Chapter 44: Breezeblocks

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Chester woke up early, probably due to the fact of how nervous he was for today.

He got dressed quickly and started pondering, walking back and forth in his room.

(Alright, I should probably tell Parker before he starts drowning himself in work....)
Chester thinks, looking at his door.

(God, what if he says no? What if I'm just digging myself into a grave?!)

Chester mentally slaps himself. He can't give up now, not when he's this deep in.

He takes a breath, clutching the door handle before walking out.
Chester slowly opens Parker's bedroom door, making sure he doesn't wake him up if he really is still sleeping.

Unfortunately, Parker is awake....
Awake and on the laptop, most likely editing the new video.

"Heyyy, dude! Whatcha doing?" Chester hums, leaning against the door frame.

Parker doesn't bother looking up.

"Cute top." Chester points to his shirt.
"Thank you." Parker mumbles, cracking a small smile.

Alright, it's time to get this over with...

"So uh...I was texting Jess yesterday..." Chester coughs.

No response.

"And uh, we have both decided to hang out at the park! Um...and I want you to come with us." Chester shakily exhales.

Parker looks up from the laptop, intrigued.

Chester's eyes light up with sudden excitement, all anxiety washing away from his tense body.

"Yeah! Uh...we can um..just chat, you know? If your up to it that is..." Chester mumbles.

Parker looks back at the laptop, no longer typing at anything. He seems to just be staring at the screen...

"You know what? Sure, that honestly sounds fun." Parker looks up at Chester, smiling.

Chester's heart skips a beat at finally seeing him smile again.

"Great, I'll uh...text her where to meet up then!" Chester practically sings, dashing back to his room to grab his phone.

🕶- He said yes! *

It didn't take long for Jess to respond.

Jess- Hell yeah! I'll meet you guys at the gate of the park then! Let's an hour? You cool with that? *

🕶- Yeah, that sounds fine. See you then! *

Jess- Byeeee! *

Things truly couldn't get any better than this.

"Dude, why'd it have to be today? It's friggin cold..." Parker groans, pulling up his hood.

"Oh, you'll live." Chester mumbles.

Walking to the entrance, they could see Jess, leaning on the gate.

"Heeyyy!" Chester waves, trying to get her attention.

Jess looks up, smiling. "What's up, dude?!" She yells back.

"It's great to see you again!" He smiles, hugging Jess for a quick moment.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you both again, too! Dude, you look so different without your sunglasses!" Jess points at his eyes, making Chester blush a bit out of embarrassment.

"Shhh, don't say that so loud. People can't know I wear sunglasses at night." Chester giggles, making Jess laugh as well.

"Uh...hey again, Jess." Parker mumbles, sticking out a hand for her to shake.

"Dang dude, you don't gotta be so formal around me now." Jess jokes, shaking his hand somewhat aggressively.

"Agh, and you don't need to shake my entire body, either!" Parker groans, pulling back his hand to put it back in his hoodie pockets.

"Alright, I guess we should get to walking before we freeze to death." Jess laughs, walking through the gate.

"Agreed." Parker nods, walking after her.

Chester could already tell today was going to be nice, despite the chill weather.
"So, when did you two start recording videos together?" Jess asks.

"Uhhh, a few years ago. Time flies by when your having fun, I guess." Chester smiles, walking beside her.

Parker is a bit behind with the others, looking off into the distance.

"Sweet. Me and my ex were actually planning on making a YouTube channel together, but that was before we started having...relationship issues." Jess mumbles the last part.

Chester frowns a bit, looking down at his feet.
"Is it alright if I ask what happened between you two?" He asks nicely.

"Ehhh...I never really tell anyone the story because it always ends up sounding unrealistic..." Jess mumbles into her jacket.

"Aw, you can tell me. I've seen quite a few things in my life that have been believed to be unrealistic." Chester laughs.

"Well, okay..." Jess takes a deep breath.

Parker is falling behind, staring at something or someone.

" was late at night, and she calls me up, right? Well, she starts rambling on and on about cryptic shit and saying how everyone is after her..."

Jess takes a moment to breathe before continuing.

"She...she always had a few mental problems going on, but I never wanted to hold any of that against her, you know?" Jess looks up at Chester, who nods in agreement.

"So on the phone, I could hear loud sirens coming from the other end. So, I thought she got in an accident or something..." Jess's voice starts to get shakier.

"Turns out, she fucking...murdered someone."

"Oh shit..." Chester whispers.

"I know, right? She never told me who specifically but...she said the police were after her and she needed somewhere to stay..." Jess mumbles.

"I said she most definitely wasn't coming to my house...and she just...snapped at me. She started threatening me with violence if I didn't let her in the house..."

Chester's entire body felt frozen, and it's not because of how cold it was outside. It took quite the effort to continue walking.

"The police ended up catching her, but..." Jess looks down at the ground, clearly uncomfortable.

"It's okay, you don't need to tell me anymore...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked about her in the first place..." Chester frowns, putting a hand on her shoulder for comfort.

"It's's just..."
"One day, she escaped."
"H-Hey guys...?" Parker mumbles, finally catching up to them, but still continuing to keep his eyes on something.

Chester is too freaked out to say anything, let alone relax his body.

"What is it?" Jess asks.

"Um...I think someone is following us." Parker points behind him.

Upon closer examination, the person he's pointing at is wearing all black, and they were indeed...
Slowly approaching them.

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