2:9 The End

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Part Two: Where Are the Children?

Chapter Nine: The End

I scowled, knowing full well what the Daicion was doing. He was trying to make me tell him all this, so I'd feel guilty. But there was only two ways to get a hold of the Doctor when he wasn't on the TARDIS: sonic him with the special setting he added, or send him a message via psychic paper. Neither was guarantied, as he could have left both on the TARDIS. Or dropped one or the other. The sonic was my best bet. But I wasn't going to tell them that.

I scowled, glaring at the fur-less Daicion. "I dunno. Use the intercom, like you did before." I added a silent duh at the end of that.

"Don't get snippy with me, child!" The male sneered, his face blotching red. "Your lover's life is on the line!" One of the other Daicions punched Cauden in the stomach, and I winced. He turned to one of his soldiers and whispered, waving his hand.

A few minutes later, a voice echoed through the intercom. "Doctor, we have your TARDIS and we have your daughter. Surrender now or we destroy both!" The message was repeated, and I hung my head.

I had to think of a way out of this, with Cauden still intact. My problem was, it was hard to think with a throbbing migraine and screaming ribs.

"Dammit Adrian! You were supposed to escape! Save yourself!" Cauden sounded close to tears, and that frightened me.

"I'm not leaving you behind, Cauden! Forget it!" I shook my head and ignored my own tears.

"How sweet. And disgusting." Naked Guy wrinkled his already-wrinkled nose.

"You are a very bitter man." I blinked at him, trying to focus my vision. "You need to get laid or something." I fell to the floor as his fist connected with my face again.

"Silence!" He bared his teeth and grabbed a fistful of my hair, yanking me up. "You will show me respect!"

I screamed out and squeezed my eyes shut, gritting my teeth. Sharp pain ripped through my skull, making it difficult to think.

"Alright! I'm here! Now let my daughter and her friend go!" My dad's voice was music to my ears, and I broke down sobbing. "Also, if you'll look out the windows, you'll notice that you are very far from home!"

I opened my eyes and looked, seeing a clear purple sky. A single sun hung among the clouds. Kodomo was back where it belonged! I calmed down and smiled, proud.

"What! How...?" Naked Guy was shocked, and that made me giggle.

"He's the Doctor. Undefeated." I grinned.

"Yes. Now let them go. I'll let you go home, if you promise to leave Earth, all children, and my daughter and her friends alone. If you promise to never attempt this again, I'll let you live." My father and his negotiations. I smiled and shook my head. Cali, Kourtland and Ronnie all stepped up beside him, holding what seemed to be weapons of mass destruction.

Cauden and I were promptly released, and we hugged each other before turning towards our friends. I rubbed my sore wrists as he walked, and I limped, smiles on our faces.

"You cannot expect me to let you go!" Naked Guy sounded surprised.

I spun around and steadied myself before I smirked at him. "But of course. You are defeated."

"My queen will never give up! Kardian and it's people need a source of energy!" The man would just not give up.

I sighed. "Listen. Just tell her to look us up. We have never failed to save Earth, and this planet is no exception." I shrugged. "For eons my father has been saving humans and the planets they occupy. She'll never win against him."

"You speak blasphemy! My queen is more intelligent than some time traveller from a dead planet!" The Daicion snarled and grabbed a weapon from one of his soldiers, aiming it at me. "The price for blasphemy is death!"

"No!" As the Daicion pulled the trigger, I felt a body crash into mine, sending me skidding across the floor.

I sat up and shook my head, feeling dizzy. I looked around and blinked at the scene in front of me. Cauden was on the floor where I once stood, unmoving. The naked Daicion that had attempted to kill me lay dead with a hole through his chest. The soldiers were all standing in surrender mode. My gaze drifted back to Cauden, and I crawled over to him.

"Cauden?" I cupped his face in my hands, pushing his hair from his face. "Come on, wake up! We did it! We saved the kids! Cauden?"

"Adrian..." I glanced you to see my dad looking at me with sad eyes.

"No!" I looked back at Cauden, tears threatening. "Cauden! Get up now, okay? We can go home!" The tears spilled over when he still didn't move. "No no no no... you can't do this to me! You promised you'd never leave me again! Cauden!" By then I was sobbing, pulling him into my lap and holding him close. I felt my hearts break, and I found it difficult to breath. I brushed his hair out of his face again, leaning over to kiss him. "Please get up! Oh God..." I felt for a pulse and nearly passed out. There was no pulse.

Cauden was dead.

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