3:1 Sorrow

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Part Three: The Impossible

Chapter One: Sorrow

I sobbed for awhile. When I finished, I was bone dry. I stayed on the floor, cradling Cauden's body, long after I stopped crying. I couldn't function, I couldn't even bring myself to talk to Caith. Or Cali or Kourtland or Ronnie or Dad. I just wanted to talk to Cauden, hear his voice again. See his smile, the warmth in his eyes, feel his hands in my cheeks, his arms around me.

I just wanted Cauden back.

"Adrian, it's time to go." I heard my dad, but I didn't look up. He sighed, and someone took Cauden's body away.

"No!" I reached out, my hearts breaking again as my hands slipped off his chest.

"We're just moving him, don't worry." I didn't register the voice.

I zoned out when I couldn't see him anymore, and I barely noticed that it was my father that picked me up off the floor. "Adrian, I am so so sorry." He mumbled into my ear, and my lip trembled as I buried my face in his neck.

I snapped out of whatever trance I had been in, whispering. "I loved him, Daddy." I hugged him tightly as he carried me.

"I know, sweetheart." He shifted me a bit and then we were in another room.

I slept for awhile, dreaming of Cauden. Of when we first met when we were children, of when we saw each other again. All my memories of him now played out as I rested.

I'd been on Earth almost two weeks, and I was miserable. I kept freaking out, worrying about my dad. I was sitting on the couch in Cauden's house, having one of these freak outs, when he walked in. He'd just gotten off work, and he looked tired. I glanced up at him to observe this before looking down at my hands in my lap.

"Worrying about your dad again?" He sat next to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I nodded, avoiding his gaze. "Well you shouldn't. He seems like he can take care of himself."

I scoffed, tears forming. "Yea, right. He's alerts getting into trouble. Dangerous trouble. One time dad, grandma, and I almost got eaten by a star whale." I shook my head.

"Hey! I'm sure he'll be fine!" Cauden cupped my face in his hands, and i realized he had moved so he was crouching in front of me. "He's got you to worry for him, he's lucky." He smiled gently, his thumbs rubbing away the tears I hadn't noticed.

I smiled and placed my hands over his. "I guess."

He licked his lips and leaned forward, looking a little nervous. Staring intently into my eyes, he gulped. "Can I- can I kiss... you?"

My breath caught in my throat, and my hearts raced in my chest. It was my turn to gulp, lick my lips, and stare. I nodded, putting my hands back in my lap. He leaned closer, and I closed my eyes as our lips connected. Almost of their own accord, my my hands reached up and clutched his shirt. Our mouths moved in sync, and he leaned me back against the couch, his hands starting to travel. His touch left hot trails, and I gasped when his fingers brushed bare skin at my hip.

Then he pulled away. "I don't want to go too fast. I want to cherish the time I have with you." He stroked my hair back, that gentle smile on his lips.

I sat up gasping, fresh tears on my face. "Damn it..."

"Hey, you're awake." Cali sat next to me, handing me a tissue.

"Um, yea." I nodded and wiped the wetness off my cheeks. "W- where's my dad? And the guys?"

She smiled a little and drew her knees up to her chest. "The Doctor is preparing... things, and the guys are avoiding us."

I nodded and sat there for a minute. Then I scooted over, looking around. "This was my room..." I patted the spot now vacant, and Calico climbed on.

"Caith thought you'd want something familiar around you." I leaned my head on her shoulder, and she leaned her head on mine.

"I'll have to thank her later." We were quiet for a bit, until I turned my head, crying on her shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her, and she hugged me back. "I miss him so much..."

"Me too." We comforted each other until the tears were once again dried up.

There was a knock on the door, and Caith poked her head in. "Adrian, your father says it's time to go now."

In the common room once more, I hugged Caith hard. "Thank you, so much!"

"Child, you are welcome! You will be missed." Caith rubbed my back before releasing me.

"You too." I attempted a smile and turned to board the TARDIS. I was immediately surrounded by my friends, and we all went straight to where Cauden's body was placed. I sat down and cupped his cheek, swallowing the lump in my throat. It didn't even register that his cheek was warmer than it should have been.

"Alright. I Uh, contacted his aunt, and she has given us permission to..." I zoned out, not wanting to hear what was being said. Soon, my dad was at the controls, starting her up. "Geronimo." He spoke it, sounding sad himself.

I clutched Cauden's shirt in one hand, and Ronnie took my other one. Calico wrapped her arms around me and sat with me, Kourtland sitting next to her.

The air stayed at a comfortable temperature, and the lights stayed low, leaving just enough for the Doctor to see by. The TARDIS was sad too.

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