Chapter 46: Lent

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Chester and Parker ended up walking Jess home, since she was too afraid to even move away from civilization.

"Text me if you notice anything strange going on, okay?" Chester smiles at her.

"Uhhh, no. She's not texting you, she's calling the police if she sees any HINT of Kacy being around." Parker mumbles, his hand was now gripped tightly onto Chester's arm.

"Guys, I'll probably be okay...I promise I'll get help if I see her again." Jess sighs, unlocking her house door.

"Well, okay...just be careful." Chester huffs, waving her goodbye.

"I'll see you guys later." Jess waves back before heading in.

"Alright, was anyone following us?" Parker quickly asks.
Chester turns to look at him, confused.
"No...? Not that I could tell..."

Chester didn't even get to finish speaking before Parker started bolting it towards their house, dragging poor Chester along the sidewalk.

Parker practically slammed the door shut, locking it. Then, he went to the window and closed the blinds.


"Dude, I'm not taking any chances of just winging this shit...that girl could've secretly followed us home or something..." Parker mumbles, checking the door again to see if it's actually locked.

Honestly? Parker had every right to be scared, if anything, Chester was pretty freaked out right now as well.

"So...what are we gonna do now?" Chester asks, examining his wrist.
It was pretty damn close to bleeding. He could still see Parker's finger nail marks.

"Well, I'm absolutely not going to let you out of my sight, that's for sure." Parker almost smirks, walking back to Chester.

"You uh...had a pretty good grip on my wrist." Chester laughs dryly.

Parker's eyes grow wide when he actually sees the damage that he's done to his skin.

"Dude, I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"It's fine." Chester smiles weakly at him.

"No, it's not, Chester. None of this is fine. I've been acting like a jerk to you for days now, and now this??" Parker frowns, gently holding Chester's damaged wrist.

"Parker, it's fine, really, it is!" Chester reassures him.

Parker brushes his thumb over the wound before bringing it up to his lips, kissing it gently.

Chester is taken aback, his heart suddenly going crazy.

"Sorry, probably shouldn't have done that..." Parker mumbles, letting go of his hand.

"No, no, it's fine...I uh...don't mind." Chester smiles, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Um...would you want you...uh..." Chester takes a deep breath before continuing.

"...go back to what we...were doing before?"

Parker's eyebrows suddenly shoot up, his mouth agape.


"We don't have to! I just thought that we probably...both need this again, you know?" Chester huffs at the ground.

The room was silent for a while. Neither of them knew what to say next.

Soon, Parker reaches his hands out, cupping Chester's face.

Chester didn't need to say anything.
Parker's lips were already on his, and damn, did it feel good to drown in this sudden sensation again.

Chester slowly closes his eyes, kissing back softly. He missed this, he missed this a bit too much.

Parker is the first to pull back, most likely for air.
"U-Um...yeah...yeah, we can go back to this."
Parker whispers, caressing Chester's bottom lip with his thumb.

Chester smiles, hugging Parker tightly.

"Gah! Are you trying to squeeze all the air outta my lungs?!" Parker mumbles.

(God, how I've missed this....)

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