4:7 Calico and Kourtland's Date

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Part Four: Birthday Surprises

Chapter Seven: Calico and Kourtland's Date

*Calico's POV*

Kourtland and I stood for a minute after everyone else had left to go shop for Adrian's gift. I already had an idea of what I wanted to get her, I just had to look around for it.

It was a phone case, with a picture of Adrian and I, but it changed as Adrian got new bodies.

And I just now realized how wrong that sounds......oh well.

It also changed as we both got older. I thought it would be sweet to get her something that would remind her of me.

Kourtland said something about getting her a little key chain.

Cool Dude. Go get it.

"C'mon, let's go," I grabbed his arm and dragged him to a technology store to see if they had what I was looking for.

"Cali, slow down, damn!" Kourtland sounded out of breath, and I grinned.

I described what I wanted to the guy behind the counter, showing him a picture of Adrian and me I had recently taken. He told me to give him an hour and it would be ready. "Thanks so much! She's gonna love it!" I dragged Kourtland away from the techy toys and to the corridor, looking around at the shops. "Now. What did you want to get her?"

"A little charm, to put on her phone or something." He shrugged, scratching the back of his head. "I dunno. I just thought she'd like it." I smiled at him and nudged him, laughing when he shoved me. He went back in and I followed to see what he would find. He ended up sketching a 1950's police box, an exact replica of the Doctor's TARDIS.

"Wow. That sketch is actually really good!" I grinned at Kourt, impressed.

"Shut up." He blushed and avoided my gaze. "It'd be cool if it lit up whenever she got messages or was getting a call or something." He pushed the paper towards the cashier guy. "Can you do that?"

"Yeah, actually. It'll take me a bit to get the design you want, but I can have it ready by the time her purchase is done." He pointed at me and picked up the sketch.

"Thank you. We'll be back to pick them up soon, then." I winked at the cashier, and we both smiled at the guy before leaving. "Now what?" I turned to Kourt and grabbed his arm.

"Well, uh, we could, uh," he stammered, his cheeks tinted pink. I smirked and allowed him to try and find the words he wanted. "we could go and like, I dunno, get some coffee or something." He studied the floor, glancing at me.

My smirk widened. "You mean, like a date?" He stuttered some more and I sniggered. "I'd love to. There was a coffee shop back that way." I hitched my thumb back, pointing to the shop I knew was close by.

We wandered over to the shop and sat at a two person table, and soon a waiter was taking our order. He wore tight black slacks, a black button down and a white vest. His hair was three shades of purple with a red streak, and his eyes matched the lightest purple. His face was angular with a well defined nose, sharp cheek bones and outlined by his bangs. He smiled at us both, leaning all his weight on one leg. "What can I get you two cuties?"

I blinked and then grinned. "I'll have a large mocha." I looked around at the tables and tilted my head. "This is a really fancy coffee shop." A low light hung over every table, and soft alternative music floated in the air.

The waiter, whose nametag said "Hello, my name is Kevin", smiled sweetly. "Yes, well the owner is very adamant that we give our customers the very best."

I nodded and Kourtland ordered a large caramel frappe. Kevin wrote it down and went to place it at the register. "It is nice." Kourt looked around as well, nodding in appreciation.

"Yea. I hope the drinks are good too." I smiled at him, placing my elbows on the table and leaning on my hands. We chatted about random things while we waited, mostly about how we thought things were going at home and if anyone noticed we were gone.

Our drinks came, along with a wink from our waiter and an offer for extra whipped cream. Which Kourt and I both accepted. 'Cause whipped cream.

We spent a few minutes then, enjoying our yummyness in silence. The waiter wandered over again, setting two muffins down on or table. I blinked and looked up, kind of confused. "We didn't order any muffins."

"These are on the house. Two delicious muffins for two gorgeous people." He winked at us -like one eye literally closed while the other stayed open- a smirk on his lips.

If I already didn't have my sights set on someone else (namely Kourtland), I would have asked Kevin when he got off work.

We finished our treats and paid the bill, making sure to tip our waiter handsomely. We walked silently back to the shop, arm-in-arm. The guy that had taken our orders for the charm and case had even gift wrapped them in shiny blue paper. I grinned and paid him, tucking the packages in my arms as we started back towards the TARDIS.

"Think she'll like them?" Kourt shuffled his feet and I smiled, finding his little bout of anxiety adorable.

"Of course. She would like anything we gave her." I leaned up and kissed his cheek, laughing as I left him to blush alone as I entered the blue box.

~A/N: gah!! I'm so so so so so sorry for this..... I haven't updated in almost a year... There is no excuse, I know. Lots happened and I lost my motivation to write for awhile, but I've been finding that motivation slowly again recently. I know this chapter is a bit short, bit bear with me as I am also publishing the last chapter to this part and then starting part five! Which is mostly written already! Yay! Enjoy this bit of fluff, inspired in part by my lovely sister.


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