5:3 Alexandria

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Part Five: This Life

Chapter Three: Alexandria

I was out for a walk with Dean, at the insistence of Cali. I had spent the last few days in the house, trying to nurse my husband back to health. His fever wasn't going down, and he hadn't woken up much. When he did, he mumbled nonsense about things I had only dreamt of, of traveling amongst the stars and of strange creatures that didn't exist.

I felt Dean tug my hand before he slipped away, running to an abandoned building nearby. "Dean, stay close-" I sighed and followed after him, smiling slightly at his eagerness to explore. I chased the little boy into an empty, abandoned building nearby, holding my skirt up a bit so that I could move quicker. "Dean, Love, did you find something?"

"Look, Mummy! She... she wasn't there, then she was!" I blinked at him, surprised at the amount of words he had just said. He never spoke much, and when he did it was to answer questions with one or two words, or just toddler's babble. Plus he'd never called me 'mummy' before, and it excited me a bit.

I went farther in to see what he was talking about and saw a girl about my age, pressed against the wall. She was a bit pale, with black hair down her back and a frightened look on her face. "You mean, she just appeared out of nowhere?" I asked him, and he nodded vigorously. I wrinkled my brow, taking in her strange clothes as I scooped my son up in my arms. She wore tight black trousers and a dark, short-sleeved tunic-looking cover. She held a weird device in one hand that expelled a light, a cord attatched to it and her ears. Holding Dean close, I watched as the woman reached up and pulled the cord from one of her ears. She looked very confused and lost, but harmless. I supposed she wasn't from here, and her clothing matched those that the characters in my dreams wore. "Who are you? Are you alright?"

She didn't respond, blinking rapidly and looking around.

"Adrian, what's wrong?" I turned to see Kourtland had followed us, and I felt a bit of irritation, knowing he had been behind me the whole time. Probably at Cali's insistance. I appreciated the thought of our safety, but I didn't need protection while taking a simple walk.

"Nothing, Mr. Phillips." I frowned, shifting Dean's weight on my hip. "We don't need a babysitter."

"I'm not... I was just trying to make sure you're alright." The man shifted from one foot to the other, running a hand through his hair. "Who's that?" he nodded at the girl, frowning.

"I don't know. She just kind of... appeared." I shrugged, turning back to the girl. "What's your name?" I asked again, tilting my head.

"Alexandria." her voice was quiet, and she didn't say anything more.

"Pleased to meet you! My name is Adrian, and this is my son Dean and our friend Kourtland Phillips." I smiled, holding out a hand for her to take. She shook my hand and raised a brow. I set Dean down as my head began to swim, and I staggered to the side. I heard my son call out to me before my vision becam black.

~Kourtland's POV~

I ran forward and caught Adrian as she fell, cursing under my breath. I turned to the girl that stood nearby, scooping my friend up into my arms. "Listen, can you do me a favour and make sure Dean gets to the house? Plus, we can help you get back home."

She nodded and grabbed the little guy's hand, and I took off at a fast walk down the street. I glanced back a few times to make sure she kept up, but otherwise I kept a steady pace. The door was opened when we got there, and a buch of kids stood in the way.

"Well move it!" I resisted the urge to kick at the blank looks they gave me, and one of the older girls pulled the others away from the doorway. I ran in and laid Adrian next to Ronnie, and nearly jumped out of my skin when Cali grabbed my arm.

"What happened? She was just fine when they left!" I ran a hand through my hair and took her by her upper arms, pushing her away gently.

"I dunno. She just collapsed, after she found her." I hooked my thumb at Alexandria before going to a hollow in the wall I knew was hidden. "We need to open the watch-"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that will help. But only if she passed out because of this-" the Doctor stood there, scanning the two on the bed with his sonic screwdriver.

"She's been looking a bit pale for a few days." Rebekka spoke up from the doorway, holding the shoulders of John and Dean. "What's thatm and who are you?"

"I'm the Doctor. This is a sonic screwdriver. Who are you?" the man waved the device as he spoke, taking the fob watch from me when I lifted it out of the box.

"I'm Rebekka. Miss Adrian looks after us. Is she really ill?" the girl stepped forward a bit, concern evident on her face.

"Just a bit, but nothing I can't fix! Now then, Kourtland, Jesse, Cali, please hold them down just in case. Might do nothing, might try to resist. We'll see." I shifted to hold Ronnie's shoulders down, while Jesse held down their legs and Cali held Adrian's shoulders. The new girl stood near the doorway, Dean clinging to her leg. I licked my lips as the Doctor released the clasp on the watch, a golden energy wisping from inside. The energy flowed into Adrian's head, and then some of it drifted to Ronnie.

"Holy mother of-" Ronnie sat up with a deep gasp, leaning over the side and puking. I managed to jump away to avoid the splatter.

"Oh thank god." Jesse went to his boyfriend and held him closeb and we all turned to a still unconscious Adrian.

"No no no no no no! Why isn't she awake?" the Doctor scanned her again, frantic until he read the results. "She's exhausted, physically. What has she been doing?" he spun and eyed Ronnie, who looked at the kids in the doorway.

"She's been taking care of us, sir. And when Mr. Lyons took sick, she took care of him too." Rebekka looked up at the Doctor, tilting her head. "We tried to help wherewe could but she wouldn't let us."

"She's too stubborn, even as a human." Cali stroked Adrian's hair, smiling a little bit.

"Right. Well come on! To the TARDIS!" he went to his daughter's side and picked her up, stopping in the doorway.

"We can't just leave these kids alone." Ronnie got up, pushing his way to the kids.

"We'll be alright, really." Rebekka smiled sadly. "I can look after them. But at least take Dean, because Miss Adrian would miss him the most."

Ronnie knelt in front of her, taking her hands. "We'll both miss all of you just as much. But you kids will be alright." he grinned and stood, pushing the kids out to let us all leave. "But you're right, I can't leave Dean here."

"You can't take him on to the TARDIS." the Doctor frowned, adjusting his hold on Adrian.

"Dad, please." Cali grabbed my hand as Adrian's voice strained to our ears. "He's important. Look at him. His timeline. He doesn't belong here."

"Right. Fine." the Doctor pushed his way out, not putting his daughter down.

Ronnie nodded and picked the kid up, eyeing the new girl before grinning. "Hi. Ronnie Lyons." she just blinked, raising a brow again.

"Oh for- leave her aloneb Ronnie. You have a boyfriend." Cali smacked his arm before holding her free hand out to the girl; I still held the other. "I'm Calico Emerson."

"Alexandria." the girl shook her hand, then followed us all to the TARDIS. She let out a curse, and stared at the blue box. "Isn't that a bit small?"

I grinned as Cali pushed her inside, and the Doctor set a course on the console. "Nah. It's bigger on the inside."


I'm so sorry! I suck as a human. Probably should stop trying to be human.

Here's this, more to come soon! This book is almost over, but I have a sequal planned out, so if you like this book then....

Yea. So. Vote and comment, if you read this, it helps me write faster cuz inspiration.


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