3:9 Speculations

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Part Three: The Impossible

Chapter Nine: Speculations

~Cauden's POV~

I pushed Adrian away from me and held her face in my hands, staring at her intensely. What was she trying to say?

She blushed, and licked her lips. "Um... Cauden, I- I love... you." her lip trembled and fear flashed in her blue eyes. I watched as a million emotions paraded through her gaze. She looked worried.

I pulled her close and kissed her, pouring my love into that one gesture that was so simple. The world faded, the rain turned into mist, and only she and I existed in that moment.

Then I was pulled away roughly, and I heard her scream. I struggled against my captor, tried to get away, back to Adrian. The Doctor was there, but the man who was trying to take me pushed him away.

I grit my teeth and bucked around, swinging my fists and kicking as much as I could. I twisted around to see Adrian being carried away, then darkness.

~Adrian's POV~

I managed to snap out of my self pity trance and stood, heading to the wardrobe to change. I found stretchy black jeans and a long sleeved black sweater, both waterproof. I kept my boots and tied my hair up into a ponytail to keep it out of my face. I added a headband and a pair of dry fingerless gloves before I was finished.

"I'll be right back. I can't just sit around and do nothing." I smiled at my mum, who surprisingly didn't try to stop me.

"Just be careful, yeah?" She pulled me close and I hugged her tightly. My eyes teared up a bit.

"I will." I smiled again and went to the nurse, who held baby Cauden. "Hey little guy... hang in there for me, alright?" He cooed as I kissed his forehead and headed out of the TARDIS.

It was still raining, and my hair was replastered to my head in no time. I spent a moment to look around, get my bearings. And spotted my dad running around down the ally, waving his sonic around. I jogged to him and grabbed his arm. "Dad!"

"Adrian, what are you doing out here?" He spun towards me and grabbed my arms. "You're supposed to stay with your mother, stay safe!"

"I'm not going to sit around while Cauden is out there!" I pulled away and looked around, trying to pinpoint where I was.

"Adrian.... just, come back safe." I smiled at my dad and nodded.

"Always." I spun around a few times and took off running down the street, smacking into someone almost immediately. "Ah, sorry... "

"It's alright. Why are you running so quickly?" I looked up into the face of Jaxon Brisby.

I licked my lips before answering. "They took Cauden. Adult Cauden. He was the one who distracted the Daemon."

"That's my son's na-" Mr. Brisby's smile faded, and his face went straight, devoid of emotion.

"Yes. I know Cauden as an adult. We're from twenty-three years from now. Give or take a few months." I flashed a smile and looked around. "Except while we were... Um, well he was taken."


"Yes sir. And I need to find him." I looked into the man's eyes before spinning around again. Well, I tried to. Mr. Brisby grabbed my arm and spun me back towards him. "I need to hurry..."

"Who are you to my son?"

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