Chapter 27: Baggage

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Time seemed to have froze in that moment. It was like the world completely stopped.

"Parker...." Chester whispers, trying his best to stand up.

", no, no..." Parker mumbles, turning on his phone to see the notification again.

"Parker um....we'll be okay..." Chester smiles sadly, even he knows that might be a lie.

"No, no, no! NO! DUDE, SHES PROBABLY AFTER US!" Parker yells, throwing his phone back on the table.

"No, she's not...she doesn't even know where we live.." Chester assures him, making an attempt to walk over to where he's standing.

"Chester, sit down...your probably still in pain from-"
"I'm fine, dude." Chester sighs, knowing damn well he's lying. It doesn't hurt as much, but the pain is still there.

"Chester..." Parker grumbles. He was going to say something else if it wasn't for Chester's sudden hug.

"Just...calm down. We aren't going to be murdered in our own home, Kacy doesn't know where we live, and the police are probably already looking for her. We are going to be fine!" Chester smiles, hugging Parker will all of his strength.

"Are you sure?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"...Because she could totally track us down from our email..." Parker exhales sharply.
Oh shit.
"Oh..." Chester whispers.
"I'm so scared, dude..." Parker mumbles into Chester's shoulder, hugging him tighter.

"Yeah, yeah me, too...." Chester whimpers, sounding like he might cry.

"I don't want you to die, Chester. I don't want to see you go like that..." Parker sobs into Chester's neck.

"Hey,, I'm not going anywhere." Chester shakily inhales, letting a few tears run down his face.

"How do I know that, dude? How do I know that you're not going to just...leave this world forever by tomorrow?! She could come at us at any moment...she could come at YOU at any moment!"
"Parker, look at me." Chester whispers, letting himself slip away from the hug for a moment.

Parker lets go, staring at him, his eyes are filled to the brim with tears.

"I love you, and I refuse to go out like I did in my dream. I'm not going to let that girl lay a finger on me, and she's not going to get you, either." Chester whispers, smiling in attempt to give the other hope.

Parker just continues to stare at Chester, though his eyes seem to be more relax, no longer completely open in fear.

"Parker, do you trust me?" Chester asks, moving his hand up to Parker's face, wiping away a tear from his eye.

"With my life." Parker exhales.
And with that, Chester moves up a tiny bit to his level, kissing him gently.

The other falls into the kiss, closing his eyes immediately to take in everything.

Chester moves down a bit to kiss the bottom of Parker's lip before pulling back, exhaling quietly.

"You okay?" Chester asks, looking back up at Parker, who seems to be a bit dazed.

Parker doesn't say anything, he just leans forward to kiss Chester again, a bit rougher this time.
A jolt goes through Chester's body before he starts to kiss back again.

Chester could feel his eyes start to water again as Parker pushes his back against the table, kissing him rougher on the edges of his mouth.

A small whimper escapes Chester's throat as he feels something warm enter his mouth. Unfortunately, things probably shouldn't go any further right now, they still need to plan a few things out.

Chester lazily raises an arm, putting a hand on Parker's hair. He pulls him back from the kiss, huffing to catch his breath.

"W-We need to focus on..."
"Later." Parker sighs, going in to kiss at Chester's neck.

Jeez, okay. Usually he would be on board to plan out a few things for safety purposes.

Chester wonders if he's finally feeling that needy feeling that he felt all the time...


Someone is at the door. At this hour?
Parker suddenly pulls back completely, gripping onto Chester.

"Um..." Chester whispers.
"Stay there." Parker commands, quietly walking to the door.

Oh no...
Oh dear god, this is it.
This is where everything goes downhill.
Parker peaks through the door hole.
Then he lets out a sigh of relief, opening the door.
It was the police.

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