Chapter 5: Not Into You

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Chester got dressed and went out to the kitchen. He didn't really know how to cook anything without burning something. He probably should've taken that cooking class back in high school. He burnt the inside of a toaster once, Parker didn't know if he should be amazed or disappointed that day.

Chester quickly settled for a banana. Cuz you know...

Minutes later, Parker enters the room, looking half dead. His nose was red and his eyes looked watery. Not to mention his hair was an absolute mess...usually he would at least attempt to style it before walking out of his room.

"Hey man..." Parker waves, sniffling.
Chester looks up at him, then back down at kitchen table. "You okay? You look like death." Chester mumbles, swallowing another piece of the banana.
"Nah, not really bro. I think I caught a cold or something..." Parker says before sneezing into his elbow.
Well, now Chester was concerned.
"Dude, we should take the day off. I don't want you getting that old lady sick. I don't think her immune system could handle a common cold." Chester jokes, glancing up a bit. He can't ignore eye contact forever.

"Ughhh...but what about our fans? It's been weeks since our last upload..." Parker groans, sitting down on the other side of the table, hands on his face in annoyance.

"Just tweet out something, I don't know...I'm sure they'll understand." Chester smiles sympathetically. To Chester's surprise, Parker smiles back, making his heart skip a beat. Parker was usually always serious with things, to see him finally smile was always a treat.

He might've been staring at him for too long, because Parker suddenly gets up very suddenly.
"Well bro, I feel like death. So I might as well head back to bed. Don't set anything on fire while I'm asleep, okay?" Parker laughs, putting a hand on Chester's head.

The feeling was so intense for no reason. Was he really that touched starved? To the point where his eyes would gloss over and his mind suddenly lost in thought?

(He's so beautiful, even when he's sicker than a puppy.)
(Wait. Puppy...)

~You close, Pup?~
The memory hits him like a truck.

(Ah...he's so perfect...too perfect for this world...)
Chester feels a tug on his hair, making him snap out of his daydreams.
"AGH! Dude! What the hell?!" Chester groans, rubbing his head in pain.
"Sorry, you suddenly zoned the fuck out. Your eyes were super dilated and stuff...did I get you sick too?" Parker asks, concerned.
"Huh? No, no...I'm fine. I was just...thinking of stuff." Chester whispers, looking back down, trying to contain his sudden blush.
Parker just hums.
"Alright, well...I'll head back to bed. Can you send that lady an email for me? Just tell her we won't be able to make it over there today." Parker mumbles, walking off to his room.
"You got it, bro." Chester smiles, waving him goodbye.

That happened.
(That was embarrassing. I'm starting to zone out way too often...) he thinks to himself, fidgeting with the banana peel. (I need to keep my mind focused...)

Then, a lightbulb went off in his head.
(I'll go get Parker medicine after I'm done with this email!) he smiles to himself, fidgeting more. He gets up and walks to the trash can, throwing away the banana peel.

He practically speed walks to the living room, where the laptop was laying at on the couch. It only took a few minutes to write the email.

"Dear Judis, unfortunately we won't be able to make it over tonight due to Parker being ill. I don't know when exactly we'll be over again, but please don't pass away or anything till then. Thanks."
Aaannnddd there! He presses the send button and closes the laptop.

Now for other business....

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