Chapter 12: Problems

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They both woke up kinda late that day. Parker had a harder time getting up because Chester refused to let go of him.
"Dude, c'mon, we need to get up...." Parker mumbles, trying to wiggle his way out of bed.

"Nooo, lets just....skip today?" Chester whines, burying his face into Parker's neck.

"Bro, at least let me get the laptop or something!" Parker complains.

"You'll come back, right?"
Parker sighs. "Yes, whatever, just...move."
Chester gives in and gets off of him. As promised, Parker did eventually come back with the laptop.

Chester couldn't go back to sleeping on top of him, unfortunately, since Parker now had the laptop, lazily scrolling through emails.

"So...anything catching your eye?" Chester asks, fidgeting with Parker's free hand.

", not really...well, there's this one email talking about someone's mother being possessed in the middle of the night..."

Honestly, that shouldn't sound normal to anyone, but it truly isn't that bad at this point.

"Would you...want to investigate that or should I look for something else?" Parker asks, looking up at Chester.

Huh, this is new. Usually Parker would've just picked one, tell Chester at the last minute, and then take him to whatever house they were going to.

"Uhh...yeah? I guess, I don't mind." Chester smiles, practically holding Parker's free hand.

"Alright, awesome. I'll shoot them an email back then."

Chester just hums, finally letting go of Parker's hand. He stretches his entire body before looking at the alarm clock.

1:25 PM
They really DID wake up pretty late...and even then, Chester's body was still tired. Parker seems to be fine, though...

Though he does wonder...

Chester turns around quickly, lifting up Parker's shirt a bit.
"Dude?" Parker quickly asks.

His waistline was still bruised with love.
So Chester wasn't actually dreaming that did indeed happen.

Chester reaches out to touch it, making Parker quietly gasp in contact to his cold fingers, but still not taking his eyes off of the laptop.

"I didn't mean for it to be this big, my bad..." Chester silently huffs.

"It's fine, it's not noticeable or anything." Parker reassures him.

Yeah, but he secretly wanted it to be.

"Well, alright...." Chester sighs, pulling Parker's shirt back down.
"When are you gonna be done with the laptop, dude?" Chester whines.

"Pff, what? Do you need it for something?" Parker smirks.
"No, your just always on it....scrolling through the same eleven emails..." Chester sighs loudly.

"Awww, do you want your fair share of attention?" Parker coos.
Chester can feel his face start to burn up.

"What? No! I just...wanna have simple conversations with you." Chester pouts, grabbing back onto Parker's free hand.

"Alright, so talk to me. I can do two things at once, you know?" Parker laughs.

"No! Close the laptop!" Chester commands, not at all sounding scary.

"So you DO want all of the attention, huh?" Parker raises an eyebrow.

Alright, he's digging himself into his own grave at this point.

"If I say yes, will you close the laptop?" Chester exhales.

"....Perhaps." Parker mumbles.

"Alright, fine! I want your...attention. I NEED the attention. I need to FEEL the attention. Because the ATTENTION is a FEELING that I, your best friend, Chester, NEEDS in this very moment-"

"Ughhhh, fine, fine! You can shut up. I'll close it..." Parker groans, shutting the laptop.

"Your annoying, you know that?" Parker sighs, putting the laptop down on the ground.

"Hm. Yeah, but you can't hate me for it." Chester smiles, laying his head (finally) back down onto Parker's chest.

"Yeahhh...I know..." Parker hums, messing with Chester's hair once again.

And for a beautiful moment, everything was perfect. Birds were chirping outside, the wind was blowing at a decent pace, the room was at a comfy temperature...

Chester felt free. Free and safe from the world.
Safe in his best friends arms.
And he wouldn't have it any other way...
Then, the lady sent an email back to them.

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