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A/N - please read the authors note at the end, it's semi important but pls read ily.

tw - mention of eating disorders

Chiara's POV

"What have you done now for me to be pissed at?" I groaned and went to wipe the grogginess away from my eyes, but something held me back. Turns out there's an IV attached to me.

"Hey bambina, you feeling okay? Anything hurt?" Giacomo asked, and I just shook my head and looked around the room. All my brothers had suddenly appeared around my bed, and Carlo still had a grip on my hand.

"Dude, I think she's awake." Rocco said.

"Oh shit, is she really?" Enzo snorted, and everyone turned to look at Rocco like he'd grown two heads.

"Do you need any pain relief? Does your head hurt?" Gi said, and started digging through a draw of pain medication.

"I'm fine Gi, really. What happened?" I asked, and then it's like everyone in the room froze.

"Do you not remember?" Agostino asked softly and I froze, remember? Remember what?

Oh, does he mean the shooting? And hooking up with Milo in the closet, not that they need to know that. I can remember most of it.

"The last thing I remember is a loud bang and being pulled by someone, am I missing something?" I asked, and everyone in the room let out a relieved sigh.

"You've got a concussion and a graze on your right arm. Apart from that, you're all good." Gi says, and then walks away from my bedside.

And then all the memories from what happened washed over me. Milo dragging me out of English and hearing loud noises, running for our lives and somehow ending up in a janitors closet. Making out with Milo to try and get rid of the Russian watching us, and Milo getting excited with my boobs. I look down at my chest just to relive the moment when I realise I'm not in my uniform anymore.

"Who put me in the hospital gown?" I asked hurriedly, and everyone in the room had already gotten comfy somewhere.

"Uh Camila did." Carlo said, lifting his head up from where it was resting on the bed besides me. I looked around the room trying to find Camila, and found her sitting on the arm of the couch. She sent me a small wink and I immediately felt heat rise to my cheeks, and quickly looked away. She'd seen the hickey or hickeys, I'm not sure how many there were.

And then I remember leaving the cupboard, and maybe Emilio saying I can blow him whenever I want? That bits a bit hazy. Then we started running, and then gunshots. Gunshots coming at towards Milo and I. I was grazed but one of those bullets, wait what about Milo?

"Milo?" I asked worriedly, and in return I got a bunch of confused glances. Apart from Camila, she was smirking at me now.

"What about him?" Enzo asked, raising an eyebrow in my direction. He can't be suspecting anything can he?

"He was with me, we were getting shot at. Is he okay?" I stressed, and then everyone in the room looked less stressed than what I felt. Apart from Camila again, I knew I was going to get questioned when I got home.

"Oh he's fine, saved your life as well." Agostino nodded, and then focused his attention back onto the laptop sitting in front of him.

"Right." I said, and everyone went back to whatever they were doing. Agostino frantically typing away on his laptop, Gi flicked through documents, Rocco, Enzo and Bruno all sitting on their phones and Carlo sitting in a chair next to me falling asleep.

"Oi, sit up here. It'll be comfier." I said, booping Carlos nose to wake him up.

"I'm fine." He groaned, and shifted his head. Then when he got comfortable, he let out a small groan of pain.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now