at everyone and bid them all goodnight, heading to my room. Cauden followed close behind, helping me to carry some of my gifts. He took my hand as we walked the maze of corridors, and I leaned into him. After a bit of silence, I broke it, glancing up at him. "This year was the best birthday I've had in a while." I said it quietly, but my voice still bounced off the walls a bit.

"Yea?" He smiled down at me letting my hand go to wrap his arm around me.

"Yea. Its fun with friends around." We walked in silence to my door, and I smiled at the sight of Cauden's door next to mine. The TARDIS had moved his room, and I knew my dad wouldn't like that much. I went to my door, opening it before turning back to Cauden. "Goodnight."

He handed me my stuff and pulled me close to kiss me, cupping my face in his hands like he does. "Goodnight, Love. Happy birthday."

"Aww." I pulled away to see Cali smirking at us, and I blushed.

"Shut up." I grumbled, failing to keep my smile off my face. "Night Cali." I went into my room and put my new stuff on the desk before going to my wardrobe, pulling out my PJ's. I went to the bathroom and showered before slipping them on, a plain white tank and black short shorts. There was a knock on my door then, and I answered it to find my dad and mum standing there, smiling at me.

"Did you have a good day?" My mum placed her hand on my arm.

"Yea, the best. Thank you." I smiled back at them and hugged them both.

"Don't stay up all night. New adventures start tomorrow." Dad kissed my head before he headed to his own room. He always said that, because that's what our life was. One adventure after the next.

"Right. Night dad." I waved and turned to mum. She was giving me that look. The I'm-your-mum-and-I-know-you're-old-enough-but-I-will-find-out look. I just smiled innocently at her.

"Adrian..." she sighed and hugged me tight, kissing my head like dad had. "I love you. Be careful." She mumbled the last part, and I fought to keep the blush from my cheeks.

"I love you too, mum. G'night." I pulled away and watched as she headed to my dad's room before I went in and locked my door.

I looked around my room and noticed that there was another door. If I was right, this wall was the one adjacent to Cauden's room...

I was proven right when there was a knock on the new door, and it opened to reveal the man himself. He wore a pair of black sweats, his hair mussed and his chest bare. "New door." He smirked, patting the door frame in thanks to the TARDIS.

"Yea." I smiled, running my hands on my tank I wore for bed.

Cauden padded his way to me, placing his hands on my waist. "Very convenient. This door." He leaned in as I leaned up, my hands on his chest.

"Yes." I breathed out the word, my hearts pounding in my chest as fast as I could feel his. I was lost in his brown eyes, and I could feel my mind connect to his. It is convenient. I heard his breath catch as we explored each other's souls, and I assumed he'd heard my thought. I tested my theory, thinking 'I love you.'

'I love you too.' The thought from him was as clear as if he had said it aloud, and I grinned.

I blinked, and noticed that our foreheads were touching. Our breaths mingled and his lips brushed mine, softly kissing me. His moved his hands around and pulled me closer as the kiss deepened, and I rested my arms on his shoulders. We sent each other thoughts of love, and he pushed me farther into the room. The door between our rooms clicked shut, and our hands explored each other's bodies. His fingers brushed the skin between my shirt and shorts and I shivered at the fire that they left.

He tugged my tank over my head, sending thoughts of love and appreciation. He ran his hands over the simple lace of my bra, trailing his lips down my neck as he lowered me to the bed. Our thoughts turned into images as we got heated, and the night stretched into a steamy, intimate exploration.


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