Chapter 16: All Eyes On Me

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Chester woke up before Parker, surprisingly.
His throat burned in agony. So like any normal person, he ran to the kitchen almost immediately after waking up to get a glass of water.
He probably gulped down like...six cups of water before he was feeling decently better.

Chester fears that maybe Parker would be upset with himself if he figured out that his throat is one step away from deaths door...
So he tries to quickly train his voice to sound normal.

It obviously didn't work. His voice sounded like sharp nails on a chalkboard. It wasn't his usual chill and monotone voice at all. God damn it, his one nice feature is gone.

Well, that was a lie. He still has his hair.
Which was a rats nest right now.
An entire bird family could live up there if they so wanted to.

This was going to hurt to fix...but it must be done.

He walks to the bathroom to grab a comb.
Chester slowly inhales before starting.
It was a disaster.

(AGH! CURSE YOU, PARKER! DID YOU PUT GLUE IN MY HAIR?!) He screams in his head, while audibly hissing.

He honestly thought he was going have to cut some of it, but the tangles eventually disappeared after many long agonizing minutes. He tried to style it, but it all turned into a big poofy mess.

"Whatever, I'm not going anywhere...."
Chester grumbles to himself, putting down the comb in defeat.

He walks to his room to get some clean clothes for a quick shower. God knows he needs one right about now.

Chester didn't bother thinking about anything for hours on end today, so the shower was indeed quick, lasting about 7 minutes.

He noticed his shoulders were a bit bruised when he was about to put a shirt on. It wasn't too bad, it didn't really hurt.

He soon walked back into Parker's bedroom, where the lazy fella was finally up, laptop on his lap, typing frantically at god knows what.

Chester slowly sits down next to him, looking to see what he was doing.

Ah, he quickly figured it out.
He searched up the police report from yesterday's fiasco.

Everything that was written down on the documents were stuff both of them already knew. The only newish thing on there was stuff about the girl.
Apparently she was on the run for quite some time, a list of crimes were underneath her mugshot. Chester really didn't want to look at them, like, at all, so he finally tore his eyes away from the screen, laying his head down on Parker's shoulder.

" don't have to drown yourself in this stuff...." Chester speaks up.

No answer, not even a glance was thrown in Chester's direction.
(Damn, he must really be focused...)

"Parker?" He asks, slowly getting more concerned.

No answer, Parker had a stone cold expression locked on his face. Chester couldn't tell what he was thinking about.

Parker's eyes were locked on the criminal record list. Chester gave in and started reading it.

•Multiple hate crime allegations
•Sexual Assault
•Hate Speech
•Assault on LGBTQ+ youth
•Attempted murder
(Christ....this woman was crazy...good thing they finally caught her.)
Then Chester read the last line.

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