Chapter 22: Sex Sells

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Chester woke up later than usual, still wrapped in his blanket. He could faintly hear Parker talking to someone out in the living room.

He does his best to maintain the form of a burrito, but failing miserably once he stood up. Chester just sighs, wearing the blanket like a cape before walking out.

No one was with Parker, but he was on the phone, and he sounded excited, talking quickly while tripping over his words.

Chester was aware that Parker had more friends than just him, but they usually didn't ever contact him unless it was for something important.

"Alright, I'll see you soon then, bye!" Parker smiles before hanging up the call.

"Who was that?" Chester asks, making Parker jump suddenly.

"WHOA! Did NOT see you there! Are you...still wearing that blanket?" Parker laughs while pointing at the small blanket.

"Yeah, it's comfy, okay? So...who were you taking to?" Chester asks again.

"Uh, well, that was one of my old college friends. She wants to meet up somewhere." Parker smiles, walking over to the couch to sit down.


"Oh, what's her name?" Chester asks, trying his best not to sound disappointed.

"Angela. I've talked about her before, right?"
Parker mumbles, grabbing the tv remote.

"Isn't she the one who almost lit the school bathroom on fire?" Chester asks worriedly.

"Uh, no. That's a different Angela. The one I'm talking about is the girl who asked me out to prom that one year, remember?"

Oh. That one.
Well, she's nice at least. Chester has met her a couple of times before.

"Ohhh...yeah, I remember. When are you leaving the house?" Chester asks, lazily moving to the other side of the couch.

"Uhhh..." Parker glances at the wall clock for a quick second. "In like, an hour."

Chester holds his breath.

"And when will you be back?" He asks quickly.
"I don't know, I'm guessing around 8?" Parker says, flipping through the channels on the tv.

That's....six hours from now.

"Jesus, what the hell are you two going to do for that long???" Chester sits up, still hanging onto his blanket for comfort.

"I'm not sure, probably watch a movie or two, walk around town for a bit..." Parker mumbles, giving up on finding a show and turning off the tv.

"W-What about bonding time?!" Chester yells, glaring at Parker as he gets up.

"Dude, just do what you usually do when I'm gone. I don't care if you are on your phone or whatever..." Parker yawns, walking to the bathroom.

Chester doesn't know what to say next. He can't be mad at him for talking to other friends, that would be stupid....

So he just slouches down further onto the couch, letting the blanket hide him from the world.

What the hell was he actually going to do for six hours? He feels so alone already, and Parker hasn't even left the house yet.

He just has to wait. Wait for something good to happen, just like he has been doing for years...
Everything will be fine.
An hour passes, Parker has been gone for a while, and Chester is in his room, trying to fall asleep to the scent of his best friend. He's just letting every feeling hit him like a truck going full speed.

Chester shouldn't be this clingy towards him, something like this was bound to happen at some point.

Chester's breath hitches a bit when he goes to inhale, probably because of everything he's feeling right now.

He's jealous of Angela. He should be with Parker right now, not her. It's not fair.

He needs to control himself. Get it together.

Chester buries his face into the pillow Parker usually lays on, sighing dramatically.

Chester would be all over him right now, if he were here. Kissing him everywhere, marking him in obvious places so that Angela girl would get the hint that she needs to fuck off.

He bucks his hips to gain friction, making his eyes water a bit. It's not fair, if Parker was here with him, he would be helping him right now. Chester wouldn't have to do this alone, again.

Chester whines, lazily mumbling Parker's name every now and then as he continues to thrust his hips pathetically into the mattress.

"Mngh~ He's gonna...hate me for this~" Chester whimpers to himself, thrusting harder.

He soon bites down onto the pillow to contain a scream, bucking his hips one last time.

Pathetic, isn't he? He could be taking his mind off of everything right now by going on his phone or something.
But no, he chooses to do this.

This is so dumb.
But he continues, pulling his shorts and boxers down to match the feeling of how Parker does it.

He strokes himself slowly, panting like a dog in heat. Though, he wastes no time picking up speed, moaning and whimpering like crazy.

Tears are forming again, some are successfully rolling down his cheeks. This was stupid. So, so, stupid...
The worst part was no matter how fast he went, or how roughly he slammed into the mattress, it was never enough.

Chester craved Parker's touch, and no one else's.
But he fears that even that won't be enough this time. He needed more of him, if that was even possible.

Suddenly, he thinks back to that dream. The dream where they went all the way. The dream where he was fucked senseless.

His head is thrown back as he finishes again, groaning at the pain from being tired.

He felt like he was going to die if he kept this up.
But Chester didn't care.
He didn't have a damn care in the world anymore.

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