5:1 Living

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Part Five: This Life

Chapter One: Living

~Adrian's POV~

I folded the last pair of trousers and put them in the drawer, humming as I finished my chores. I could hear the children laughing and playing, and I wished so dearly I could take care of them all for good. But most didn't stay, and they'd all be gone to another city before long. There was only one boy who stayed, and that's because my husband and I are the only ones he's ever known.

I caught my reflection in the looking glass above the drawers and sighed. My red hair was pulled up into a slightly sloppy bun, and my skin looked pale. I blamed the paleness on the glass and went to start supper before the kids came complaining.

My husband and I were lucky. We weren't rich, but we were far from poor. We had enough to live on, and enough to feed the children that were orphaned and on the run for one reason or another. It felt good to help them.

Our house was a simple two story, with two rooms upstairs and three rooms downstairs. My husband and I shared the smallest upstairs room, and the children spread out to the rest. I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, passing the six children that were currently staying with us.

Two of the boys, Adam and Anthony, broke off from the little pack and approached me, their little faces cleaner than when I first found them. "Missus Lyons, Adam an I are gonna head off." the older of the two stood tall, trying to hide his anxiety by looking tough.

"Alright. You boys send word when you reach where you're going, you hear? And be sure to find good jobs." I smiled kindly at them and patred theire cheeks. I turned and grabbed a knapsack I kept near the stove and handed it over. "Here's some bread and cheese to get you by for a few days. Make it last."

Adam took the sack and nodded, smiling back. "Yes ma'am." With tbay statement, the boys left, leaving me with just four children left.

The two girls and youngest boy ran by then, gathering at the door to wave off the older children. Rebekka and Laina, sisters by blood, stood hand in hand with little Dean in front of them. The little trio had become close recently, the girls becoming motherly when it came to the youngest charge of the household.

Then all too soon, the roudiness picked up again as Dean pushed past the girls to run into the other room. An object flew after him, and I turned to catch the culprit.

"John, could you not throw things at the other children?" I fixed my gaze on the four-year-old boy holding his pencil up. My voice stopped him dead in his plans, and he peeked up at me sheepishly. "Put your pencil down, please."

"Yes ma'am." The boy did as told and ran to my side, hugging my legs.

"Good. Now go on and play." I supressed a smile and patted his head, and he scampered off.

"The children still acting up?" My husband sauntered in, his dark hair short and amusement in his eyes. He took off his blacksmiths apron and wrapped me in his arms.

"I've got them sorted, don't worry. Did you stop and get the papers from the Council?" I smiled up at him and hugged him, my chin resting on his chest.

"Yes!" He pulled one arm away to reach behind him and showed the documents he held. "We just have to sign them, and he'll be ours!" We were adopting the youngest boy, having gotten attatched to him.

I pulled away and grabbed the papers, doing a little dance. "Yay! Oh I can't wait to call him our son!" I hugged my husband again and leaned up for an excited, passionate kiss.

Then we signed our names on the line, Adrian and Ronald Lyons.

~A/N: I realize this chapter is tiny. I apologize.... I'm gonna make up for it I swear, with a couple longer chapters later. If you're still reading all this after waiting so long.... Thank you so much. And please stick with me, cuz all of this is gonna be explained soon..... I promise Cauden is still the one for Adrian, and everyone else is still here... Along with a new character! XD


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