4:4 Face Your Fears (mini adventure with Cauden) part 1

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Part Four: Birthday Surprises

Chapter Four: Face Your Fears (mini adventure with Cauden) part 1

Caudens POV

I stood in the middle of the side walk, a few streets away from where we had all been seated. I wanted to find something special for Adrian but I wasn't even sure where to start. I've never really had anyone to buy a gift for so this was going to be difficult.

I began walking some more, stopping to check each window as I passed by. There were so many things to choose from but no matter how nice they were, nothing stood out. I wanted to get her something special, something no one else would think to give her.

I continued walking, heading the next street over. I was just rounding the corner when someone ran into me, knocking me back on the pavement.

"Ah hello! Sorry about that but I'm trying to find my friend. She ran off in this direction. Have you seen her?" He extended his hand out and helped me back onto my feet before he began to search his pockets. He wore a pinstriped jacket and tie, his hair was a bit of a mess, and his brown eyes looked everywhere as he went through his pockets. (A/N: that's right! It's Ten! XD)

"Her name's Rose. She has blonde hair and... Hold on I had a picture right here.." He continued to dig, pulling random objects out, throwing some to the ground and others he placed in different pockets.

"No I haven't. I'm not from around here, just stopping by to get a gift for a friend." I chuckled to myself as I watched his reaction to each object.

"Seems I've misplaced it... I'm the Doctor by the way, and you are?" I stared at him dumbfounded, trying to process all the possibilities of how the Doctor was standing in front of me when I had just left him with Adrian not even an hour ago.

"I'm Cauden, don't you remember me?" This time he was the one staring at me confused.

"You're not working for the Master, are you?" He squinted his eyes and raised his brow.

"The Master of what?"

"Never mind that." The Doctor slipped his hands into the pockets of his trench coat and instantly lit up.

"Ah ha! Here's the picture of Rose." He held it out to me and I took it, looking over the picture.

"No, I haven't seen her but I'm sure she hasn't gone too far. I'm not really having any luck with finding a gift for my friend so I'll help you. Maybe I'll find something along the way."

"Right then!" The man turned and pointed in what seemed like a random direction. "This way, I think!"

"You think? You're not going to get me lost, are you?" Not that it was that big of a deal, I could just call Adrian or someone to come find me... "why did your friend wander off anyway?"

"She saw something she wanted." He shrugged, said that explained everything. "I was distracted and lost sight of her." He mumbled something about silly humans and telling her to stay near while we walked, looking into every store we passed. "What's this, then?" He wandered into a store filled with small figurines, people and creatures of every kind on the shelves. "Hmmm. These are very lifelike..."

I put my hands behind my back and scanned over a few, recognizing a few of the more human-like figures. Or at least, what I knew of them. There were Nameplates below every one, and I read them as I passed by. "Amelia Earhart, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Benjamin Briggs, Agatha Christie, ..." these were all people that had mysteriously disappeared or couldn't be proven dead... "Rose... Hey, Um Doctor? What was your friend's full name?"

"Ah, Rose Tyler. Why?" He appeared beside me, peering at the little blonde figure on the shelf. "A little too lifelike..." he pulled out his sonic, which looked a bit different than the one I'd gotten used to, and scanned the figure. "Oh dear... this is not good..." he picked her up, and it dawned on me.

These weren't replicas. These were the actual people, shrunk down and somehow frozen! I glanced at the Doctor to see his face twisted in a mixture of pity and agony. "Doctor, how did they..." I couldn't finish the question.

"I'm not sure. Unless..." he whipped around and stalked to the counter at the back, fury now adamant on his features. "Fix my friend." He glared at the person behind the counter.

The person was not human, with blue skin, bright red hair and yellow eyes. He stood tall, the only clothing on him a loincloth covering his lower half. "I'm sorry. What do you mean?"

The Doctor set the figurine of Rose down on the counter, placing his hands on either side and leaning forward. "This human is my friend. Fix her."

"I cannot. She was overwhelmed by her fears, unless she can overcome them, she will stay that way. Would you like to purchase her?" The blue man smiled, his white teeth a shocking difference on his face.

"No no, not Rose, you don't understand!" He leaned even closer to the man, beyond pissed. "You can't just shrink people an sell them!"

"Yea, what the hell!" I chipped in, not wanting to imagine what these people were feeling.

"But we can." The man kept smiling, and I shivered. The last guy that smiled that much almost killed me, and had killed my parents. "And we do."

I scoffed and turned away, running a hand through my hair. I spun back around, but probably moved to fast because I was instantly hit with a wave of dizziness. I leaned against the wall a moment, shaking my head to dispel the light-headed-ness.

"Doctor, what are-" I found myself alone, even the blue man was gone. I blinked and turned to leave the store, thinking the Doctor had just left without saying something. He did that, sometimes. A person was Walking by, so I went to asked if they saw him. "He's about this tall, wearing a tie, possibly holding a figurine..."

I asked several others, and by the time I looked around I had no idea where I was. Except for by that damn store, and I gulped, reaching into my pocket for my phone. I unlocked the device, but nothing happened. The screen stayed black, and as I continued to try and make it light up, it dawned on me that it was dead. I swore at it, shoving it back in my pocket.

This wasn't good. I was lost, with no way to get a hold of anyone.... my hearts picked up speed as I fully realized my situation. I did not like to be lost.

~thanks to HollyGummybear for helping me finish this chapter! XD the pic is what Cauden found for Adrian. It's Needed for the next chapter but Oh well. Sorry for the long Wait..... part two to come soon XD

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