Chapter 50: Love Taste

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Chester didn't last long, but it's not he actually tried to hold off at all this time. His mind was exhausted from worrying all day, and now his body is most likely gonna feel numb for the rest of the night. Not to mention his hip is going to hurt for a while...

"Chester? You still with me...?" Parker asks, gently shaking his leg.

"Hm? Oh...uh...yeah..." Chester mumbles, uncovering his face.

"Do you feel any better....?"

"You ask that as if you didn't just take a chunk out of my hip." Chester smirks, narrowing his eyes at Parker.

Parker grazes a finger over the blood stained wound, sighing softly.
"Sorry...I just thought that...well..."

"No, no, I'm not saying that I hated it!" Chester exclaims, propping his head up on a couch pillow.

Parker's worried expression quickly turned into a slight smile. "Phew, okay..."

"It's just gonna sting...and I doubt it's going to be shorts weather tomorrow." Chester groans, gently pulling back up his pants.

"I could see if we have anything in the medicine cabinet..." Parker mumbles.

"Alright...thank you..." Chester smiles, turning over and closing his eyes.

"Hey, don't you dare fall asleep on me, though! Your just gonna end up squirming around when I'm trying to put stuff on the wound!" Parker complains, shaking Chester's tired body.

"Aghhh...fineeee, just hurry up and get it already..."

Chester hisses at the sudden cold sensation on his wound.
"I know, I'll only hurt for a moment, I promise." Parker mumbles softly.

"Duudddeee...this friggin sucks!" Chester groans, trying to move his hips away from the others grasp.

"You'll live,'ll probably make it numb, but other than that you'll be fine." Parker smiles, screwing the cap back on the tube of medicine.

"I don't want it getting on my pants, though...." Chester pouts.

"Then don't wear your pants..."

"W-WHAT?!" Chester gasps.

"Hm? Dude, you act like we live with an entire other family. It's only us, it's not like other people are gonna see you." Parker laughs.

"Still! It's embarrassing!" Chester whines, covering his face with the couch pillow once again.

"If it makes you feel any better, I could've bitten you lower. Meaning you'd probably have to walk around with a towel on or something..."

"HOW DOES THAT MAKE ME FEEL BETTER?!" Chester yells, causing Parker to only laugh harder.

"Fine, fine, the actual truth is that now I have easy access to everything."

"NO, SHUT UP! GET OUTTA HERE, DAMN IT!" Chester yells, swatting Parker off of the couch.

"You know, I'm surprised that I didn't have to carry you." Parker smirks, turning off his room light.

"Well you didn't break my legs, dumbass..." Chester mumbles, covering himself up with a blanket.

"Whoa, language! Since when did you get so sassy towards me?" Parker gasps, pretending to sound offended.

"Since you messed up my everything!" Chester spits, turning his body around so he's not facing the other.

Parker huffs, getting in the bed. He gently grabs ahold of Chester's waist, pulling him towards his chest.

"Love you, man..." Parker hums, closing his eyes.
"I love you more...."

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