Chapter 33: Wish you were gay p2

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He wishes that moment lasted a little while longer...
Just his head against the others hand, completely calm.
Living in the moment.
Then Chester pulled his hand away. God damn it.
"I feel bad for waking you up..." Chester whispers.
Parker always tries to contain himself whenever Chester spoke so softly like that...but he fears sudden kisses or hugs might scare him off.

"It's fine. I'm just glad that you actually woke me up this time." Parker laughs.

"Are you....mad at me for not telling you last time?" Chester frowns.

(Shit. Shit. Shouldn't have laughed.)

"No! No, not at all, dude! It's just...I want to help you, you know? I don't want to just be there for...that OTHER kind of help." Parker smiles awkwardly.

"Oh...." Chester says quietly, lost in thought.

Parker always wondered what goes on in Chester's head when he goes silent like that. He must be thinking about something important, right?

Though, he never wants to interrupt when he's lost in thought, that might make him mad.

Chester blinks a few times before looking back up at Parker. "Sorry, sorry...I zone out a lot when I'm tired." He smiles.

Parker turns his head to look at the alarm clock.
"Well yeah, it's almost 2 in the morning..." he chuckles.

"Damn, I really wasn't asleep for that long then, huh?" Chester yawns, laying down.

"At this point, I don't really care when you wake up." Parker sighs, looking back at Chester.

For someone who hasn't been asleep for long, his hair really does become a mess...
It's all fluffy, like a cloud. Chester is like his own personal fluffy cloud.
And only his.
Parker mentally slaps himself, laying his head back down onto the pillow.
He wishes Chester went back to sleeping on top of him, those nights were always the best. Yeah, sometimes he wasn't able to breathe, but it was worth it.

Actually, tonight could be one of those nights.

"Hey, Chester?" Parker asks quietly.
"Do you....wanna scoot closer to me for a bit?" Parker quickly asks, trying to sound chill.

Chester turns his head to look at him. Parker can see his face a tad redish than before.

"Uh...yeah, sure...." Chester whispers, rolling over to him.
Parker wraps his arms around the others waist, pulling him in a bit closer. Chester's face was practically buried in Parker's neck now.

They stay like that for a while before the other makes a move.

Chester whines softly as he gently kisses at the others neck.
How the hell could one human being be so adorable? Parker would love to know.

"I love you..." Chester mumbles into his neck, continuing to kiss at every spot he could reach.

Parker could always feel his heart skip a beat whenever Chester said that. He would kiss him everywhere right now if he wasn't such a coward.

But, alas, they are both still very much tired, and staying up all night kissing each other would only make their morning schedules worse.

Just kidding, neither of them have a morning schedule, Parker is still just a coward.

"I love you, too..." Parker smiles, kissing Chester's forehead. That's the only place he could kiss as of now.
Parker soon closes his eyes, drifting back off to sleep.

He just wishes Chester knew that his love for him was different now.

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