2:2 Stealing Planets

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Part Two: Where Are the Children?

Chapter Two: Stealing Planets

There should be kids running around. It was Wednesday, and this is the time school usually let out. "Yea, this is weird..."

The school looked deserted, and I was almost positive that today wasn't a holiday. I looked around, trying to see something that would explain this.

I saw nothing to help.

I squeezed Cauden's hand, freaking myself out. "Maybe, I dunno, there was an early dismissal..." I tried to reason, to make up excuses that all the kids in that school were gone.

"I don't think so. We would have heard something..." Kourtland shook his head.

I sighed and headed towards the school, pulling the psychic paper out that my dad had given me. The front door was unlocked, and I made my way to the office. Which wasn't hard to find, seeing as it said "Office" right above the door. I knocked and let myself in, finding a panicked secretary. "Excuse me, ma'am?" I flashed a smile and my psychic paper. "I'm Adrian Smith, reporter for the Grand Rapids Gazette!"

"Yes?" She shuffled papers around, moving things on the desk as if she was trying to cover something. She eyed my jacket with a raised eyebrow. "Can I help you?"

"I sure hope so. I'm doing an article on kids from the past, and I'd like to interview a few from your school to compare with what I have!" I flashed a wider smile and pulled out my sonic screwdriver. She eyed Cali, who stood behind me. "She's my photographer."

"Uh, well, I- I can't help you with that..." she stuttered horribly, and went terribly pale.

Cauden pushed in next to me and flashed his own pearly whites and pulled out his wallet. "Hello. Jackson Doe, from the GR Gazette, and this is Carl James my assistant...." he flashed the wallet quickly before stuffing it back into his pocket. "We have permission slips ready to send home with the kids. We feel that not only will this teach our readers how school life has evolved, but also it will teach the kids the importance of journalism."

I raised my eyebrow at that, and he winked. "Is there someone we could talk to about this that could help us?"

"The principal..." she got up and directed us into an inner office.

Cauden knocked on the door and we stood and waited for a minute. He smiled at me and winked. I held my hand out, and he sighed and pulled his phone out, handing it over. "Thanks." I smiled and kissed his cheek, unlocking the phone and pulling up the messaging app. I texted Ronnie and asked him to look into possible holidays that gave kids days off.

I handed Cauden his phone back as the door opened, and a middle-aged man greeted us. "May I help you?"

I smiled at the man as Cauden pushed him into the room, Cali and Kourtland directly behind me. "Sorry about this, sir. We just have a few questions." I pocketed my sonic and fixed my jacket.

"Wha- who are you people?!" He wiped his face with a handkerchief he pulled out of his pocket.

"I'm Adrian, these are my friends, and we want to know why your school is empty." I grinned at him and stuck my hands in my pockets.

→Third person POV←
↓On Kardian↓

The storm raged on as the leader of the Daicions watched, her monkey like face twisted in a sick pleasure. The cause of the storm was a tractor beam in the capital city on the planet, dragging a smaller planet towards them.

"The planet is almost in orbit, Mistress." A soldier bowed at the foot of the throne, his gaze trained to the floor. A child ran in, going to the throne and leaning on his mother's knee.

"Excellent! The energy from those children should provide a nice source for Kardian!" The queen picked the child Daicion up, setting him on her lap.

"Yes, Mistress." The soldier stayed where he was, waiting for his dismissal.

"But it won't last forever. We need to get a hold of that." She showed her pointed teeth in a grin as she pet her sons head.

"Mistress! He'll never let you near it!" The soldier looked up, shocked.

"What!" The queen glared at the soldier before snapping her fingers. Two more soldiers marched into the throne room immediately, their faces blank. "Dearest, how shall Mummy punish this soldier?" She stroked her boy's hair, smiling down at him.

He gave her a toothy grin as he looked up at her, his tail twitching. "Wax his fur!"

"Right you are!" The Daicion leader tweaked the child's cheek and waved her hand.

The two soldiers clicked their heels and saluted before they grabbed the first man and dragged him to the side. Within five minutes, screams mixed in with the sound of the storm outside. Tufts of brown fur were discarded on the floor. When they finished, the two soldiers left behind a hairless Daicion, his skin raw.

The child giggled with glee and clapped his hands, enjoying the show. The queen smiled and looked the dejected soldier over, her gaze cold. "Even if he will not let me near it, I will get it. I need control over time as well as space, for the good of Kardian!"

The child looked up curiously, his eyes wide. "What'll let you have control over time?"

The queen's smile became sadistic as she petted her child's head. She loved his curiosity, his habit of asking all those questions. He'd make a good leader some day.

"It's a wonderful ship, my son. A most wonderful ship called the TARDIS." She took a deep breath and hugged the boy.

"Who has it right now?" The boy hugged his mother, enjoying the rare affection he got.

"A most interesting creature. He's from Gallifrey." She stared out the window she had specially installed, looking over the capital city. "He should be here soon. His daughter will not let him ignore this." She purposefully didn't tell her son what 'this' was, just the rest.

"Ignore what, Mummy?" He turned his head to look at her again.

She loved the questions. Looking directly at the now-naked soldier shivering on the cold marble floor, she curled her lip as she answered. "The taking of the planet Kodomo. The planet that child grew up on."

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