Part 4: Birthday Surprises; Chapter1: A New Adrian

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Part Four: Birthday Surprises

Chapter One: A New Adrian

I coughed and sat up, then stood up with the help of Cauden and my father. "Whoa, that felt weird..." I blinked. My voice sounded different... I looked down at my hands and noticed they were still slightly glowing gold. "Two hands, two feet..." I reached up and felt my hair, finding it long and loosely curly. I brought a lock of it to the front and grinned. "Brilliant! I'm ginger!"

"You're Scottish!" Cauden circled around me and I spun around to look at him.

"You're alright!" I jumped into him and discovered I was still a lot shorter than him. "Thank God..." he hugged me tightly.

"That is so unfair! Why do you get to be ginger?"
My dad pouted, his arms crossed over his chest.

I pulled away from Cauden and went to the Doctor, hugging him. "Sorry dad, it wasn't on purpose you know."

He hugged me tightly as well, kissing my head. "I am so so sorry, Adrian."

"What are you sorry for? I'm alright, aren't I?" I pulled away and smiled, looking around. "How do we get out of here?" I smiled wider, loving my new accent. I sounded like my grandmother!

"Ah, yes. How..." my dad looked up, and scanned the area with his sonic.

I spotted the rope and tugged on it, testing it's strength. "What if I climb up, and pull you guys up? Or can you climb up as well?" I started up before either one of them answered, stopping a few feet up as pain gripped my body. I coughed hard for a moment, gripping the rope for dear life. A golden mist drifted into the air, and I remembered the last time Dad had regenerated. So this was normal.

I made it up the rope and onto the ground level in no time. I turned to see Cauden climbing up behind me, my dad not far behind him. "We can climb up ourselves." Cauden smiled.

"What's up the ladder?" I looked up the ladder, trying to see the top.

"The Daemon's spaceship." My dad straightened his bow tie, a guilty look on his face.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I cocked my head to the side, my hand testing on the ladder.

"Cauden's parents are up there..."

Again, I didn't listen for long before I took off up the ladder. "Adrian! Wait!" Cauden yelled up at me and I stopped, looking down. "We can't help them. We need to get out of here. They sacrificed themselves so we could get away safely."

I climbed back down and stood in front of Cauden. "I'm sorry. I guess it wouldn't do me any good to get captured, would it?"

"No. Let's go." He grabbed my hand and we went outside.

It had finally stopped raining, but there were still dark clouds in the sky. We walked down the street towards where we had the TARDIS parked.

Then pain wracked through my body again. I fell to my knees, clutching my stomach and coughing violently, another golden mist drifting from my lips. "This... this is rough..."

"Are you alright?" Cauden asked as he helped me up and wrapped his arm around me. I nodded and we continued walking.

My father was silent as we walked, and kept glancing at me. "Dad, is everything alright? I don't look hideous or something, do I?" My hearts quickened at that thought.

"No no. Just different. Your mother is going to kill me." He smiled and sighed, pushing a hand through his hair.

I frowned. Mum was going to kill me, too. I promised her I'd stay safe. Instead I'd almost died and regenerated into a different person. And what about my friends? They knew me as the previous me, would they hate me now? And Cauden....

"Stop worrying, Love. Everything will be fine." Cauden smiled when I looked at him. "One thing hasn't changed, I can still read you like a book."

I blushed. "Sorry. This is my first regeneration. At least you still look the same." I tossed him a glance and caught the sight of a lock of my hair. I needed a mirror...

"What day is it, according to the phone I gave you, Adrian?" My dad suddenly blurted out, spinning around to face us.

I jumped and dug in my pocket for the smartphone he had given me a few days ago, looking at the date. "Um, the sixth day of the tenth month..."

"Just four says..." dad turned back around, his hands behind his back, and continued down the street.

"Four days til what?" Cauden looked down at me, confused.

I grinned up at him. "My eighteenth birthday, of course. I almost forgot!" Cauden grinned and kept staring at me a moment. "What?"

"I love your new accent." He chuckled.

"Me too." I grinned again and looked forward, finding Ronnie, Jesse, Cali, and Kourtland all waiting for us where the TARDIS should have been. "Hey guys. Where's the TARDIS? And Where's my mum?" Pain ripped through me again, and I clutched onto Cauden as I coughed out more golden stuff. "Ugh, that hurts..."

"Oh my God, what happened!?" Cali ran to me and looked me over. "Adrian? Is that you?"

I smiled. "Yea. I fell down a hole." My smile turned onto a grimace. "That hurt too... I regenerated..."

"You're Scottish!" Ronnie laughed, pulling me to him for a hug. "Nice!"

I laughed too, pushing him away. "Ow, Ronnie, I can't breathe..."

"Yes, careful with her." My dad smirked. "She's still cooking."

Then, Cauden grinned at our friends, a gleam in his eye. "Adrian's birthday is in four days."

~pic is Adrian's new look, if you haven't figured that out XD

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