Chapter 10: Body

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Chester woke up on Parker's bed.
Oh dear god.
"Hey, dude. Glad to see your still alive!" Parker laughs, sitting down next to him.
"Uhhh...hey? Bro, what the hell happened...?" Chester slowly asks, looking around for a clock.
The time was 11:42 PM. He's been out cold for several hours....

"Uh, so, you sort of just passed out earlier. You know, after you uh..."

Then everything hit him like a bullet train.
Ohhhhh Jesus.

Before Chester could form a simple sentence, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Dude, chill. It's fine. I don't care, remember? It doesn't bother me, I just didn't expect you to pass out afterwards." Parker smiles, letting go of Chester's shoulder before standing up.

"Look, I need to take a shower. You can go back to your room if you want." Parker suggests, looking around through his drawer for decent clothes.

Go back to his room?
Why wouldn't he want to go back?
Also, why WOULD he want to go back?

"Wait, your saying I have a choice to stay here? In your room?" Chester asks, his eyes clearly lighting up with joy.

"As long as you don't trash it, I don't care." Parker mumbles nonchalantly, leaving the room.

Huh. This is the first time he's been allowed to sleep in here. Well, not counting sleeping on the floor.

Parker's room was pretty average. Basic wallpaper, basic carpet...perfect for a basic man child!

Alright, Chester shouldn't think that. Parker is beyond basic, at least in his eyes.
Parker did have a comfy mattress, that's for sure. Chester's entire body was practically sinking in it.
His blankets were comfy, too.
(Damn, has Parker been holding out on me this entire time?! Why don't I get comfy stuff?!)

Well, whatever, he's living the life now!
Chester sighs before smooshing his face into one of Parker's pillow.
Yeah, he could learn to love this, too...

Half an hour passes before Parker comes back into the room, only to find a mostly asleep Chester in the middle of his bed.

He found that adorable.

"Hey, dude, Chester, at least scoot over a bit before falling asleep..." Parker smirks, lazily shaking Chester's body.

Chester groans before lifting his head up a bit. "Mmm? Whaz diz you say?" Chester mumbles, half assing his English.

Parker rolls his eyes before pushing Chester to the other side of the bed.
"Noooooo....." Chester whines, losing the soft feeling of the pillow.

"Parkerrrr...pull me back over thereeee...." Chester fake cries, refusing to move.

Parker sighs. "Dude, I needed to get in somehow. Just turn your body a bit."

Chester soon gives in, turning his body so he's facing Parker again.
Getting a good look at him now, he can tell that Parker's hair is still pretty soaked.

"God, dude....don't you dry your hair or something? Your gonna ruin the nice pillows...." Chester argues.

"Bro, if you don't like how I live then go back to your own room." Parker snaps back, but not raising his voice.

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