Chapter 3: ...Well, better than the alternative

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Chester quickly gets up from the bed and tip toes to the camera. (Shit....he can't see what I just way...) He grabs the camera and stops the recording. He quickly pushes a few buttons on the recorder, causing a message to pop up:

"Are you sure you want to delete?"
(YES, YES I DO.) he screams internally in his head.
Now, unfortunately for him, he wasn't aware that the volume on the recorder was all the way up.

"OKAY, NOW DELETING VIDEO." The Siri like voice "gently says."
Chester practically jumps out of his skin when he suddenly hears Parker mumble something.

Before anything else happened, Chester booked it out the door. He turns on the camera light and sets it to its lowest setting, just in case other cameras spot him. Maybe he can convince Parker that his shadow was the old woman or something. He finds the bathroom and shuts the door quietly.

"Okay...okay...this is fine. Everything is fine! The video is deleting itself...the evidence is going to be gone forever!" He reassures himself underneath his breath.

"Deletion failed. Try again later."

"Excuse me?" He snaps his head up at the message. Did he hear that right? He reads through the short sentence again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
Please, please, no.
This HAS to be a nightmare, right?
He presses the same buttons, attempting to delete it once again.
And it loads for a bit.....
"Deletion failed. Try again later."
Before he can yell, he quickly puts a hand over his mouth. He can't afford to wake up anyone, especially Parker. If the old lady wakes up and kills him, then so be it. He'd rather die than let Parker see that footage of him.

(Actually, I could probably take on that lady, she's basically just old hit and she'll turn to dust.) Chester laughs to himself.

"Chester? Bro?" He hears someone outside the door.
It's Parker.
"UH, UH, y-yeah?" He calls back in a somewhat fake monotone voice, trying to sound like everything's fine.
"You okay in there? That old lady didn't get you, did she?" He jokes through the door.

"Oh, yeah, I'm totallyyyy dying right now." Chester jokes back, calming down.

"Alright, alright, enough jokes. Have you seen the bedroom camera anywhere?"
Parker suddenly sounds serious.

"" Chester doesn't know what to say. He can't just give back the camera, not now.
" isn't in the room?" He asks, shakiness in his voice.
"Nope, did you see anything when you went out?" Parker questions.
"Nah, it's too dark and I walked quickly over here." He mumbles nonchalantly.
"Well, okay. I'm gonna go look around, bro." Parker says, his voice starting to sound further and further away.
Well fuck.
Chester powers off the camera. He can feel tears start to form from his eyes. If he gives up now, Parker is going to find out his biggest secret, and if THAT happens...
he'll be abandoned.
He'll be alone.

But he can't let that happen! He cannot give up! Chester stares back down at the camera. (Maybe if I edit it a bit? wait...WAIT...)
Chester immediately turns back on the camera recorder.

He can just CROP THE VIDEO.
Why didn't he think of that before?
He goes to the settings, presses the crop button, and.....

"Cropping unavailable at this time. Error 303."
Well, at this point, Chester is internally screaming in his head.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" He yells through his teeth.
He tries again, and again and again.
But no luck.
This camera truly hates him.
He presses almost every button now, trying to find SOMETHING. Just...just anything!

"One update available."
Chester immediately presses the go button, accepting the update.

"Update will be done in approximately...."


"12 hours."

Chester throws the camera across the bathroom floor, shattering it.

"CHESTER?" He hears Parker yell not too far away.
"Bro, you okay?! Open up!"
Well, now he doesn't have a choice anymore.
He opens the door.

"P-Parker, bro...uh..." Chester breathes, already feeling lightheaded.
"DUDE, IS THAT THE CAMERA?!" Parker points at the ground. It was indeed the camera.

"Y-yeah! I underneath the sink! And," Chester exhales, regretting his life choices.

"" Parker deadpans.
"DUDE, THIS OLD LADY IS OUT TO GET US, THEN!" Parker yells, obviously scared now.
Oh my god, he believed him.
"Y-yeah! We need to get outta here!" He chimes in.
Without hesitation, they both go back into the bedroom and collect their things. Chester puts on his glasses, quickly throwing the pillow sheet under the bed so Parker doesn't question it. (Once again, sorry, old lady.)

"So uh...what are we going to tell her?" Chester asks.
"We'll just uh...shoot her an email or something. We'll be back tomorrow if everything goes well." Parker replies, putting back on his shoes.

Great, they're going to be back here tomorrow.
Just great.
Parker must of caught a glimpse of Chester's disappointed expression.
"Hey, don't look so sad. We need a video up soon so our fans don't think we died or something!" He jokes, patting him on the head before walking out the main door.

He wishes that pat lasted longer.

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