Chapter 6: Someone To You

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Chester got back home half an hour later after running around town, franticly looking for things to help Parker with his sickness.

Chester never really ever got sick, so he truly had no idea what to get. He just took the closest thing to cold medicine and left.

He wasn't sure if Parker was awake or not, so he placed everything down on the table and went to his room.
(So...what now...) he thinks to himself.
He really didn't have much to do, he usually just went along with whatever Parker was doing so he wouldn't be alone. But he didn't think getting purposely sick to match Parker's actions was a good idea.
(Maybe I can like...check some emails?) Yeah, that sounded good. Take some work off of Parker's schedule.

He walked back out into the living room, grabbing the laptop and taking it back with him to his room. He sat down on his bed and went to work.
Or, well, thats what he hoped would happen when he opened the tab. Instead, he's faced with zero emails, which in his opinion, was super strange. Usually they had TON of email's from different people, but no, not even that old woman sent back an email.
"Shit...maybe it's glitching out or something...." he whispers underneath his breath, closing out of the tab. He waited about a minute before opening it again.

Still not a single email.

"Ughhh!" Chester groans before slamming the laptop shut and throwing it down onto the bed. What the hell is he supposed to do all day?!
(Well, I guess I could see if Parker is awake or not...) he sighs, lazily getting up from his bed once again.

He practically tip toes to Parker's room, he didn't want to wake him up if he WAS asleep. He sharply inhales before turning the door knob. Peaking inside, he can see Parker sprawled across the bed, completely out of it.

(Maybe I can take his temperature? I don't think we own a proper thermometer....I'll just use my hand. They did that back in the day, right?) his brain suddenly goes wild with thoughts as he slowly approaches Parker.

He inhales sharply once again, he feels like his lungs might just explode on him. He gently places a hand on Parker's forehead. It's warm. Not blazing hot, though....
(Well, I can confirm he isn't dying...) Chester smirks to himself.

Without knowing it, Chester gets lost in Parker's beauty once again. His hair was still messy from this morning, those eye bags were still noticeable even with his eyes closed. He's gotten attached to those dark really does fit Parker's personality. Though, he wishes he didn't stay up all night editing videos...his sleep is important, at least to Chester it was.

Without thinking, he moves his hand to Parker's hair. He completely forgot how soft it can be. Chester can already feel himself drown in that feeling he got back at that lady's house, was there a specific name for it?

Love? Pleasure? Need?
Chester was never good with words, especially at times like these.
He didn't care to find a specific word. He just loved this feeling.
But sometimes it hurts.
Chester has been crushing on Parker for a while, at first it wasn't so bad. At one point, he could actually look Parker in the eyes during filming. Fortunately for him, the sun glasses he wears hide his eyes pretty well. Even when the cameras weren't on him, he would still wear them, like it's become a habit to hide his eyes 24/7.

That isn't the part that truly hurts him, though. What hurts is that Parker probably doesn't love him the way Chester wants him to. Sure, on rare occasions, Parker will say "I love you, bro." but it's always platonic.
Yeah, just platonic.
He will never love him in any other way.
And that fucking hurts Chester down to the core of his entire being.

Chester let's his hand get lost in Parker's hair, he can start to feel his eyes gloss over, or maybe those were tears. He wasn't sure at this point. Maybe both?

Chester wanted to kiss him so badly. He wanted to run out of breath from kisses him so much. He wanted all of him, he wanted to kiss him everywhere. Right now. He wanted him now.

But he just couldn't.
He could never.
Because Parker wouldn't want that.
He snaps out of his thoughts once he feels something roll down his cheek.
A tear.
He was crying.
Chester quickly tries to untangle his hand from Parker's hair so he could wipe his eyes.
But then he felt a tug.
A very strong one.
A tug so strong that it sent him flying onto the bed.
"W-wha?!" Chester gasps, trying to focus on his new surroundings. Parker was still asleep, but it seemed that he accidentally pulled Chester onto the bed with him.
He was on top of Parker, specifically on his legs. It was touching Chester's now sensitive lower half, roughly.
Chester blushes, covering his mouth so no lewd noises can escape. Parker's legs move again, hitting the same spot. Chester throws back his head, covering his mouth even tighter.
(P-please...too much...not now...) Chester whines in his head. He was drowning in pleasure, he couldn't move his body. It really was too much. Parker's legs kick the spot again. (GOD DAMMIT WHAT KIND OF DREAM ARE YOU HAVING RIGHT NOW FOR YOU TO BE KICKING THINGS CONSTANTLY?!?!) Chester screams in his head. The kicking gets rougher, and Chester's hand goes limp, no longer on his mouth. He quickly grabs a small part of Parker's blanket with his working hand, and stuffs it into his mouth. It smells just like him. It was intoxicating.
He starts to kick constantly, and Chester's eyes finally roll back into his skull. He couldn't take it anymore. It was too good.
Small whines could possibly be heard if anyone else was around. Chester couldn't control his voice.

(Wanna...wanna be kissed~ Parker please~ PLEASE! PLEASE STOP TORTURING ME!) The lewd voices in his head were getting louder by the second, and so was his own voice.
One final kick sends him over the edge, making a mess in his shorts.
The piece of the blanket drops from his mouth, drool all over it. Chester comes to his senses, immediately looking up at Parker.
He's still out of it.
Thank god he didn't scream at all.
He quickly gets off of Parker's leg, his lower half still shaking from the shock.
He practically runs out of the room.

"Why did I do that why did I do that why did I do that why did I do that why did I do that why did I do that why did I do that why why why?!?" He yells at himself in the bathroom mirror, tears still on his face. "He could've woken up at any second! That was so stupid!" He continues to complain to himself in the mirror.
(God, what was he even dreaming about anyway? He was kicking around so much...) Chester thinks, generally curious.

Jesus, that didn't fucking matter. He just got off to Parker's leg rubbing against his dick. After all of this, he really just needs a shower.

Yeah, a shower will help.

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