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tw - mention of rape and miscarriages

Chiara's POV

I turned around and found that it was Carlo who had grabbed a hold of my wrist. He was looking at me with a sad and guilty expression on his face. His mouth kept on opening and closing like a fish out of water, like he wanted to say something but couldn't find the words.

I couldn't deal with this right now. I couldn't listen to him explain how sorry he was that he broke my trust. He could've came to be and at least given me a heads up. Or even better, he could've just not done it at all, and let me tell my story when I was ready. But I guess no time like the present, right?

I started shaking my head, and tried pulling my wrist out of Carlo's grip, but he wouldn't budge. His grip wasn't tight enough to hurt me, but it was just tight enough to keep me where I was. 

"No." I said, trying to get Carlo to let go. He still wouldn't budge, he looked like he was about to cry. I felt a pang of guilt, but I ignored it. I wasn't the one that went and told my entire family something my twin trusted me with.

I looked around the room, Dad and Agostino were sitting in their seats remaining calm. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if an argument was frequent in this house and they were just used to it. Giacomo looked a little teary, but other wise calm. 

And Bruno, oh Bruno. He was glaring at Carlo, I was surprised that Carlo didn't have two holes in the back of his head right now. Enzo and Rocco were nowhere to be seen right now, probably avoiding me because I'm such a whore.

"Look Chiara, I-" Carlo began, before I quickly cut him off.

"Stop." I spat, I don't think I've ever sounded so aggressive in my life. 

tw - mention of rape and miscarriages 

"Chiara, it was the right thing to do." Carlo said. This really made me mad, it wasn't his decision whether it was the right thing to do, it wasn't his story to tell. It was mine, and I wasn't ready to tell it. I wasn't ready for them to know.

"Have you ever been raped Carlo?" I said, Carlo look taken back and went to respond before I cut him off, again.

"Rhetorical question. Have you ever been sold to men by your own mother? Have you ever been raped whilst your own mother sat there and watched?" I began. Everyone around the room had similar looks on his face. 

Dad looked the most distraught, he probably couldn't believe that he had married that woman at some stage. Bruno was straight up silently balling his eyes out, and the sadness on Giacomo's face had disappeared and he looked mad. Agostino looked the same as Giacomo.

"Have you ever been raped so many fucking times that you fall pregnant with you rapists baby? Multiple times? Just to miscarry the baby?" I said without thinking. I slapped and hand over my mouth, I wasn't supposed to say that.

tw - over

Fucking hell, I couldn't think properly right now, it was bad. I had just let them know something I planned on keeping with me forever. Carlo visibly paled in front of me, I was worried he was going to pass out. I made the most of the opportunity and pulled my wrist out of his grip.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Rocco and Enzo had entered the room, but they weren't close enough for me to see their facial expressions. They probably heard the ending of my outburst. I stormed out of there, not sparing a second glance at the rest of my family.

I couldn't handle whatever expressions they had on their face. They were probably all disappointed, their 16 year old sister/daughter had been pregnant. Dad could've been a grandfather, my brothers could've been uncles.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now