4:6 Ronnie and Jesse

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Part Four: Birthday Surprises

Chapter : Ronnie and Jesse

"Hurry up Ronnie!" Jesse dragged Ronnie along through the mall. "We have to both find something for Adrian before it gets too late!"

Ronnie groaned, his feet aching, although he grinned as well. He loved Jess, but this was the third mall they had found. "Babe, can we stop at the food court; my feet are killing me and I'm dying for something to drink. Anything, really. It could be piss warm for all I care."

Jesse grinned at Ronnie. "Well, we'll just have to test that theory a little later won't we?" He chuckled a little darkly. They circled to he ufdle of the mall to find something to drink while they rested their feet. They found a table for two and sat, ordering their drinks. "I wonder what the sign meant by 'Earth water'?" Jesse sipped from the bottle he had bought.

"I dont know babe, that is different." Ronnie drank from his own bottle, gulping it so that some spilled over. It ran down his chin and onto his neck.

"Damn that's sexy. You know how to say all the right things without even noticing, don't you Ronnie?" Jesse eyed his boyfriend as a female walked up to their table.

"Are you guys new here?" She asked when Ronnie smiled at her.

"Yeah, we are new. We're time-" Jesse started, only to be kicked in the shin by Ronnie.

"Well, I'm Gemma." The woman extended her hand to shake theirs.

"Nice to meet you Gemma. I'm Jesse and this is Ronnie." The man nodded his head, smiling warmly.

"I couldn't help but hear your conversation about Earth water. You really don't know what it's supposed to be?"

"No, we really don't, but this water is the best." Ronnie licked his lips with a smirk.

"Its the last of the water from First Earth. A ton of it was bottled up before First Earth died. Its the last thing left, besides a few plants and the humans that moved to other planets." Gemma giggled. She leaned towards the boys suddenly. "I feel like I've met you before." She squinted, then mumbled when something got in her way. "I can't see properly with this thing..." she removed a mask on a stick, the only features left were her eyes. She leaned closer to Ronnie. "Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?"

"No, no one really has except for my boyfriend." Ronnie gestured at Jesse. "So how in the world did you manage to do that?" He pointed to the half-face that was on a stick, the bottom of the stick resting on the floor.

"Oh you mean this old thing." She clunked the stick on the floor. "Well, long story short, I've been cursed to live this way for the rest of my life. My body will never be complete again." She frowned. "I did some... bad things a while ago."

"Damn that sucks." Jesse finally snapped out of shock a bit.

"Yea, it does suck." Gemma smiled half-heartedly. "So what are you two fine gentlemen doing here at the mall?"

"We're looking for birthday presents for a friend of ours. We've looked through three different malls and haven't found anything." Jesse sighed.

Ronnie groaned again. "That's 'cause you can never settle on anything. First it was a puppy, then it was a life-sized Cauden doll, and then there was that pleasure Droid three thousand. And you still can't decide on anything."

Gemma readjusted her face. "I have an idea boys, why don't I show you around? Maybe we can find something your friend will like." Ronnie and Jesse agreed and stood, following their new friend out of the food court. "Maybe you'll find something in here." She pointed to out a nearby store called 'Everlasting Memories'.

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