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Emilio's POV

"Hurry the fuck up man! I swear you take longer then Chiara to get ready." Carlo exclaims. I look over at him and it takes everything in me not to burst out laughing at him. I don't know what made him think it would be a good idea to dress up as Olaf.

His entire upper body was painted white, including his face. He painted on black "buttons" across his stomach and chest, and his nose was painted orange. He had white pants on, and he looks like an actual idiot, but he's happy, so I'll roll with it.

"Shut up Olaf, give me fucking second." I grumble back, and turn to look into the mirror. I'd decided to be a prisoner this halloween. I had on orange prisoner pants on that I bought from some costume store, and a plain white singlet on. I was in the process of putting a pair of handcuffs around my wrists, chicks dig that. Carlo decided it was a good idea to cut parts of my singlet, so no there's a bunch of holes in it.

Hopefully Chiara's will like it, wait stop. She's Carlo's sister, nothing more.

That girl will be the death of me. I'd grown up hearing both my family and the Bernardi's talk about Chiara, and how badly they wanted her home. They'd frequently look at photos of her when she was younger, with me appearing in quite a few of them. Of course I can't remember her from back then, but I kind of wish I could.

Then when Dad told us all that she was coming back to New York, both families were ecstatic. It was all Carlo could talk about for a while, and I was happy for them, really. And then they found out about her past, and it absolutely destroyed them, especially Carlo. He called me balling his eyes out after he found out, and the anger I felt towards the people that did that to her was confusing.

I hadn't seen any recent photos of her, so when she walked into my English class, my jaw dropped. She was easily the most gorgeous girl I'd ever laid eyes on. Her sparkling blue eyes caught my attention first, even though all her family had the same eyes as her, they looked so much better on her.

And that face, her cheekbones look like they were sculpted by the Gods and her rosy, pink lips just looked so perfect. Her dark brown hair was done, I assumed lazily, sitting in a plait at the back of her head, with a few pieces out framing her face. I almost went hard just from the sight of her, and I knew it couldn't happen between us. 

Then the other day when I sat down with her in the library during my study period, I let myself go. I probably shouldn't have done that, but she was so easy to talk to. For a split second I thought I had butterflies, but I didn't do feelings or nervousness, so I was probably imagining them.

A slap across the back of my head brought me back into the room.

"Ow what the fuck Carlo." I spat.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" He joked, I simply rolled my eyes at him.

"Wait, when was the last time you did anything with a girl?" He asked me, I shifted nervously on the spot.

"Uhh, over a month ago." I said awkwardly.

"Milo, bud, you need to find a girl tonight. It's unlike you to go that long." He muttered. I nodded, there was only one girl I had my eye on and it was his sister. There was no way I could do that, maybe I could do with a distraction from Chiara. You know what, yeah, I do.

"What about you Carlo, got your eye on anyone tonight?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows in his direction.

"I will be keeping my eye on Chiara, she's told me some stories of her drunk, and it's safe to say I do not want them repeating. I also don't want her sneaking off with a guy. As much as I tell her and myself I'm fine with her doing things with guys, it still kills me inside." He mumbles. Drunk stories? Why am I jealous, I want to hear her drunk stories.

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