Chapter 32: Two Moons

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The "I love you" stung a little bit, but Chester quickly got over it, he had other things to worry about.

For example, going to bed tonight. He really didn't want to relive that nightmare, but he fears he may have to. Lord knows Parker isn't going to let him stay up all night just to avoid it.

Parker made sure that Chester was completely calm again before going to take a shower. In the meantime, Chester stayed in his room, contemplating his entire life.

"I can't keep this charade up forever. I need to tell him...but I also don't want to ruin what we have going on right now...." Chester whispers at the ceiling, quietly sighing to himself.

"I'll just...tell him at the most absurd time. Then, he'll forget about it because he has to focus on something more important! He won't remember, but at least it'll be out there..." Chester announces like it's the best thing he's ever come up with.

Strange, it looks like even the ceiling is judging him this time.
"Alright dude, if you have another nightmare like that, be sure to wake me up this time before things get bad, okay?" Parker smiles, patting Chester's head before shutting the lights off in his room for the night.

"Yeah...if I even CAN fall asleep tonight..." Chester mumbles, burying his entire body in blankets.

"Well don't suffocate underneath all of those blankets. I don't want to wake up next to a dead man." Parker laughs, laying down close to him.

"Whatever...goodnight, dude." Chester sighs, closing his eyes.

Chester is back in the dark room, great.
"God damn it. GAH!" Chester yells, smelling the decomposing lady behind him once again.

He didn't even bother looking around this time. Chester just wanted to get straight to the point with this.

"Parker! Kacy! I'm ready! You can come stab me now!" Chester hollers at the stairs. That wasn't really something he ever expected to yell, but here we are.

Chester starts to hear giggling. Right on time, too.

"Alright, get this over with..." Chester mumbles.
The giggling stops, the stairs aren't creaking by themselves either.
This was going to be something new...

"Alright, this is fine...I'm ready for anything you throw at me!" Chester yells.

He suddenly sees a shadowy figure up the stairs, standing there with someone hoisted over their shoulder. They weren't moving.

"Oh, so it's going to be the two of you now? Is that it? FINE! FINE THEN! DO YOUR WORST!" Chester snaps, glaring at the two figures.

Then, the figure throws the other one down the stairs, violently. Their body eventually made it in front of Chester, completely limp.

Chester's eyes are blown wide open when he realizes who it was.

It was Parker, bloody and bruised. The worst part? He wasn't breathing. Chester's body starts to shake, but it wasn't just fear was also anger.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU DO TO TRY AND SCARE ME NEXT?! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!!?" Chester screams at the woman, who was laughing hysterically up the stairs.

He could feel tears start to build up in his eyes. He didn't want to see this. He didn't want to see Parker lifeless in front of him.

Chester was so angry, he didn't even feel his own tears drowning him. It was like he was coughing up water.

"GET DOWN HERE AND FIGHT ME, YOU PSYCHOPATH!!!" Chester screams through the water that was slowly drowning him.

He watched Kacy slowly leave his vision as everything started to get blurry like usual.

And then he woke up.

Chester sits up, feeling tears drip down his cheeks. Things were different this time, though. He didn't feel like sobbing like a little baby, he felt like punching something.

He turned to Parker, who was sleeping soundly. Chester proceeds to shake Parker gently.
"Parker, happened again..." Chester whispers.

"...Huh..?" Parker mumbles groggily.
Chester rolls his eyes, shaking him some more.
"I had that nightmare again."

Well, now Parker is awake. He quickly sits up, looking at Chester.
" okay?" He asks, yawning.

Chester takes a second to think about what to say next. He can't lie to him anymore.

"No, I'm not. You fucking died this time, dude." Chester says, clenching his teeth.

Parker's eyes widen. "Oh...shit..."

"Yeah, it sucked. She just...threw your body down those stupid stairs were nothing! It was horrible!" Chester slowly starts to yell.

"Chester, calm down..." Parker begins to say, but is quickly cut off.

"NO! SHE KILLED YOU! YOU LOOKED...HORRIBLE!!" Chester screams, getting off the bed to stand up.

"Chester, hey..."

"You were all bloody! It was like she tortured you! And then she fucking TAUNTED me by just standing there! I couldn't do anything!" Chester continues to yell, putting both hands on his head now, walking back and forth.

"Chester, look at me." Parker asks.
"I'M GOING TO KILL HER MYSELF!" Chester screams.

"CHESTER." Parker yells, finally grabbing Chester's attention.

"Sit down, dude...." Parker mumbles, patting at the bed. Chester rolls his eyes again, sitting back down next to the other.

"Now look at me." Parker asks gently. Chester quickly turns his head to face him, a hint of anger still on his face.

"Now, do I look alive to you?"
Chester grins, trying to contain a laugh.
"With those eye bags? Barley."

Parker huffs, cracking a tiny smile.
"Oh shut up, I'm trying to make a point here..."

Chester raises an eyebrow.

"Look, did it look like I had any wounds on me in your dream?" Parker asks, going back to his serious voice.

"Yeah....your entire face was fucked up." Chester mumbles, not wanting to think back to that cruel image.

"And does my face look fucked up right now?"
"I'm serious, Chester."
" look fine." Chester exhales, bringing a hand up to observe the other boy's face.

"Exactly. I'm not dead, and that lady isn't going to get me anytime soon." Parker smiles, letting his head rest on the others hand.

Chester tries to hold back a blush, smiling softly. "Okay...I believe you."


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