Chapter 41: Tongue Tied

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Parker soon finished setting up all of the cameras around the house.

By the time he placed the last one down, Chester had already made it back to the guest bedroom.

"Jeez, what happened to following me around?" Parker huffs to himself. There's no reason to be all that mad about this, though.

Parker enters the guest room, yawning. Surprisingly, Chester is already in bed, fidgeting with the end of the blanket.

"Dang, you must seriously be tired if your willing to get in bed before me." Parker laughs, but unfortunately doesn't get anything in return.

Chester's camera isn't even on. He just looks too lost in thought to do anything.

"Uhh...Dude? You good?" Parker finally asks, walking over to the other side of the bed.

"Mhm..." Chester nods, holding onto the blanket tighter as Parker gets in.

"Alright, well...wake me up if anything happens, okay?" Parker smiles, nudging Chester's shoulder gently.

No response, just another nod before he lays his head completely down on the pillow.
"Goodnight, I guess..." Parker mumbles before laying his head down as well.

It didn't take long for the two of them to drift off to sleep.

Parker woke up to the sound of a scream. The scream surprisingly wasn't Chester's. He was actually still asleep.

Parker slowly gets up from the bed, grabbing Chester's camera before heading out the door.

"Uh...hello? Jess? You okay?" Parker calls out, but gets no response back.

He figures he should probably check the basement, considering the door was suddenly open.

The camera wasn't on the top step anymore.

Parker shines the camera light down into the basement. There's nothing out of the ordinary that he sees as of now...

He takes a deep breath before going down the creaky stairs.
"I swear to god if these stairs break on me..." Parker mumbles to himself, trying to calm his nerves.

He gets to the bottom, and the air is suddenly smoggy.
"Jess? You in here?" Parker coughs out, shining the light around.

There's nothing super important down there, just regular old stuff that you'd see in a basement.

Then, he hears quiet tapping coming from behind him.

Parker quickly turns around, shining the light in the spot of the noise.
There's nothing.
"What the hell...." Parker whispers.

He hears the same noise again, only this time, it's coming from behind the stairs.

"H-Hello?" He mumbles, getting closer to the stairs.
Chester woke up in a cold sweat, sitting up quickly.
"P-Parker??" He whimpers, looking around the room for any sign of him.

(Why the hell would he just leave me here?!)

Chester gets up from the bed, looking for his camera.
"And why would he take my only source of light?!" Chester quietly yells out.

The bedroom door was open, meaning something could've taken him when Parker was sleeping.

(God damn it...Jess better be sane.) Chester complains in his head, bolting it out of the room.

Luckily for him, there were a few lamp lights still on, so now he only has a 40 percent chance of falling down the stairs and breaking his neck!

Chester took his time going down each step, trying his best not to make noise. He can somewhat hear a faint voice as he makes his way down.

"Parker...? Jess...?" Chester whispers out. Of course, he gets no response.

Chester suddenly stops dead in his tracks once he sees Jess, who was going through one of the drawers in the kitchen.

He couldn't make out what exactly she was getting, but it looked like a can of some sort.

Then, he turns his head to the basement door.
It was open.
Oh dear god.

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