Chapter 9: Your Sister Was Right

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"Chester, can you unlock the door for me?" Parker asks.
God, Chester just wants to disappear at this point.
He hesitated before deciding to finally unlock the door, opening it slowly.
Chester's face was all puffy and red, like he has an allergic reaction whenever he cries. Despite crying, it made his eyes stick out more than ever.

"Dude...what happened?" Parker asks slowly.
Chester couldn't control what came out of his mouth next.
"YOU happened, asshole." Chester yells, gritting his teeth.
Parker was taken aback by his sudden lash of emotions.
"What? What the hell did I do?!" Parker snaps back.
Chester looks down at the ground, cowardly once again. It seems his bravery only lasts for so long.
"Whatever, it doesn't matter..." Chester whispers.
"What?! No! It DOES matter, bro. I want to know what I did so I can FIX it." Parker states, crossing his arms together.

(He...actually isn't going to storm off?)

"Well. It was...that IDEA you had..." Chester whispers, a bit too quietly.

"Huh? Dude, you gotta speak up." Parker says in a hint of annoyance in his voice.

God fucking damn it.

"I don't want a girlfriend!" Chester snaps, looking Parker dead in the eyes.

Parker raises an eyebrow. "Why not? Your like...super lonely and stuff. I've NEVER seen you with a girl before, plus, dude, it'll only be for like...4 hours. She won't even be your actual-"

"I DON'T CARE." Chester yells, cutting Parker off.

Well now both of them are mad.

"God! What's your problem?! You never have a problem with my ideas unless they're like...super dangerous and shit!" Parker complains, raising his voice.

"I just don't want a girlfriend!" Chester argues.
"Oh, SURE you do! You probably just haven't found the right one!" Parker jokes.

God, that sentence made Chester remember something. Something horrible.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT I WANT?!" Chester yells.

"Because I'm your best friend!" Parker yells back.

"WELL CLEARY YOU DON'T KNOW FUCKING JACK SHIT ABOUT ME!" Chester yells again, his voice only getting louder.

"AND WHY IS THAT?!" Parker snarls, inching closer.

"BECAUSE I DON'T FUCKING LIKE GIRLS!!!!" Chester screams. If he was any louder, glass would've shattered.

Then silence.
Parker was silent, wide eyed, mouth agape.
Tears were falling from Chester's face at a rapid pace. He was clenching onto the door for dear life, maybe even for safety.

"....oh." Parker whispers.
"Yeah..." Chester whispers too.
"What?" Chester says, voice cracking a bit from all the dryness in his throat.

"I just....had no idea." Parker says in a low voice.

"God, Parker, did you think I was just an anxious mess around girls?" Chester huffs.

"Pfff, yeah." Parker laughs, making Chester jump from the sudden change in his voice.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me!" Chester pouts.
Parker let's out another laugh, wiping his eyes from laughing so hard.

Chester is still in shock from how well this is going.

Parker soon stops laughing, his voice going back to complete silence for a minute.

After the silence, there was embrace. He was being hugged again.

"Eek!" Chester jumps from the sudden warmth that's coming from Parker's body.
"God, you've always been so jumpy...." Parker hums into Chester's shoulder.
"A-Ah...I just didn't expect this, okay?!" Chester groans, trying to sound mad.
"Dude...I'm so proud of you." Parker whispers, hugging him tighter.
Sudden tears start to prick at Chester's eyes again. He's...proud of him?

"H-Huh?" Chester asks, like he needs to hear it a second time to confirm that's exactly what he said.

"I said...I'm proud of you, Chester. Thank you for telling me." Parker whispers softly, trying to loosen his squeeze on Chester's body can get air into his lungs once again.

Chester was at a loss for words. Everything was happening all at once. He didn't know what to do.
So he started sobbing into Parker's shirt.
Parker didn't move back or try to leave.
He just rubbed Chester's back, comforting him.
And Chester loved that.
It was like Parker's way of saying that he'll never leave him because of this.

"We won't do that video. I promise I won't make you do stuff like that anymore. I'm so sorry, dude...." Parker whispers, now sounding like he might cry.

"Thanks,, so much..." Chester exhales.
Suddenly, he felt the embrace loosen.
Parker takes a step back, still facing Chester, eye to eye.
"Parker?" Chester whispers, not knowing what his next move is going to be.

Then, he felt something warm on his forehead.
It took Chester a second to figure out what was going on.
Parker kissed his forehead.
So softly.
Parker pulled away, obviously embarrassed.
"Sorry...I actually don't know if that kind of affection. My bad.." Parker mumbles, looking down.

He's giving Chester more affection.
Hell yeah.

"" Chester feels a lump in his throat start to form.
"I-I do...yea...I like it...a lot." Chester mumbles, going back into the hug so he can bury his blush into Parker's shirt.

Parker laughs. "Well that's good. I'll just do that more often then."

"R-really??" Chester looks up at him, accidentally making eye contact with him again, but suddenly he can't move his eyes back down.

"Well..when you least expect it-"

"Can I do that to you then??" Chester accidentally cuts him off.
Parker's eyebrows raise all the way up, blushing a bit in surprise.


Parker stops talking completely, before starting his sentence over.

"Of course."
And Chester wastes no time to do his part.
"U-Uh...lean down a bit..." Chester mumbles.
Parker smirks, easily giving in to his soft voice.

Chester hesitates for a second.
Then he places his lips onto Parker's forehead.
Chester can feel his eyes get heavy. That feeling was coming back....
The feeling of want.
The feeling of need.
He quickly pulls back before he can slip up.
His eyes were foggy, Parker looked like a blur to him.
"Man, I thought you were gonna chicken out." Parker laughs before hugging him again.
Ah, the embrace again....
Too much...
Chester let's out a whimper. He's completely out of it now. Everything's so blurry.

He heard Parker's voice. He sounded...panicky? Chester didn't know why...

Then he passed out from the feeling of lust.

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