4:5 Face Your Fears (mini adventure with Cauden) p2

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Part Four: Birthday Surprises

Chapter Five: Face Your Fears (mini adventure with Cauden) p2


I gulped, reaching into my pocket for my phone. I unlocked the device, but nothing happened. The screen stayed black, and as I continued to try and make it light up, it dawned on me that it was dead. I swore at it, shoving it back in my pocket.

This wasn't good. I was lost, with no way to get a hold of anyone.... my hearts picked up speed as I fully realized my situation. I did not like to be lost.

My mouth went dry, and I ran my hands through my hair again. I looked around, trying to find a map, or a security guard, or anything that could help me get back to my friends.

"This can't be happening. This can't-" I tapped my fingers on my leg as I walked back and forth, and the beginnings of panic started to cloud my brain. I shook my head, knowing I needed a clear mind to figure this out.

I turned a few corners before I found myself in a halway. It was all white here, and the lights in the ceiling made the walls and floor too bright. I walked down the hallway, and came to a stop. I could either turn left or right. Both ways looked identical. I saw a flicker of movement from the right, so I turned that way and picked up the pace a bit. Another fork, another flicker. I followed the movement, hoping it was someone who could help me.

Left, right, right, left, straight, on and on and on and on. And then I was in one long passageway. At the end I could barely make out the outline of a door.

In front of that door stood a girl in a mint green dress, with red hair. She was barefoot, and wasn't wearing the jacket from earlier, but I knew it was Adrian. I breathed out a sigh of relief and stepped towards her, looking into her blue eyes.

"Adrian! I thought I wasn't going to see you again! I got lost, and my mobile died." I grinned and pulled her to me, breathing in the scent of her strawberry shampoo and the scent of space that lingered on her skin. I won't admit it, but being lost is the worst thing I could think of, next to losing this girl right here.

"Its alright, we're together now." Her voice drifted over me like a blanket, and I relaxed in her arms. "But there's people after me. We must let them find us!" I pulled away from her and cupped her face in my hands, leaning down to kiss her, sure we were safe.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, tangling her fingers in my hair while she kissed me back. I pulled her closer, one hand on the small of her back while the other still cupped her cheek. I heard a sort of moan, knew it came from her, and I pressed her into the wall behind her. Electricity sparked where we touched, and I could feel her emotions, almost read her mind. I could feel her desire, and I knew she could feel mine.

We pulled away, panting to catch our breaths, and our gazes locked. "Adrian, I -"

"Shh!" Her finger was on my lips and her head snapped to the side. "They've found us! We have to go, Cauden, we have to run!"

"Wait, what?" I frowned, confused. Was there something after us? Again?

She shook her head. "I'll explain later. Just come on!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me through the door I had seen a bit ago. Only to stop dead in her tracks. A group of men dressed in black stood, weapons at the ready and aimed at us. Their clothes greatly clashed with the white interior of the room, and I paled. "This isn't goo-" before she could finish her thought, a shot rang out, nd she crumpled to the ground.

"No! Adrian!" I dropped down to her, pulling her into my arms. "You'll be alright, Love! Just regenerate, alright? Come on, Love, please..." I held her tightly as I inspected the wounds. Two bullet holes adorned her chest, one on each side.

One for each heart.

I glared up at the men, a pain stabbing into my chest and ripping apart my insides. "What have you done!?" I pressed my hands to the wounds, trying to make the blood stop leaking. Tears obscured my vision and I leaned over the love of my life. My soul mate. She managed a weak smile before she faded away, and a sob broke through my throat. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!"

I jumped up, after making sure my Adrian was lying comfortably, and ran at the men. I let my rage pour out, and I felt the fear. I was scared. Adrian was gone, my world was gone! The only reason I had to live was lying on the floor in a puddle of blood, dead.

I screamed at the men, the sound of a pained animal tearing it's way out of my throat.

I was alone. I had no one. I was alone!

I ripped the men apart, shooting them with their own weapons, killing them all. And then I sat on the ground and weeped. Cradling her in my arms, I begged for her to come back to me.

"Please, please don't leave me!" I sobbed into her neck, my hearts breaking into tiny pieces.

"-uden! Cauden!" A voice drifted through the fear and pain, and I blinked. "Ah, there he is! See Rose? I told you they'd fix him too!"

I looked up to see the Doctor, the one in the tie and pinstripes. Next to him was the figurine, human sized. "What... what happened? Where's Adrian?!" I scrambled up and looked around, seeing a bunch of security officers arresting a small group of blue people.

"You got caught in their trap, like I did. And I'm sure..." Rose peered at me, tilting her head. "Wait, red hair? Blue eyes? A bit clumsy?"

I nodded, shivering a bit at the thought of being stuck in that fear forever. "Yea, about this short..." I held my hand to Adrian's height.

"Oh she's fine!" She waved her hand around, grinning. "She was with her mum last I saw her! Pretty girl."

"Yes." I found myself smiling. "She's beautiful."

"Huh. Well, I've found my friend, so we'll be off! Thanks for your help!" The strange Doctor waved a hand and led the human away, calling out one last word. "Allons-y!"

I shook my head and chuckled, pulling my mobile out. I was relieved to see it on, with a mostly full battery. I stuffed it I'm my pocket and glanced up in time to keep myself from colliding with a person.

"Oh good, you're still here. Cauden, take this." It was River Song, Adrian's mum. She held out a silver trinket.

"What is it?" I took it and examined it. It was a fob watch, encased in delicate silver that was more a piece of art. A light blue stone sat in the middle, the colour of Adrian's eyes.

"That'll be needed soon." Her voice was grave, serious, and it gave me chills. "Don't tell where you got it from, past me will figure it out." She gave me a tight smile and vanished, quite into thin air.

"Cauden!" I heard the most beautiful voice and turned, putting the watch into my pocket.

"Adrian!" I wrapped my arms around her waist, picking her up and spinning her. "Oh I had the most terrible time, I was in a fear trap, and they'd killed you...." I buried my face in her hair, relishing in the feel of her solidness.

"You were scared, wernt you? Oh Cauden!" She pressed herself closer. "I'm okay, I'm alive!" Hearing her say that calmed me, and I took a deep breath, pulling her away.

"You are." I smiled down at her and kissed her, almost not seeing her parents standing there. "Thank God you're alright."

~ugh. I hope you like it... I have three more chapters left for part four and then part five! Part five is going to be reeeeeaaaaalllllllll interesting..... >:)

Anyway. I'm working on putting more feel and detail in my stories. So any advice on that is welcome.

I love you all, and thanks for reading! *cough HollyGummybear and others I can't tag cough*

Wattpad is being a bit glitchy...

See y'all next chapter, which will be written by my friend AidenCliff and then 6Rose9 will write the one after that. And the last chapter of part four has some Caudrian fluff so look forward to it! XD

~Alana ♥

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