Chapter 25: Zoom

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Chester was sitting down for most of the day, obviously. He couldn't even walk to the kitchen to get something to eat. Parker tried carrying him, which didn't work at all, resulting in Chester falling onto the ground multiple times.
By the end of the day, Parker was apologizing left and right.

Chester also convinced Parker to order a pizza instead of actually going somewhere, thank god.

"Damn it, why Pizza Hut?!" Chester groans, taking a plate out of Parker's hands.
"Dude, you didn't say a specific place." Parker mumbles, grabbing himself a plate from the kitchen.

Oh yeah, also Parker ended up dragging Chester by the legs so he can be in the living room for a while.

"Bro, you know damn well Pizza Hut went downhill a while ago. Their pizza is basically cardboard now!" Chester pouts.

Parker takes a bite out of a slice, immediately scrunching his face in disgust.
"Yeaaahhh...should've just ordered wings..."

"WINGS?! YOU DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT WINGS?!" Chester whines, putting his plate down on his lap.

"Ughhh...we can still get them! It'll just take like...15 minutes." Parker sighs, pulling out his phone.

"Nooooo....I lost my appetite. Nothing matters anymore..." Chester fake sobs, slowly slipping off the couch.

"Dude, you need to eat SOMETHING. Want me to look in the fridge for you?" Parker asks, pulling Chester back up a bit so he doesn't completely fall.

"...yeah..." Chester sighs.
It was 8:43 PM, and Chester has a bag of baby carrots in his hands, chomping down as he's leaning against Parker's shoulder, watching a movie.

"So...*munch* when does he confess his love?" Chester mumbles.

"Dude, they are literally fish people." Parker laughs.

"Yeah? And fish people can find love, too." Chester argues, leaning further back onto Parker.

"Haha....your like that grumpy old dude." Chester laughs, pointing at one of the characters on screen.

"Dude, he's a hell i'm like him." Parker grumbles.

Chester soon closed the carrot bag, setting it down on the floor. He lays himself down comfortably on Parker's chest, continuing to be invested in the movie.
The movie ends, and Chester is bawling his eyes out.
"Dudeeee...that's how it ends?! But...but they NEED each other!" Chester cries.

"But he finally gets to go to school! That's a good thing, right?" Parker smiles, patting Chester's head for comfort.

"Ughhh...yeah, I guess your right..." Chester sighs, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm surprised you didn't doze off on me, you rarely ever make it through movies..." Parker jokes, messing around with Chester's hair.

Chester makes an unrecognizable noise, turning over to face the couch, closing his eyes.

"Dude, your not sleeping on top of me, god forbid on this tiny couch." Parker groans, sitting up.

"Well do you have enough strength to drag me back to bed?" Chester coos.

Parker sighs loudly, slouching back down.
"No, not really...."

"Aha! I guess we're staying right here then!" Chester laughs.
Parker gets up from underneath Chester, stretching his back.
"Nah, more like your staying here." Parker smiles, walking back to his room.

"WHAT?! NO! COME BACKKK!" Chester whines, kicking his legs around like a child.

"Oh calm down, you big baby!" Parker yells from his room.

"Parkerrr....come back...." Chester frowns, burying his face in a couch pillow.

Minutes passed before Chester could hear footsteps again. He looks up from the pillow to see Parker with his own pillow and a blanket.

"Did you seriously think I was gonna leave you here?" Parker smirks, placing his pillow next to Chester's head.

"Uhhh..yes?! But are you gonna fit?!" Chester asks.


"DON'T TWIST MY WORDS!" Chester blushes, trying to hide his face.

"Uhhh...make room?" Parker mumbles, squirming to fit into his small sleeping space.

"Parker...I'm not going to friggin spoon you while I'm trying to sleep!" Chester groans, slowly dying inside.

"It's not like you haven't done that before..."

"NO, SHUT UP, GET OUT." Chester yells into his pillow.



"BAHA!" Parker wheezes.

"Leeeaaavvvee!" Chester whines, getting tired of yelling.

"Dude, just relax. It's not that bad." Parker sighs, closing his eyes.

Chester rolls his eyes in defeat, wrapping his arms around Parker's chest.

"Fine...but I'm not letting you move."
"Fair enough."

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