1:9 Humanity Saved

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Part One: The Dead Rise

Chapter Nine: Humanity Saved

"You ready?" My dad fixed his bow-tie and grinned down at me. He ignored the man attached to my hand.

I took a deep breath and squeezed Cauden's hand, making sure I had a comfortable grip on my sonic. "Yeah. Let's save the world, dad!"

He licked his lips and nodded, aiming his sonic towards the contraption. "Geronimo!"

We were standing on Cauden's roof, far away from the possessed people. There was a group of them surrounding the box of levers, all stone faced and pale blue.

The plan was to activate the particle device from here, and boost the signal to disrupt the signal that little contraption seemed to be putting out. Dad's sonic would activate the device, mine would boost the signal.

I licked my lips and aimed my sonic after checking to make sure it was on the right setting. Dad held up three fingers, glancing back at me. He put one down, than another. Then he pointed at the group of not dead dead people, and I pressed the button on my sonic screwdriver.

There was a pop as the particle device activated, and then a high pitched whine as the signal was boosted. After almost a full minute, the group of people collapsed on the ground, and the misty aliens swirled into the air.

"Keep boosting that signal!" My dad shouted, the whine having gotten quite loud. Finally, the alien substance dispersed and shot into the sky. The force was so much, a wind kicked up and blew our clothes around.

As I stared at the sky, watching as the invaders left Earth, the wind picked up. I would have stayed standing, but I was pulled down into a crouch. I gasped and glanced up, seeing Cauden covering me. I smiled at him, almost laughing. We had saved the humans once again!


"Oh my God, this pizza is delicious!" I spoke with my mouth half full, finally enjoying the food we had come to eat.

"Isn't it?" Cali grinned and bit into a piece of her own. "The best in Michigan, I swear!"

My parents and grandparents all agreed.to eat before we left, and my friends joined us. The little pizza place seemed full, with all of us inside. Cauden sat next to me, chatting with my family. Every few minutes, he would glance at me and wink or smile. He kept his arm around me, most of the time. My dad kept glaring at him, though.

"I think you should stay here, Adrian." My dad crossed his arms and stared at me, his face serious. That's what freaked me out, was the seriousness in his gaze. My dad was never serious. My stomach dropped and I started freaking out.

"What?" I put my pizza down and glared at the madman sitting across from me. "What do you mean stay?" Tears gathered in my eyes, and my lip trembled.

"I mean stay here on Earth. It's not safe for you to be traveling with me." He wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"No. I- no!" I stood up and backed away, shaking my head. "I can't go through that again!" The loneliness, the worry that I was never going to see my parents again... "Please don't make me!"

"Adrian..." my dad stood and stared at me, disbelief written across his features.

"Please, Daddy! I can't.... I can't live not knowing..." I was having trouble catching my breath, and tears blurred my vision. "Daddy, please don't leave me behind!"

"Adrian, sweetheart..." my mum was suddenly in front of me, cupping my face in her hands. "Look at me! No ones getting left behind, okay?" She pulled me to her and held me, and I clutched onto her for dear life. "Right? Doctor? Tell her, you're not leaving anyone behind."

I was gasping for oxygen, and I felt as if I was shutting down. I would have collapsed if my mother wasn't right there.

"Th- that's right." Dad was next to us, moving my hair to look at me. "I won't leave you here, I'm sorry. I should have never even thought about it. It was a silly idea..."

I was still having trouble breathing, so I didn't say anything. I turned my face away, and saw that Cauden was on the other side. I guess mum saw too, because I was promptly placed in his arms. She took hold of my dad's jacket and dragged him outside.

"Hey hey! Adrian, breathe!" Cauden held my cheeks and forced me to look at him. "You're alright, everyone's safe!"

I managed a nod, and took a breath. I noticed that Cali, Kourtland, Ronnie and Jesse all stood around me. I blinked and finally took a deep breath. "I- I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me..." And then I was being hugged from all sides. Despite the freak out I had just done, I smiled. Humans were an affectionate bunch.

→Outside/ third person POV←

River glared at her husband, her arms crossed. "You were planning on leaving her here?" She grit her teeth.

"Not... forever..." the Doctor pushed hands through his hair. "She almost died, River! She's not safe with me!"

"She's your daughter! She's safest with you, not apart from you!" The blonde started pacing, getting worked up. "She's been with you for awhile, there are enemies that would jump at the chance to get to you through her!"

"River, what if we compromised?" The Doctor crossed his arms and almost pouted. "I'll stay near Earth, and only for a month or so. Let her have some time off to relax and calm down." By now, the madman was holding River's arms, trying to make her see his side.

"Doctor... you really want to leave her alone? You have to take me back to Stormcage, and my parents back to 1940..." she placed her hands on his chest.

"She won't be alone. She's got her friends." He noticed she was just worried, so he pulled his wife close and wrapped his arms around her. "And, I put a special setting on her sonic. She's only got to set it and push the button, and I'll be notified if she's in any danger."

River hugged the Doctor, burying her face in his shoulder. "Promise? Just for a month. She... she won't be able to handle longer." She looked up at him, completely vulnerable.

"I promise. Just a month." The Doctor smiled lovingly at his mate, cupping her cheek. He leaned in and kissed her, pouring his feelings out. "I'll get her back on the TARDIS in a month."

"Mmm. Then you shouldn't do any time traveling til then." She mumbled against his lips, starting to feel least worried.

"Right. I won't." The Doctor held her for a minute longer.

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