3:5 Mr. and Mrs. Brisby

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Part Three: The Impossible

Chapter Five: Mr. and Mrs. Brisby

We stepped off the TARDIS into a dreary day, twenty-three years into Cauden's past. The sky was covered in dark clouds, threatening a storm. Dad made Cauden stay in his room, because apparently he'd had trouble before when he took a companion into her past. It hadn't ended well, so Cauden had to stay on the TARDIS. Kourtland and Jesse opted to keep him company.

Calico and Ronnie stepped up, standing on either side of me. "Those clouds look..." Calico tipped her head back to stare at the darkness above.

"...ominous." Ronnie copied her. I did the same, and a raindrop landed on my nose.

"Come along! We've got some investigating to do!" Dad rubbed his hands together, grinning that manic grin.

"Dad, it's raining. And shouldn't I be one of the ones to stay with Cauden?" He had said I had to go with him. I wiped my hair out of my face, shaking my head a bit. It was practically pouring already, and I was just waiting on the thunder.

"No. I need you with me." He shook his head.

I sighed and crossed my arms. "Mum?" I glanced beyond my father at her, hoping she'd take my side.

Dad turned to look at her. "River. We talked about this, remember?" Apparently he thought she'd take my side too.

Mum sighed and shook her head. "Sorry Sweety, I have to agree with your father this time."

I sighed and nodded. "Okay." I wasn't about to argue with them, they could ground me to a distant planet.

"Come on. Jesse and Kourtland will keep an eye on him." Ronnie grinned and threw his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah. He'll be alright." Cali wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Yea. Alright. Let's go!" I smiled and wrapped my arms around my friends, and we started forward to explore.

The TARDIS had landed in an alley, out of the way of the chaos we found in the streets. People were running around, panicked looks on their faces. We almost smacked right into a man that looked familiar. His brown eyes were troubled, and his brown hair stuck up like he'd been running his hands through it a lot. He stopped in front of us suddenly, his eyes widening. "Ah, you're him!"

He was looking right at dad, who stuck his hand in the pockets of his trousers. "Excuse me?" Dad blinked, cocking his head room the side. I let go of Ronnie and Cali, stepping closer. "Him who?"

"You're the Doctor!" He smiled a bit, running his hand through his hair. I gulped, wondering if he was friend or foe.

I curled my fingers around my dad's jacket, looking up at him. Mum stayed quiet, studying the man as well. "Dad?" I was a little worried, I'll admit. Most people that knew of Dad always brought trouble.

"It's alright, Adrian. Just... stay with your mother..." he sounded bewildered, and he pulled his hands out of his pockets.

"You best send the child away. It's not safe for our kind right now." The man looked nervous, glancing about like he expected someone to attack at any moment.

Dad was silent as he studied the man, chewing on his cheek. "Nope. I don't remember you. Who are you?" He cocked his head the other way, squinting his eyes.

"Jaxon Brisby. At least, that's what I go by now." He held his hand out, and dad gripped it tightly, still staring at him.

"Brisby.... Dad, that's...!" I started forward, but Mum pulled me back, shaking her head.

"Spoilers, dear girl." She smiled.

"Right..." I nodded, eyes wide. This was Cauden's father! I could see bits of Cauden in his face, in his eyes.

Mr. Brisby started suddenly, as if remembering something. "I have to go! God, my wife..." he took off running, and Dad ran after him.

I grinned at Mum, who mirrored my expression of excitement, and ran after them. "Come on, Ronnie! Calico! Let's go!"

We followed Mr. Brisby all the way to the hospital, inside and up to the fifth floor. The Maternity Ward. I slowed down a bit and looked around. There were nurses and mothers and fathers walking around. Some were holding infants in their arms, some were still with child, and some might have been on their way to see their children. We followed Mr. Brisby to a room, and crowded around the door.

"How is she?" He was asking a nurse inside.

"Just fine, Mr. Brisby. You're just in time." As she smiled and said that, a yell could be heard from in the room.

I leaned forward to see into the room. The woman in the bed had dirty blonde hair plastered to her head. Her eyes were squeezed shut in pain, her teeth clenched tight.

I wanted to go in, but I stayed back. This woman, Cauden's mother did not know me. She probably didn't want a strange teenage girl in the room whilst she gave birth.

Well, I tried to stay back.

I was pulled in, along with my parents. The.room was just big enough to fit us all in, if we stayed at the edges. "Averill, Darling! It's the Doctor! And his daughter, there's a child like ours!" He pulled me close to her and I blinked, blushing.

"Um, hello, Mrs. Brisby." I managed a smile. Her eyes were a soft green, filled with pain and kindness. A rare mixture of emotions. "My name's Adrian." I furrowed my eyebrows a bit and glanced at Cauden's father. "How do you know about my dad?"

"You mean, how do we know he's a Time Lord?" Mr. Brisby smiled as he held his wife's hand. I gulped and nodded, licking my lips. A glance told me that both my parents were just behind me and my friends were still at the doorway. "We know about the war." The man glanced at his wife and then at my dad, mum and me. "We know what happened. What you, Doctor, had to do to end the war."

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