Chapter 35: One Day

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"How long have you been up for?" Chester asks, sipping from a glass of water.

"Uhh, not sure, actually. You were thrashing around a lot so I probably woke up pretty damn early." Parker mumbles, laying on the couch.

Chester almost chokes on his water, quickly trying to play it off cool.
"Oh yeah? Uh...I don't remember my dream, actually."

Parker smirks, bouncing his knee up and down nervously.
"Really? You were moving around like...a LOT."

Parker can see him start to fidget with the cup handle, looking at the ground to avoid eye contact.
"Did I....say anything?" Chester mumbles.
"Nope, I don't think so." Parker lies through his teeth.

Chester sighs in what sounds to be relief, setting the cup down on the table.

"Why do you ask?" Parker asks, trying to get the other to crack.

"No reason, I just wanted to get a hint to what I was dreaming about, that's all.." Chester's voice pitches up.

Parker smiles, how couldn't he? It always felt like a reward to see Chester so flustered like that.

"Well, I guess you were also making tiny noises..." Parker adds, trying his best to contain his own laughter.

Chester's eyes widen a bit, quickly glancing at him before looking back down.

"...Oh....?" Chester almost whispers, then clears his throat.

"Yeah, it was kinda cute, honestly...." Parker mumbles nonchalantly, his knee bouncing faster.

Parker can see Chester's legs start to give out as he slowly sits down at the table, grabbing his cup a bit too aggressively.

"I doubt it...I probably sounded like" Chester stops his sentence, suddenly lost in thought.

Parker takes this as an opportunity to mess with him more. He gets up from the couch to walk over to where Chester was sitting.

He raises his hand, sticking it through Chester's fluffy hair before gently tugging on it.

"Sounded like a what, dude?" Parker whispers.

Chester accidentally lets a small whine leave his throat as his entire body jolts up.

"Whoa! W-When did you...?" Chester mumbles before letting his head fall back onto Parker's hand.

Parker pulls on his hair again, making him silently gasp.
"You sounded like a whiny mess." He laughs.

Chester groans, wiping the tears that were threatening to escape his eyes.
"F-Fuck know about everything, don't you?"

"I don't know what your talking about~" Parker hums, letting go of his hair.

"God, I hate you so much..." Chester whines, resting his head on the table.

"Oh please, you LOVE me." Parker smirks.
"Whatever...." Chester whispers, grabbing his cup to gulp down the rest of his water.

The room is silent for the next few minutes, like neither of them know what to say next.



They both turn their heads towards the front door, then back at each other.
" you wanna...?" Chester doesn't have to say anymore before Parker hesitantly goes to check the door.
He looks through the tiny door hole.
"Oh.." Parker mumbles, unlocking the door before opening it.

Outside the door stood Parker's friend, Angela, smiling wildly.

"Heyyy, Parker! I was just walking around the neighborhood and like, wanted to pay you a visit! Mind if I come in?" She asks, giggling.

Parker turns to look back at Chester, who seems to be drowning in despair right about now. He quickly turns back around, flashing an awkward smile back at Angela.

"I would, see..."

"Oh, is that Chester? Heyyy, Chester!" Angela waves at the other boy. Chester doesn't wave back, instead, he lays his head down on the table, along with his arms.

" he okay?" Angela frowns. Parker turns to look at him again, rolling his eyes before suddenly coming up with the greatest plan known to man.

"Uhh, yeah. He's just pretty sick right now. You would think his immune system could handle a small common cold, but nope..." Parker dryly laughs, clenching onto the door knob.

"Oh, I guess I really shouldn't go in then, huh? Do you want to meet up somewhere later?" She asks, smiling again.

Parker is suddenly dreading this entire conversation. He doesn't want to be mean, but he also doesn't want to leave Chester alone in the house. Chester has already proven himself to be capable of...many things when he's gone.

"Sorry, I can't, unfortunately. I gotta look after Chester, you know?" Parker mumbles.

Angela frowns. "Why? He's old enough to take care of himself, isn't he?"

Well, now Parker is getting annoyed of this girl.

"Look, I just don't want him home alone, okay?" Parker huffs, squeezing the doorknob.

Angela furrows her eyebrows, somewhat mad.
"I don't see why he's so important. He's just your friend, like me."

Alright, that sets off something in Parker's head, making him glare at Angela.

"How could you say something like that when you barley even know him?? What the hell is wrong with you?!" Parker snaps.

Angela looks shocked, as if she didn't expect him to defend his own best friend, but soon goes back to glaring.

"Oh please, sweetie, you need to take a chill pill, kay? He probably didn't even hear me." She giggles.

Parker turns around to look at Chester. His head is still on the table, but he's looking away now.

"See? He's most likely asleep. Sooo...lets go."

Parker snaps his head back over to her. "I already said I'm not going."

Angela looks pissed now, like she's about to scream. "What? Can't leave your boyfriend alone anymore?"

That's it.

"Never come back here again." Parker spits before slamming the door and locking it.
Parker sighs loudly, turning around to walk back to Chester.

Chester finally raises his head up, looking miserable.
"Why would you hang out with someone like that...?" He whispers.

Parker frowns. "She didn't act like this at all when we last hung out..."

"Why didn't you just leave with her? You could've actually gone outside for a while." Chester mumbles.

"Dude, you already know why I can't leave you here." Parker pats at Chester's shoulder gently.

"Is that seriously the only reason..?" Chester sighs, getting up from his seat.

Parker doesn't know what to do, he doesn't want Chester to lock himself up in his own room again.

"Chester, wait." Parker manages to say, thankfully making the other stop walking.

"What?" He mumbles.

"Uhhhh...wanna sit next to me on the couch for a bit? We can watch a movie or something...." Parker smiles, trying to make Chester somewhat happy.

He can tell Chester is contemplating something by the way his eyes are suddenly more narrow.
"Sure..." He finally says.

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