Chapter 24: Puppy Princess

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"DID YOU BREAK MY ASS?!" Chester screams, trying his darnest to get out of bed, but failing...pretty badly, landing on his back.

"Did I do WHAT now?" Parker groans, sitting up.

"Dude, buddy, my friend, bestie, if you will..." Chester smiles calmly, for a second....


Parker just stares at him, dumbfounded.
"Dude, I JUST woke up, what did I do again exactly...?"


Parker smirks. "Well, yeah, I did do that, but what else?"

"I-...YOU...NO!" Chester yells, flustered at the small comment.

"PARKER, WHY DID YOU JUST...GO IN?!" Chester groans, trying to sit down while hissing in pain.

"LOOK, I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO IN THAT MOMENT, OKAY?!" Parker finally yells back, flustered as well.

"OH, SO THE FIRST THING THAT CAME TO MIND WAS TO SLAM YOURSELF INTO ME?!" Chester snarls, rolling back onto his stomach in defeat.

"WAS THAT NOT WHAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO IN THAT MOMENT?!" Parker screams, somewhat concerned and confused at the same time.



"OH MY GOD JUST LOOK IT UP OR SOMETHING!" Chester sighs dramatically, throwing his head onto a pillow.

"Fine!" Parker huffs, grabbing his phone from a small table next to the bed.

"...actually don't, you might just find porn." Chester wheezes.

An hour passes, and Chester is sitting on an ice pack, glaring at Parker's shit eating grin.
"Look..pff....I'm sorry, okay?" Parker smiles, trying his best not to laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, and you'll be even MORE sorry once YOU are in need of help and I can't do shit." Chester huffs, crossing his arms.

"At least I can control myself unlike SOME people who just lunge their entire half naked body at me and then expect SOMETHING to happen." Parker snaps back, ruffling Chester's hair playfully.

"Oh PLEASE, your the one who left me alone for six hours with absolutely nothing to do!" Chester snarls, lifting his head from the pillow.

"Well, I sort of expected you know, chill the fuck out while I was gone." Parker jokes.

"Was I at least a good welcome home gift?" Chester smiles, making Parker smile back.

"It wasn't what I was expecting, at all...but, yeah."

Chester practically army crawls his way onto Parker's lap, resting his head there.

"Then I'm glad that I did it...." Chester sighs, closing his eyes once again.

"Chester, you can't just fall asleep on me..." Parker groans, attempting to sound annoyed.

"Oh yeah? Watch me...." Chester smirks, keeping his eyes closed.

Parker just sighs, laying back down onto the mattress.

Maybe a few more hours of sleep wouldn't hurt....

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