3:2 Miracle

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Part Three: The Impossible

Chapter Two: Miracle

Sorrow and despair hung in the air. We had made our way back to the TARDIS, and I stared emotionless at the center console. We had brought Cauden's body back with us, and were headed out into space to perform a funeral of sorts.

I had cried all my tears already, and was all dried up. Calico sat next to me, her arms around me. She was silent as well, having lost a best friend. Kourtland sat next to her, holding her hand. Ronnie sat on my other side, holding my free hand. My dad was driving.

We landed, and the doors opened, and I refused to look up as my dad, Ronnie and Kourtland lifted Cauden from the floor.

"Stop! You are about to make a big mistake!" I looked up and saw my mum, a panicked look across her features.

"River! Where did you come from?" My dad sputtered, and the guys laid Cauden back down on the floor. I scrambled for him, leaving Cali reaching to stop me.

"That doesn't matter right now. Just wait, and you'll see..." she pulled me back and wrapped her arms around me, just as Cauden's body convulsed.

"What's going on!?" I struggled to go to him, to stop whatever was possessing him.

"It's all right, my dear girl. Watch!" She tightened her grip.

We all watched as Cauden shook, then glowed golden. All exposed areas of skin glowed,  and his body went stiff suddenly. The glowing dimmed, and Cauden sat up straight, gasping.

"God that was rough!" He shook his head and jumped up, shaking himself. Everyone was so shocked, Ronnie didn't even make a 'that's what he/she said' joke. "Oh! I'm British! Let's see, two legs, two arms... got a mirror?" He spun around and took us all in. "What? Do I look weird or something?"

I opened my mouth, then closed it, opening it again. "Cauden... y- you were dead." My hearts pounded against my rib cage, and I tried to wrap my head around the fact that he was standing, alive!

"Oh. Yes, I guess I was." He ran a hand through his hair and grinned. "Not anymore, though." He looked around again. "Seriously, anyone got a mirror?"

"You look the same. Just... sound different." Cali laughed, and she and Kourtland ran forward to hug him. I was frozen in place. Even Ronnie walked forward and clapped him on the shoulder.

I finally found my legs and walked forward. One step at a time I approached him, shaking. "Cauden. You died, you... you left me..."

"Adrian, I-" he stepped around the others, meeting me halfway. "I'm sor-" he was cut off by a slap even I didn't expect.

I brought my now stinging hand down, and he swung his head back around to stare into my eyes. Tears now streamed, and I took a shaky breath. "If you ever scare me like that again, I'll kill you myself." I brought my hand back up and caressed the red mark on his cheek.

"I'm sorry. I'm not sure what happened. Last thing I remember, that monkey bloke was trying to shoot you..." he looked me over, and my hand slipped off his cheek.

"I'm fine." Was all I managed to choke out. I cleared my throat and tried again. "I'm okay, and so are you..."

He cupped my face, and I closed my eyes. "Yes. I'm okay. I'm sorry I scared you." His thumbs wiped the tears off my face and he leaned his forehead on mine. He kissed me, and I forgot my parents were right there watching. I kissed him back, clutching his shirt in my fists.

"I hate to break up this reunion, but..." my dad's voice cut through my senses, and I pulled away from Cauden.

"Right. Why did you regenerate?" I kept hold of Cauden with one hand and dug in my pocket for my sonic.

"Want, Adrian. I'm going to take him to the TARDIS's infirmary. This way, Cauden." my dad started down a hall, and Cauden kissed me quickly before following.

I spun and hugged my mum when they left. "Mum! Thanks for stopping them."

"You're welcome" she squeezed me tight and kissed my head.

We sat and waited for what seemed like hours before Cauden and my dad rejoined us. My dad looked around and stuck his hands in his pants pockets. He looked really excited, his grin stretching his face. "He's a Time Lord!"

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