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a/n- this is the start of the old stuff. remember the quality of the first 20? yeah, it goes to shit from here. so pls no hate i'm aware all this stuff sucks it makes me want to rip my hair out and never read wattpad again, but apparently some people wanted it back and i'm a people pleaser to my core 💋

Carlo's POV

When I woke up to a bed without Chiara in it, it allowed me to think about what happened last night.

Our mother sold her to others, for them to rape her. Oh who knows, they probably did more knowing the kind of word the Mafia is. Then she felt the need to ask if her own family would hurt her. My heart shattered when she asked that, no one in this hand would let anyone put their hands on her, let alone do it themselves. 

After a long mental battle, I came to the conclusion that I was going to tell the family about this. Then they might be able to find who did it to her. I also hoped that this would make Rocco and Enzo be nicer to the poor thing. Chiara wouldn't be happy, but surely she'd get over it.

I quickly send of a text telling everyone to meet outside in the family group-chat. Chiara hadn't been added yet, but I made sure to say that it was about Chiara and that she shouldn't be there.

When I went downstairs and saw Chiara and how happy she was, I felt a bit reluctant to do this. She was finally happy, and I knew that this wouldn't make her happy. But I was worried, and at the end I believed it would be the right thing to do.

I made my way outside and found all of my brothers and my Dad lounging about on the outdoor couches. Everyone's heads snapped up when they heard me come in.

"Why are we here?" Enzo asked, gazing up from his phone.

I took a seat next to Dad and Bruno and said, "Chiara talked to me about her dream last night." 

"Carlo, she told you that because she trusted you. Now you're going to ruin that by telling all of us? I don't think so bud." Giacomo said sternly from his seat, raising an eyebrow at Carlo.

"I'm aware, but I think it might have something to do with the mafia." I said, fiddling with my fingers in my lap.

"How?" Rocco asked. Everyone looked at me with expressions that were asking me to continue.

"Well uh-" I started, but took a break to suck in one last breath before continuing, "Last night Chiara asked if in the mafia we ever buy people to, to uh r-rape them." 

It felt like everyone around me paused for a second, all with confused looks on their faces. Bruno looked like he'd figured it out though, he looked absolutely heartbroken.

"Why would she ask that?" Enzo asked, clearly confused.

"Rosalia fucking sold her to creeps didn't she." Bruno spat, eyeing me, waiting for a response.

"Carlo no, you're joking aren't you." Rocco asked. I stayed silent, looking at the ground with my eyes filling with tears. Everyone clearly got the answer, with a lot of Italian curses being shared around the group.

Enzo and Rocco clearly were mad at something or themselves, and stormed off to different parts of the island. Bruno was the first one to say something.

"Chiara should've been the one to tell us that. It's not your story to share Carlo." He said angrily, it was weird to see him like this. He wasn't one to get mad easily.

"I think he did the right thing, now we all know something else that's happened in her past and know how to help her." Agostino explained calmly, but he was obviously feeling anything else but calm. His jaw was clenched tightly and his fists were clenched together.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now