1:8 "You dyed your hair..."

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Part One: The Dead Rise

Chapter Eight: "You dyed your hair..."

"You remember? What do you remember?" Dad blinked down at me, and I could tell he looked nervous.

"Everything! My fifth birthday, when you took me in, when we first met grandma and grandpa..." I sat myself up, and my mum pulled me to her, crushing me.

"I- thought you were gone.." she held me with trembling arms.

"M- mum... c- can't breathe..." I gasped and sucked in oxygen when she let go.

"Sorry." She smiled and stroked my hair. "So... what did happen when your father took you in?"

I smiled at her and glanced at dad, who was still staring at me intently. "Spoilers." She smiled and I stood up, looking around. "Where are we anyway?"

"Your friend let us stay here... what was his name?" Grandpa waved his hand around from behind my parents.

"Cauden, Rory. It's not that difficult to remember." The redhead shook her head before looking at me and holding out her arms. I went to her, and they both threw their arms around me. "I'm so glad you're okay..."

I laughed and sniffed, swallowing my tears. "I'm stronger than that, you know. I am Part Pond." I grinned and pulled away. "Um, where are my friends?"

Amy smiled and pointed towards another part of the house we were in. "In the kitchen."

I walked to the back of the house, and found my four friends sitting at the table, with Jesse standing near Ronnie. I smiled, watching them for a minute before I made my presence known. Cali was slumped over in a chair, laid out on the table. Kourtland was rubbing her back, looking equally as dejected. Ronnie sat with his face in his hands, and Jesse was massaging his shoulders. Cauden sat staring at the back wall, so I couldn't see his expression. I was slightly confused as to why they were so sad. I thought it must be that some of their family members were suffering the same way I did.

I licked my lips and cleared my throat, and was almost immediately tackled by Cali. "Oh my God!" She squeezed me, then pushed me away and looked me over. "You're okay!"

I laughed and hugged her back. "Yeah, I'm okay. I am part Pond." Kourtland hugged the both of us, and then I was being crushed in strong arms. "R- Ronnie, can't.... breathe...."

"Sorry. I'm just glad you're okay, short stuff." He pushed me away and smiled.

"It's alright. You guys were worried about me?" I looked at everyone, my confusion now apparent on my face.

"Well yeah." Kourtland rubbed the back of his neck.

"You're our friend." Calico smiled at me, wiping tears off her face.

"But, you've only known me for a day..." I blinked at them, my cheeks flushing. They looked at each other, and then glanced back at Cauden. "What?"

Cauden stood up and was in front of me in no time. I glanced up at him, and would have looked down, but yet again he had my chin in his fingers. He stared so intently into my eyes, and I almost didn't hear what he said. "Where did you grow up?"

"I-in an orphanage, on the planet Kodomo..." I whispered it, a memory resurfacing once again.

I was about five years old, sitting in the common room at the orphanage. The other kids were playing amongst themselves, ignoring me like always. Kids from all over the universe, and they all chose me to hate.

A boy broke away from the others, and sat down in front of me. He had dark brown eyes,and longish dirty blonde hair. He looked to be about nine or ten. "Why are you over here by yourself?" He looked intently at me, cocking his head to the side.

"The others don't like me. Because my mummy is in prison." I blinked, stating the fact.

"So?" He shrugged, then smiled. "My name's Cauden."

"I'm Adrian." I smiled.

From then on, for two or three years, he looked out for me, made sure the other kids left me alone.

"You're...." I couldn't find the words. "You're that boy, the one that stood up for me..."

He grinned, and cupped my face in his hands. "Yeah." He pushed my hair back and laughed. "You finally remember."

I smiled, gripping his arms. "Where did you go?"

"They found an aunt of mine, and I arrived here when I was twelve." He leaned his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry. I had said I would always be there, to protect you." His smile softened. "You were so little. Now look at you, all grown up."

"Yeah. You dyed your hair." I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair. It was softer than I thought it would be. Tears threatened, and I tried to swallow them back. "I missed you so much, when you left. I can't believe I found you!" I traced his jaw line, and I realized that we were both grown up. My cheeks flushed and I licked my lips, biting the bottom one.

"Hey. You're alright. You found me. I can protect you again." He stroked my cheek and pulled my lip out of the grip of my teeth.

"Cauden..." I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, and my hearts skipped a beat each when his arms enveloped me.

"Aww!" I heard a couple of my friends, but stayed where I was. Until I heard someone clear their throat from near the doorway.

I pulled away, just enough to see my mum standing there, a smirk on her lips. I blushed deeply and blinked. "Um, h- How much did you..."

"From 'you were so little', I think." Her smile widened. "Your father needs your help."

~pic is young Cauden, courtesy of.my friend HollyGummybear XD

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