3:8 Rain

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Part Three: The Impossible

Chapter Eight: Rain

~Adrian's POV~

"What do you mean, Cauden's not here?" Dad looked stunned and almost out of breath. My lip trembled and I scrubbed my face with my hands. The nurse had baby Cauden now, and was feeding him a bottle. "You just had him, didn't you?"

"Yea, no, baby Cauden's fine. My Cauden is gone! Kourtland said he ran out when he read a text from Cali on Kourt's phone." I took a step forward and rested my head on my father's chest, trying to hold back the panic that threatened to surface.

"Ah. Um, I'm sure he's alright." I sighed when I felt his arms wrap around me, holding me tight.

"Dad, what if they realize he's the one they want?" I squeezed my eyes closed and gripped his jacket in my fists. "What if they... hurt him?"

"See, that's why I told him to stay here!" My dad rubbed my back a moment before I found myself in my mum's arms. "Calico, you and that phone!"

I buried my face in Mum's neck, squeezing her tightly. "Mum, make him stop... it's not Cali's fault!"

"Doctor! We need to focus..." Mum tried to stop him, but he was ranting nonstop now.

"Wait! What could have distracted the Daemon? And that voice... It was familiar... No, it couldn't be... But yes! No... Ahh yes! That's insanely brilliant all while being completely reckless!" I glanced over to see him shoving his fingers through his hair while he paced, arguing with himself. He turned and left the TARDIS, his jacket flapping behind him.

"Mum, what-" I looked up at her to see her shake her head. "I have to go with him. I need to find Cauden." I pulled away and ran after my dad, not caring that it was still raining. I caught sight of Dad running ahead and pushed myself to catch up. After a few minutes, I started calling for him. "Cauden!"

I yelled for him until my throat was sore, and finally found him. Kind of. I ran straight into him, falling to the ground.

"Adrian! What are you doing, you're supposed to be getting away!" Cauden helped me up before enveloping me in his arms.

"No! I can't leave you here! I lo-" I stopped, burying my face in his chest as i squeezed him tight. I realized I had never told him.

I never told him I loved him.

"You what, Love?" He stroked my hair, as wet as it was. I gasped softly and shook my head, suddenly nervous. "Adrian? What is it?" He pushed me away from him and held my face in his hands, like he always did. I was forced to look into his warm brown eyes, seeing his worry.

My cheeks heated under his gaze and I licked my lips. "Um... Cauden, I- I love... you." My lip trembled while I waited for his reply, scared out of my mind that I would be rejected.

(/・ω・)/In the TARDIS \ (・ω・\ )

"Adrian! Dammit!" River song reached for her daughter as the girl ran off. She started after her before a cry from behind her stopped her in her tracks. She turned to see a fussy baby Cauden and relaxed a bit. Then she silently slipped out the TARDIS doors.

She jogged down the street, keeping her eyes open. The rain plastered her hair to her head, and she had to constantly wiped the rain out of her eyes to see. She finally spotted a familiar figure in the rain; the Doctor.

"Doctor! Where's Adrian?" She looked around and panicked when she didn't see her daughter.

"She's not with you? I left her on the TARDIS... " he shoved his hands through his hair and stuck them in his pockets.

River smiled, shaking her head. "She's just like you. And she's worried about Cauden." She grabbed his arms and pulled him close, kissing him. "Lets go find our daughter and get her back to safety."

(o^^)o Adrian's POV o(^^o)

My cheeks were warm and I was really nervous. Did I say it too soon? Did he love me too? What if he hated me?

All my doubts were shattered when he pulled me closer and kissed me. I sighed in relief and kissed him back, gripping his shirt in my fists. The world faded away, and it was just us.

Until it wasn't.

My eyes flew open when I felt him being ripped away from my arms. "CAUDEN!" I screamed for him as the white haired man, the Daemon, dragged him away. I felt hands on me, pulling me the other way. "NO!" I struggled to go to him, but arms wrapped around me tightly.

I barely noticed when my dad ran ahead, wrestling with the Daemon. I couldn't look away as the Daemon pulled free and ran, taking Cauden with him.

Lightening lit up the streets and thunder crack less than a second later. The rain poured harder than ever, hiding my tears. I sobbed, and found myself being carried away. I squeezed my eyes closed and buried my face in my mum's neck as the rain disappeared. A blanket was thrown around me and I curled up where I was.

"What happened? Where's Cauden?" I heard someone ask, but I couldn't distinguish the voice.

"He's still out there. We needed to get Adrian inside and safe." Someone answered, I think my mum. "The Doctor is out there, trying to help Cauden."

I pushed myself up, trying to stand up. "I I, I need to find him. Mum, I have to find Cauden!" I pulled on the blanket, but was having trouble getting it off. "I need... I..." I started sobbing again, and my mum pulled me close. "I can't handle him dying again. I can't!"

"I know, sweety, I know. He'll be alright. Your dad's going to save him." She held me close and stroked my hair. "Cauden will come back to you."

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