2:4 Couch

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Part Two: Where Are the Children?

Chapter Four: Couch

"What do you mean, Kodomo has been taken?" I spun and looked at my father, shocked. My home, the place I was raised, taken? My hearts sank as I thought this. The other kids might have been horrible to me, but it was still a home to me.

"Ah, I mean, literally stolen. It vanished yesterday, in fact." The Doctor leaned against the counter and crossed his arms.

"And you're just tellin' me now?" I shoved my food away and stood up.

"Well, I didn't know other children were being stolen too." He scrunched his eyebrows and un-crossed his arms, putting his hands on either side of him on the counter.

"Dad! Kodomo was my home for almost sixteen years! And it was stolen! You didn't think I'd like to know that?!" I was freaking out, I knew it, but I couldn't stop. I had a lot of bad memories there, but there were some really good ones too. "We need to go. We need to go now, and get it back." I turned and started upstairs, into Cauden's room to gather the few things I had there.

"Adrian, slow down!" I heard Cauden call after me, but I continued on up the stairs. Until I tripped over my own foot and fell backwards from two-thirds up. "Adrian!" Strong arms caught me before I hit the floor at the bottom, and Cauden whispered in my ear. "I told you to slow down."

"Yea. Sorry." I tried to catch my breath, which I found difficult to do whilst pressed against Cauden. I managed to stand up, brushing my clothes off. "Thanks."

"Adrian." He took hold of my arms and spun me around to face him. He cupped my face in his hands and looked into my eyes.

"Why do you do that?" I whispered, feeling like this was a private moment.

"Do what?" He cocked his head to the side. I motioned to his hands, licking my lips. "Oh. I dunno. Because you move so quickly, this gives me the chance to look at you closely." I felt my cheek redden, and he smirked before leaning in and kissing me.

I closed my eyes as I kissed him back, drinking in the smell that was all Cauden. He pulled away after a minute and set his forehead against mine. "We have to save our home." I looked into his eyes, getting lost in them.

"We will." He smiled and kissed me once more before releasing me. "But maybe you should wait til tomorrow. It's getting late."

I sighed and glanced out the window to the side. It was dark out. And I was getting tired. "Yea, okay. You're right." I walked back to the kitchen and sheepishly looked at my dad. "Um, we can save Kodomo tomorrow. Sorry I yelled."

My dad studied me a minute before walking to me and engulfing me in his arms. "It's quite alright. I understand."

I nodded against his chest and sniffed, squeezing him tight. I pulled away after a minute and smiled at him. "I'm tired. I'm goin' to bed."

I turned to go upstairs to Cauden's room, where I had been sleeping this whole three weeks or so, but I was stopped by a hand on my wrist. "Adrian, where are you going?"

I looked back at my dad and sighed. "Upstairs, where I've been sleeping for three weeks." He gave me a look, that look that says 'I'm your dad, you're not sleeping with a guy', and I sighed again. "Cauden's been sleeping on the couch."

Early update, wattpad hates me... Maybe... o.O enjoy the short chapter as I write more XD

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