5:2 Sickness

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Part Five: This Life

Chapter Two: Sickness

I smiled around at the people milling about as I walked beside my husband down the street, one hand tucked into his arm and the other holding the hand of our son, Dean. The Royal Court was holding a festival to celibrate the bountiful harvest we had had this year. There was to be a feast and activities for the young children. The children that were staying in our house were also attending, but were scattered around and enjoying themselves. I spotted Ronald's sister, Cali, and her fiancé, Kourtland. I waved them over, letting go of Ronald, who just took the opportunity to wrap his arm around my waist.

"Adrian!" Cali grinned and hugged me, patting Dean on his head. "So, is it official?"

My smile grew, knowing she was talking about the adoption. "Yes! He is officially Dean Lyons!" I squeezed my son's hand, and he grinned up at us. I ignored the bit of dizzyness that overtook me, instead looking up as my husband squeezed my waist.

"I'm going to go get a few drinks with Kourtland. You two stay out of trouble." Ronald kissed my head and ruffled his sister's hair. Cali stuck her tongue out as the two men left. I smiled at the childish act as I bent to pick Dean up.

"Right then. What do you want to do first?" I smirked at the boy, glancing at Cali as he settled onto my hip.

"Food!" He raised his hands up, grinning happily.

We laughed at him and made our way to the Hall, where all feasts were held. I wasn't feeling very hungry, but I still made a plate for myself. Once we had piled our plates full, we sat at a table near the doors so that the men could easily find us.

~Ronnie's POV~

I followed Kourtland to a nearby bar, a little irritated that he had taken me from my family. We sat at a table with mugs of ale, and he leaned forward. "You seriously don't remember anything about the Doctor or Cauden? Or anyone?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, confused. "What, you're bringing that up again?" Every time I saw the man, that's the first thing he asked me. He keeps telling me that I got caught up in some arc of some sort, that I was standing too close.

He shook his head and sat back, sipping his ale before making a face at the bitter alcohol. "Ronnie-"

"It's Ronald." I interrupted him, taking a big gulp of ale and sighing at the burning sensation it gave me.

He shifted in his seat a bit. "Ronald. You've got to remember something. The TARDIS, your b- Jesse, something." He was getting frustrated, I could see it in his face.

"Jesse... you mean Jesse Cole, the baker's apprentice?" I raised an eyebrow again, taking another drink from my mug.

Kourtland sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Dammit man." He shook his head again and slumped down. "Never mind. At least we're safe here, and the Daleks can't get to us. They don't know where we are."

And there he was mumbling about strange things again.

I finished my mug and got up, tossing the man behind the counter some coins for the ale. I left the building and made my way to the Hall, my stamache rumbling in anticipation of the feast that waited. I caught sight of my wife near the door as I headed for the feast to load up a plate.

"Dear husband, you are finished with drinks already?" Adrian looked a bit skeptical, yet amusement danced in her blue eyes.

"Kourtland was talking nonsense again. Seriously, Cali, I don't know what you see in the man." I shook my head as I sat across from my son, who sat between the two women.

"He means the best." She cringed a bit, smiling at me.

"I'm sure." I scoffed, not believing her. "He keeps telling me this life is fake." I shook my head again as I took a bite of the meat on my plate.

The women were quiet, only answering to Dean's toddler chatter as they ate their food. I pondered at what Kourtland keeps insisting on. Some of the stories he's told me matches up with some dreams I've had. As I thought longer, my head started to hurt horribly. I ignored the pain as Dean promptly announced he was finished with his food.

Then the pain intensified, and my vision started to blur.

~Adrian's POV~

I looked up startled as Ronald dropped his spoon to the table, clutching his head. "Ronald! Are you alright? Whats the matter?" I stood and circled the table, kneeling at his side.

"Uh oh. He said this might happen..." Cali cringed, looking worried. She pulled out a strange shiny tube and pressed a button on it, keeping the thing under the table. The end lit up, and it emitted a strange noise.

"Whats that? What are you doing?" I glanced at her, rubbing comforting circles into my husband's back.

"I'm sending out a distress signal to the Doctor, your father." She caught Dean as he tried to scamper off, holding him on her lap. "He said if Ronnie started to have bad headaches, to contact him. He said that the Chameleon Arc isn't supposed to work on humans. It could destroy his brain." She rambled on, sounding really worried.

"Cali, what are you talking about?" I was confused and worried. I shook my head when she didn't answer straight away, dismissing it. "We need to get Ronald home and in bed. Where is Kourtland?" I motioned for Dean to come to me while Cali went to find her fiancé.

After a minute, she came back with Kourtland and the baker's apprentice. The two men helped Ronald back to the house while I carried Dean, Cali following close behind. I passed by Rebekka on the way and sent her to find the other children, to tell them where we were going.

I put Dean to bed before filling a bowl with cool water from the barrel, grabbing a rag and heading to my own bedroom. Ronald laid on the bed, his face pale and sweat making his skin slick. I sat on the edge of the bed, wiping his face with the rag before dipping it in the cool water to repeat the task.

"He's burning up." Tears pricked my eyes, and I held them back as I nursed my husband. Kourtland and the other man, Jesse, left the room. Cali followed after squeezing my shoulder. "Please don't be too ill..."

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