authors note

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hi guys!

thank you so much for choosing to read my story! i'm not much of a writer and i kinda haven't written anything... ever... but I thought this could be kinda fun so here we are! please don't be too harsh, i'm very open to constructive criticism. there will also be a few grammatical errors, thats always gonna happen just let me know where there is one and i'll be quick to fix it.

i've read lots of other mafia older brother/protective older brother/mafia family type of stories on watt-pad and honestly loved them hence the theme of this book. there are a lot of mafia family/mafia older brother stories out there so there is a chance that there will be similarities but I'm going to try and make this one as unique as possible. if there are any things in the book you think are scarily similar to other books, just shoot me a message and i'll make the changes asap. and if you think others could be possibly copying, shoot me a message as well!

i've read lots of other mafia older brother/protective older brother/mafia family type of stories on watt-pad and honestly loved them hence the theme of this book. there are a lot of mafia family/mafia older brother stories out there so there is a chance that there will be similarities but I'm going to try and make this one as unique as possible.

i'd also like to highlight this story isn't a romance book. chiara will have a love interest, and there will be cutesy romancey stuff and a few intimate scenes, but romance is not the main topic. even on the romance side of it, the way chiara copes with intimacy and romantic relationships after her upbringing will be the main highlight of it. and just her learning that she deserves that kind of love.

this book is a found family book, a trope i love with my whole heart. this is a story about chiara and we get to follow her as she overcomes trauma with the help of those around her, which are her new found brothers.

throughout the book there will be different languages used, like italian, french, spanish and russian. english is my first language and although i speak a tiny tiny bit of italian, word reference and google translate will be used for these parts. i apologise in advance if any of the translating is incorrect as i know google translate isn't very accurate.

this book also mentions the following topics; drugs, rape, sexual assault, violence, mature content, strong language, self-harm, suicide, abuse and degrading name calling, and intimate scenes. i'll try to remember to put trigger warning before any events happen but just be aware there may be times i forget.

please also be aware that at the beginning of the book, some of the brothers are actual dickheads. you will want to wrap your hands around their neck and repeatedly smash their head into the wall, and trust me, i do too. but also trust me when i say that their character development is spectacular and you will eventually love them. ask some of the re readers if you don't believe me xxx

my messages are also always open and i try my best to respond to them all, so please don't hesitate to get in contact with me. it doesn't even need to be about something serious, i love a good chat with all of you.


hi, if you're here after chiara rose was taken down for editing, then welcome back. i missed u all very much. just wanted to say that if you are back after it's been edited, then please don't comment any spoilers. i really don't want the book to be ruined for anyone else! whilst yes there will be some tweaks and changes, the main events will still happen.

and whilst yes, this is technically an edited version, there's still bound to be grammatical errors and whatever. if you do notice one, just slip a quick comment in and i'll try to fix it. at the end of the day, i'm the only one reading this before it goes out and shit happens yk.

thank you for all the love on this book (like one million reads? still can't get over that tbh), i'm so glad you're enjoying reading about the bernardi's as much as i enjoy writing about them! i honestly don't know what i ever did to deserve any of this but i love you all very very much. i hope you enjoy this edited version as much as you enjoyed the original. muah xx

lots of love

tilly xo

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