Chapter 40: I Can't Handle Change

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Parker didn't get any sleep last night. He got out of bed early to go grab the laptop. His entire body felt exhausted and his mind was still racing like crazy...

Surprisingly, Chester was already out in the living room when he walked by. He looked completely out of it, staring off into space.

"Morning...dude." Parker mumbles, picking up the laptop.
Chester's body jolts up, quickly looking up at him. "Oh! Hey, man...."

"Did all?" Chester yawns, resting his elbow on the end of the couch.

"Of course I did." Parker faintly smiles, kicking himself mentally for lying.

"Lucky...I had a hard time sleeping." Chester groans, rubbing his eyes.

Parker raises an eyebrow. Was he having the same problem as him yesterday? No, that's impossible....

"Did you have another nightmare or something?" He asks, completely invested in this conversation now.

" brain just refused to let me sleep. I'm probably just not used to sleeping back in my own bed." Chester shrugs, laying his head down on the couch.

" you still want to record today then? We can always hold it off..."

Chester quickly lifts his head up.
"No, no, it's fine. I don't mind recording."
Something is wrong. The room feels cold, and barley any lights were on. Was Chester just...sitting in the dark? How long was he out here for?

"When did you walk out here?" Parker asks, frowning.
Chester just stares at him, somewhat nervously.

"....I don't know." He mumbles.

Liar...Parker knows when he's lying from just by listening to his voice.

"Alright, well...I'm gonna go back into my room to check stuff. Feel free to join me if you want..." Parker sighs, turning around to walk back to his room.

Parker adjusted the camera a bit before pressing record. Chester is sitting at the table next to him, his sunglasses were back on, finally.

Tonight they were going to the house of a 19 year old woman by the name of Jess. She's explained in her email that she keeps hearing something crawling around in her basement, and has kindly asked them to check it out.

Parker packed everything up in the car. Chester took a while longer to get ready, but Parker didn't blame him. They're both super fucking tired and depressed as hell, but they have a show to run.

The car ride was quiet, a bit too quiet. Chester usually turned on the camera to say a few things, but this time it was just laying beside him as he stared off into the window.

When they got there, everything went as if nothing changed between them. Chester acted scared as usual, talking to the camera as if it was an actual person. Parker kept reassuring the poor soul that has to stick with them throughout the night. Jess was generally a great and nice lady. She wasn't clingy or anything, and soon showed them to their room.

The room was small, obviously only cut out to be a guest room and nothing more. There was a king sized bed in the middle, along with an old lamp right next to it.

"Hopefully this will work...sorry if it's a tad too small." Jess smiles sadly.

"Oh, no, it's fine. This is perfect." Parker assures her, setting down his stuff on the bed.

Chester didn't even try talking to her before she left the room. Quite frankly, it looked like he wanted nothing to do with her.

"Hey, so should we go check out the basement right now or should we wait for something to happen..?" Parker asks, setting up a tiny camera on the lamp.

"Whatever you want to do..." Chester mumbles.
Parker looks up at him, frowning. "Are you doing okay, dude? You sound...out of it."

Chester rolls his eyes at him, but Parker can't see it due to his sunglasses covering them.
"I'm fine." He spits, walking out the door.
"C'mon, lets get this over with...."
The two of them are at the basement door. They both look at each other, not knowing who should open it first.

"Well? Go ahead...." Parker grins, nudging Chester closer to the door.

He takes a few deep breaths before gripping the knob. Parker had no idea he was shaking like crazy.

Chester opens the door quickly, stepping back.
The basement was dark, and all they could see were....

old wooden stairs going down.
Parker immediately turns to Chester, trying to look him in the eyes. Looking closely, he can see Chester's eyes widened with terror.

"Chester...hey, your going to be fine, okay? We're going to alright. We'll...go down together." Parker quietly explains, trying to calm the other down.

"NO." Chester yells, stepping back once more.
Well, now Parker can really tell that he's shaking, goosebumps can be seen on his arms.

"Fine, fine...we won't go down there, but I'm going to put a camera on the top step, okay?"

Chester shakes his head, grabbing ahold of his arm.
"N-No...I want you to close the door."

"Dude, we need to see if there's actually something in her basement or not... look, I'm not even going to touch the steps..." Parker explains, kneeling down to put the mini camera recorder on the top step. Parker made sure not even TOUCH the step with his hands.

"There..." Parker sighs, closing the door.
Chester still looks a little uncomfortable, but his body is less tense now.

"Can we...just go back to the room now?" Chester asks quietly, rocking back and forth.

"Bro, I still need to put up the other cameras around the house...." Parker laughs.

Chester sighs dramatically. "Fine, fine...but I'm following behind you the entire time."

"Sounds good to me."

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