1:7 Remember

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Part One: The Dead Rise

Chapter Seven: Remember

It was dark. Dark, and quiet. I looked around, trying to see where I was at. I didn't recognize any of it. It seemed to be a room...

It was the common room, of the orphanage I lived in for the first fifteen years of my life. I remembered that. The other kids made fun of me. My mother was in Stormcage when I was born, and I was taken from her. She got me back when she was pardoned, finally.

Images flashed before my vision. Images of my life, of my mother. When I first saw her when I was five, and they'd let her out for a short while. Well, my dad had busted her out for my birthday. We'd eaten strawberry cake and vanilla ice cream, and my favourite food, fish sticks in custard. That's Daddy's favourite too.

Images of when I'd finally been able to live with my mum. We'd celebrated the occasion by painting our rooms. Hers was TARDIS blue, and I'd painted mine a deep red.

Images of when I first met my dad, or rather, when my dad first met me. He'd been so young then, wearing a trenchcoat, with short brown hair and brown eyes. He'd taken me in, even though he didn't know me. He told me my mother was no longer of this world, and she had told him about me. It had taken me awhile to warm up to him.

Images of when we first met Amy, when she was seven years old. Dad had regenerated, becoming someone different. There had been a crack in Amy's wall, and Daddy had fixed it.

Images of when we'd first met Rory, when Prisoner Zero had been terrorizing the town. We had arrived twelve years later, instead of five minutes. Then we were gone two years. I remember I felt terrible about that.

Images of when I saw my mother again, and I cried. I had thought she was dead, completely gone. But I figured out, I couldn't tell her. This was a past version of her, before she had...

Image after image, just floating by, showing me the life I had forgotten. And I retained it. I remembered it all, when the image had gone.

I was having trouble catching my breath, and something was making me very cold. I looked down, and saw that my skin was a pale blue, like the dead people. A sob caught in my throat as tears welled in my eyes, and a white mist enveloped me. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I tried my hardest, opening my mouth.

A screen appeared, and I saw my parents. My grandparents. My friends. They all stood around, staring at me with sad eyes. I blinked and tried to reach for them. My hand rose, seeking comfort from my mum and dad. They all took a step back, and I forced my mouth open. My voice wouldn't work! Mum! Dad! I'm still here! Help me! Help me!

"He...lp.... mm... me!" I managed to croak out, and they all looked at me shocked. My lips moved, but I couldn't force anymore sound out.
The mist got thicker, obscuring my view of the screen. Another picture appeared, showing me a ghostly image of my family and friends. The mist swirled around them, sucking the life out of them. The picture shifted, showing me people from all over, suffering the same fate. I realized then, that all of Earth was in danger.

I still couldn't move, my muscles were like stone. Immoveable. I managed to close my eyes and focus. I thought really hard, trying to figure out how to save the people in this town. Save the people on this planet.

I strained my mind, trying to force my body to move. Finally, I moved. My knees buckled, and I hit the floor hard. The impact knocked the air out of my lungs, and with it, the misty alien that had taken residence in my body.

I opened my eyes, seeing the faces of my parents. I spent a minute breathing, and then I couldn't stop the smile that spread on my face. "Mum! Dad!" I laughed, tears in my eyes. "I remember! I remember all of it!"

~sorry it's short...

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