Chapter 28: Afraid

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The police basically told them everything they already knew. For example, Kacy is out of prison and on the run, be sure to lock your doors at night, and they also made sure that the two of them weren't dead yet.

Before the policeman left, he advised that they should stay indoors for a while until the FBI has an exact trail on the girl.

Parker thanked the police officer before closing the door, sighing.
"Well, this sucks ass."
"Yeah, no kidding. Though, I guess this means that we get an extra long vacation now?" Chester smiles, but does not get a smile back.

"Dude, your seriously still thinking about vacation when there's a literal serial killer out to get us?!" Parker snaps, locking the front door.

"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood..." Chester mumbles, still leaning against the table.

"It's fine, it's fine....I need to stop yelling at you." Parker sighs again, walking back over to Chester.

"Yeah, you tell yourself that like...everyday." Chester says, rolling his eyes.

"Besides, it would be out of character for you to suddenly start being nice to me." He laughs.

Parker frowns. "Am I not nice to you...?"

Chester looks up from the floor, confused.
" can be snobby when we're filming, but I think people like it that way so I don't really...say anything, heh." Chester smiles sadly.

Parker gently places a hand on Chester's shoulder. "Your not mad about any of that, right?"

"Uh, it can get annoying, but I'm used to it. It's like...normal behavior for you now." Chester mumbles, no longer making eye contact with him.

Parker moves his hand to Chester's hair, letting  it get tangled.
"Dude, I can be nicer to you during filming. You just gotta...tell me, you know?" Parker says, in an almost whisper.

"'s fine, really. I don't care anymore, so it's fine." Chester smiles, but that smile looked so forced.

"Stop lying, Chester." Parker practically commands, going back to a somewhat strict voice.

His strict voice always sends chills down Chester's spine. Chills that he has grown to love and fear at the same time.

Chester's entire body jolts from the tone, making his eyes come back into contact with Parker's.

"W-What?" Chester practically whimpers.

"You know damn well that I can make you angry sometimes during filming." Parker almost yells.

"Oh yeah? Prove it!" Chester spits, not really thinking.

"Kacy's house."
Ah. Well.....

Chester goes silent, did he really forget that the only reason why they're in this mess was because of a fight?

"Yeah..alright." Chester sighs in defeat.
"Exactly, so tell me when I'm getting on your nerves, okay?" Parker smiles, untangling his hand from Chester's fluffy hair.

"Okay..." Chester huffs. It felt like he was just scolded by his mother for doing something wrong, the feeling sucked.

Parker looks at the wall clock, then back at Chester. "We have an entire day ahead of us still, you have any plans?"

"Yeah. Sleep some more." Chester mumbles, slowly walking away from Parker. Unfortunately, he has to stop moving due to Parker grabbing his arm.

"Nope, your not leaving me alone out here." Parker laughs.

"Dude, you can also sleep, you know?" Chester groans, trying to wiggle his arm out of Parker's grasp.

"I'm not tired, though."
Chester sighs louder, annoyance slowly getting to him.

He needs to do something to catch him off guard. Then he can retreat back to his room and sleep like a little burrito boy for the rest of the day. But what could he possibly say to catch someone like guard?

"If you let me go right now I'll get on my hands and knees for you." Chester quickly says.

It takes Parker a moment to process what the hell Chester just said, and when it hits him, his eyes are immediately blown wide open.

Surely enough, Parker's grip on Chester's arm does loosen, giving the other boy a chance to escape, in which he does.

Chester's arm goes free and he books it to his room, despite the pain in his lower area still.

"HEY, WHAT THE HELL?!" He can hear Parker yell from behind him.

Chester quickly shuts the door behind him, locking it.

Ahhh, he can finally sleep again. It was about time, too...he woke up pretty early.

He lays down, wrapping himself in his own blanket, like the little burrito boy he is.

Chester sighs, closing his eyes.
Alright, well...about ten minutes have gone by now...and Chester can not go to sleep. Was it because he's sleeping in his own room again?

He angrily unwraps himself, he's probably just too warm from the blanket.
Ten more minutes go by....and Chester is sprawled out on his bed, clearly defeated from getting sleep anytime soon.

He lazily gets up from his bed, unlocking his door and walking out.

And lo and behold, Parker was still in the living room, on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

"Heyyyy...." Chester mumbles.

Parker looks up from this phone, smiling.
"That didn't take long..."

"Shut up and scoot over." Chester whines. Parker turns off his phone, but doesn't move.

"Dude...c'mon, you wanted me out here, right?" Chester groans, already annoyed.

Parker has a small smirk on his face, his eyes are locked on Chester.

"What? What could you possibly want?" Chester asks, wanting to raise his voice.

Though, he does in fact go silent once Parker spreads his legs apart, leaning back against the couch more.

Chester looks at him, clearly dumbfounded, and very flustered.

"Get on your hands and knees for me, pup."

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