5:4 Daleks

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Part Five: This Life 

Chapter Four: Daleks

~Cauden's POV~

It started out as a pretty dull day. We had landed on Earth, hoping to spend a few hours just wandering around in Cardiff while the TARDIS refueled.

"Just, if you come across a guy in a WWII jacket, don't let him follow you back to the TARDIS," the Doctor had shuffled his feet, looking rather nervous. "Don't even let him talk to you, just-"

"Aw, doc, I'm not that bad!" a tall American man leaned against the TARDIS, his blue eyes twinkling. "Nice bow tie."

"Oi, bowties are cool!" the Doctor pouted, straightening said bowtie.

Adrian giggled and shook her head. "No, they're really not."

"Why hello. Captain Jack Harkness." the man grinned, holding out his hand. "And who are you?"

"Adrian," she took his hand, smiling up at him with red-tinged cheeks. I scowled.

"Oi, Jack! Back off, that's my kid!" the Doctor pushed Adrian away from this captain fellow, towards me. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close. I may or may not have glared at the American captain.

"You have a kid?" Jack scoffed.

"Yes, I have a kid. And a wife. And my kid has a- a-" the Doctor spluttered.

"Boyfriend." I finished, growling. "Adrian has a boyfriend. And that would be me."

Jack laughed, clapping the Doctor on the shoulder. "You've gone domestic!"

"I have not!" the Time Lord argued back, then glanced at me, with my arms still around Adrian. "Alright, don't you think you've held onto her for long enough?" he spun back to Jack, and I let go of her. She grabbed my hand and the Doctor sighed. "Alright, I've gone domestic. So what?"

Adrian giggled again and pulled me away. "Come on! I want some chips!"

"Alright. Chips it is, then." I grinned, glancing back at the two men. Our friends followed, each hanging onto their significant other. We made it to the chippy and had just placed our orders when there was an ear shattering scream from the kitchen. "Stay here!" I told the others as I ran to the kitchen, finding a dead employee and a giant robotic pepperpot.

"Cauden, run!" Adrian screamed at me from right behind me, pulling on my shirt. I spun and pushed her in front of me, the others turning to run ahead of us.

"What is that thing?" Ronnie yelled back, pulling Jesse out onto the street.

"It's called a Dalek! Just run!" Adrian grabbed my hand, and I ended up in front of her. I held Adrian's hand tight as I pulled her with me, running from the great big bronze pepperpot.

The screams of the creatures reached my ears, sending chills down my back. "WE MUST CAPTURE THE YOUNG TIME LOORDS! YOU MUST COME WITH UUS OR GIVE US THE DOCTOOR!"

"Like hell!" I pushed my legs to go faster, thankful for my Time Lord biology when the respiratory bipass kicked in.

I rounded a corner, pulling her with me, and almost cried at the sight of the TARDIS sitting there. The Doctor stood by the box, holding the door open. "Come on! Hurry up!"

"Dad!" Adrian yelled, and I pushed her ahead of me. "Cauden, no!" she spun and reached for me, and I managed a grin before unmentionable pain ripped through my body and my vision faded.

(here is where I would insert a bunch of little Dalek emojies marching across the screen)

I came to in a white room with one door and no windows. I hurt everywhere, and one of my hearts was stuttering just a bit. I let out a string of curses as I sat up from the floor, blinking around. I saw a camera in the corner and flipped it the bird.

I managed to push myself up to my feet, leaning against the wall heavily. I pushed the pain still rippling through my body to the Jack of my mind just in time for the door to slide open. "Oh great. What the hell are you supposed to be, a giant pepper shaker?"

The thing rolled towards me, then screamed. "YOU WILL EXIT THIS CELL AND COME WITH ME!"

I licked my dry lips and pushed off the wall, managing to stay upright as I walked to it. "Right then. Lead the way."

"YOU WILL WALK IN FRONT!" was the response, and I barely suppressed the flinch that threatened.

I walked where the thing directed, shoving my hands in my pockets. I was stopped in a large space, filled with Daleks and a giant screen. On the screen was the Doctor and the captain fellow, both looking angry.

"YOU WILL SURRENDER OR WE KILL THE YOUNG TIME LORD!" the Dalek that seemed to be in charge rolled forward then backward, moving its plunger and wisk. I barked out a laugh, shaking my head. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THAT NOISE!?" the Dalek turned to me.

I looked at the thing then at the Doctor on screen. "The Doctor doesn't care about me. He would never sacrifice himself for me." my hearts pounded, and I knew that what I said wasn't completely right. But maybe they would leave Adrian alone and out of things.


I stared at the men on the screen, putting pressure on my stomach where most of the pain was.

"No one is surrendering and no one is dying!" a voice echoed through the room, and I turned to see a young blonde woman standing there, grinning up at the screen, a large laser gun in her hands. "Hi dad!"

The Doctor sputtered, then leaned in so his face filled the screen. "Jenny? I- I thought you died!"

"I did! But then I came back!" she smiled, then hefted up the giant gun she held. "Like I said. No one is dying. Unless it's you." she scowled at the hunks of metal as her gun powered up.

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