1:2 So Many People

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Part One: The Dead Rise

Chapter Two: So Many People

I shifted in my seat and grabbed the cup Rory had set in front of me. I sipped the fizzy drink through the straw and stood up. I did not want to be around when this went down. I licked my lips and went to the jukebox, looking to see if they had anything I had heard while I was still in that hospital. I found a song, and turned to ask someone for a quarter.

"That's what happened!? I had asked, and you said spoilers..." the blonde woman was standing near my supposed father, hands on her hips.

I sighed and leaned against the machine, sipping my drink. I watched them for a moment, these adults that I didn't remember. The Doctor looked sheepish and this River woman looked pissed as hell. Amy and Rory seemed to be attempting to calm the blonde down.

"Your parents divorced?" The girl that wore plaid sauntered up to me and leaned over.

I looked her over and shrugged. "I dunno. I've got amnesia. You think she's my mum?" I looked back at the others, who were all now talking very loudly.

"Well yeah. You look just like her." She smirked.

"Is this wacko bothering you?" I looked up to see the two guys standing in front of us. "Cause she'll stop." The one talking was the dark haired one.

"I'm not bothering her." The girl threw her arm around my shoulders. Which wasn't difficult, seeing as I was shorter than her. "Right? I'm Cali, by the way. Well, Calico. Calico Emerson."

"Um, Adrian, I think. At least, that's what they were calling me." I motioned to the Doctor and his friends.

The dark haired guy grinned and held out his hand. "Cauden Brisby." I stared at his hand.

"Kourtland Phillips." The other guy waved, grinning as well.

I smiled and sipped more of my drink. "Pleased to meet you. And no, you're not bothering me."

"Where are you from?" Kourtland cocked his head to the side, and my heartbeat sped up a little.

"Um, I have no idea, actually." I felt my cheeks get hot and I avoided their gazes. "I woke up two weeks ago with amnesia." I bit my lip and played with the straw in my cup.

"Hmm. Sounds British." Cauden crossed his arms and I could feel his gaze on my face.

"Actually, she's part Scottish!" Rory was suddenly next to me, my arm in his gentle grip. "Adrian, you shouldn't stroll too far off."

"Uh, sorry. Didn't think the jukebox was that far away." I managed a smile at my new friends as I was pulled away.

"And you shouldn't talk to people you don't know." He continued scolding me, and I felt an anger building. "They could be dangerous."

"I don't know you! How can you tell me who I can and can't talk to! I have no memory!" I yanked my arm away and glared at him, the Doctor, and Amy. "You're all strangers!" I felt tears in my eyes.

"Adrian..." the blonde woman reached for me and I pulled away.

"I don't know you." I shook my head and turned, leaving the building. Before I could stop them, tears spilled down my cheeks. I chewed on my lip and walked to a nearby table, sitting down and burying my head in my arms. I had myself a good sobbing, and didn't notice that anyone had followed me until I felt someone rub my back. I sat up and quickly wiped my hands down my face, trying to rid it of tears. I glanced over and saw the blonde woman. "So," my voice croaked a bit, so I cleared my throat. "So who are you to me?"

I could see her sad smile in the corner of my eye. "I'm your mum." She reached up and took a lock of my hair in her fingers, playing with it a bit.

I nodded, sniffling. "I'm sorry I don't remember. And I'm sorry I was rude, before."

"None of it was your fault! Dear girl, from what I heard, I'm just thankful you're alive!" She chuckled a bit, and I felt fingers on my cheek. She gently pulled my face towards her and I looked in her eyes. "You went through so much."

I managed a weak smile, even though my lip trembled. Ugh, I was so tired of all this bawling. I wondered for a moment, whether I cried this much before or not. "Did I? Every time I try and remember what happened, I get this splitting headache and I pass out. So I don't think about it." I rubbed my temple, feeling the ghost pain of the last time I tired to remember.

The woman, my mother, ran her fingers through my hair. She was staring off onto space for a moment, it seemed. Then suddenly, she was looking right at me again. "You know, you can trust us. Your father, and Amy and Rory. And me."I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat, and blinked back more tears. "We're all your family. Even the two crazy ones." She smiled warmly.

"What do you mean?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Amy and Rory are my parents. That's why they seem overprotective." She tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I scrunched my nose, confused. "I know they don't look old. They're not. It's..."

"A bunch of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff, right?" I looked up to see Amy standing there. My cheeks reddened at the thought that I had been rude to my grandparents, old or not. I looked back down at the table in front me.

"Right. A bit confusing, unless you've lived it." The two women shared a laugh, and Amy- my grandmother- sat on my other side.

"I'm sorry. Rory can be a bit, overwhelming. He doesn't mean to be." Amy put her hand on my arm and squeezed it.

I stayed quiet, playing with some of the zippers on my jacket. There were so many people in my life, so suddenly. It kind of made me nervous. I chewed my lip and stood up. "I'm... gonna go for a little walk. I won't go too far, alright? I just... need to think." I attempted a shaky smile and started down the street.

I found myself in a small park, with a swing set and a few other play equipment... things. I went to the swings and sat on the nearest one. My feet barely brushed the ground by the time I got on there, so I just sat.

"Hey baby, why the sad face, you know I could make you smile!" I started and looked to my right, seeing a man. He wore faded blue jeans and a gray wife-beater that hugged his torso.

"Excuse me?" I blinked. What the bloody hell was he saying?

He grinned and placed his feet on the seat of the swing next to me, standing up on it. "Yolo you know! Just saying! And I'll take care of you." He winked, his grin widening.

"What are you talking about?"  I scrunched my eyebrows and looked up at him, confused. Was this some sort of language?

He shook his head and chuckled, his eyes softening. "You're really... innocent, aren't you?" He swung himself down to sit on the swing. "I'm Ronnie Lyons." He held out his hand.

I saw a television program once, where someone did that and the other person placed their hand on the first person's. It didn't make any sense, but I decided to copy that and held my hand out. "Um, I'm Adrian."

He took my hand in his and squeezed it for a moment. "No last name?"

I shrugged and looked down at my boots. "I dunno. I woke up two weeks ago with no name. Then my supposed father showed up a few hours ago and... " I stopped, tears welling up. I pulled my hand away and gripped the swing's chains.

"And?" He prodded, trying to get more out of me. I shook my head. "So, you have no memory?"

"That's right. I don't know who I am, I don't know where I'm from. I don't know why I speak like this, while everyone else sounds different. Except my mum and dad and grandparents." I stopped and bit my lip, hating the tears that escaped and dripped off my chin.

"Hey! God, I didn't mean to make you cry!" Ronnie was suddenly in front of me, kneeling down and looking up at me. "Hey, Adrian, nevermind all that. You don't need to worry about your past, just focus on the now." He reached uo and wiped my tears away, and I felt my cheeks get warm. I swallowed back the tears and attempted a smile. "See? I told you I could make you smile!"

~the pic is Ronnie Lyons, courtesy of my good friend Aiden Cliff XD

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