1:5 Chatter

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Part One: The Dead Rise

Chapter Five: Chatter

I decided to let my parents and grandparents handle the whole situation, especially since they allowed me to go with my friends. Rather, they allowed me to talk with them while they figured things out. I was sitting on the floor in between Cali and Ronnie, across from Cauden, who sat next to Kourtland. Mum and Dad sat at a table nearby with Amy, Rory, and Jesse.

"Ow..." Kourtland was massaging a read hand shaped welt on his cheek.

"Yeah, sorry about her... they're all kind of protective over me..." I grinned sheepishly.

"Yeah, why?" He pouted and I giggled.

"I dunno. Probably because the madman and the blonde are my parents, and the other two are my grandparents." I looked over at the subjects of our conversation, and my mum looked back and winked at me. I smiled and turned to Kourtland. He looked very confused. "It's a long story, and I don't even know the whole of it."

Cali sighed and shook her head. "Sorry about him. He's been like that as long as I can remember."

"You've known each other awhile, then?" I decided I needed to get the focus off me.

Cali nodded and kicked at Kourtland. "Yeah. Kourt and I are best friends. And we've known Cauden and Ronnie since Kourt was in middle school." She grinned at the other two.

"That must be nice. Wait, so how old are you lot?" I looked at them all.

Ronnie grinned. "I'm 21."

Kourtland waved with the hand that wasn't on his cheek. "22."

Cauden looked up at me and smiled. "23."

Cali sighed and laid her chin on her knees. "I'm 19. How old are you?"

I blinked and thought. Earlier, the Doctor had said he'd been my father for seventeen years so... "17? I think... my dad said something like that earlier."

"You're so young!" Kourtland gaped at me until Cali kicked him again.

"You really are. But you are more mature than some of us." Cali glared at her best friend.

I smiled and fiddled with a zipper on my jacket. I turned to look at the table again, trying to hear what was being said.

"Yes yes! Something strange!" The Doctor waved his hands around and nodded.

"You mean other than a teenager on my cousin's roof?" Jesse scoffed and ran his hands through his blonde hair. "Or a madman wearing a bow-tie?"

"Oi! Don't hate on the bow-tie! Bow-ties are cool!" I laughed as my father fiddled with his bow-tie, frowning.

As I stared at the bow-tie, my vision went a little blurry, and I remembered something....

My father glared out the window, Rory's phone in hand. "You get back here!" He was practically yelling at them. The aliens, that is. When he hung up, he ran to the room where they kept the patients' clothes and rifled trough them. I copied him, looking to get out of the ratty clothes I wore.

Once we were redressed, the Doctor headed out. "Keep up, Adrian!" He grinned, looking like a little kid at Christmas. Wearing a tweed jacket and a bow-tie.

I followed my father up to the roof, and stopped directly behind him. He'd brought the aliens back, and they stared at us with their giant eye. "Alright! The Doctor is in!" He fixed his bow-tie and fiddled with his tweed jacket.

I tried to remember more, but a sharp pain ripped through my head. "Argh!" I gripped my head tightly and leaned forward, trying to make it stop. I heard a screech, a scream of pain, and then I saw black.

~the pic is Kourtland  Phillips, courtesy of my sister again, RoseDtaildBrkdwn

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